Friday, December 9, 2016





Week 23


Hey all this week has been good! Some fun things, I realized this week that I am very talented at launching pencils with my stretchy dress lol. My companion and I also made a line dance to a song that is in the Ephraims Rescue movie :) It was fun! 

My district leader this week asked me to teach 5 to 10 minutes about the gift of discernment.. So I planned maybe 5 minutes or so because it was the day before... And I go to teach it, I focused on prayer and how we really need to be making our prayers sincere and how to have better prayers so we can fully have the Holy Ghost with us to teach us more and effectively and follow the promptings we receive.. I thought I had been up there for maybe 5is or 7 minutes.. I sit down, look at the clock and I had been up there for 40 minutes teaching! I felt so bad! But everyone said it was great! And on sunday one of the elders got up and bore his testimony about how important prayer is and how him and his companion were taught it this week.. I was like hey he's talking about my lecture! lol. it made me feel good that it helped someone and I hadn't wasted 40 mintues for nothing! 

One of the elders, we played sport on saturday with investigators and some less actives, and the grass had a layer of frost on it.. One of the elders decided to make snow angles... He is over 6 foot, and he was so funny because he was like a 6 foot toddler, making snow angels in the grass it was so funny! 

We had a lesson with an investigator, who wasn't so sure about prayer last time! But we got him to pray at the end of our lesson, and we committed him to pray to know if the book of mormon is true... He is worried because he knows if he receives an answer that yes the book of mormon is true, then he has to change his life.. Which to me it seems as if he has already received his answer that yes the Book of Mormon is true and the word of God! It was amazing that he realized that though :) we will hopefully invite him to be baptized our next appointment! 

ALL is well, hope all is well there as well! Keep your prayers meaningful, and know that God listens to every single one, no matter how small :) ( example: I prayed for cookies on our bike ride over to our district meeting because I was so hungry amd we hadn't had time to eat and I wasnt sure if I would make it.. 20 mintues later, our district leader busted out cookies.. God answers our prayers because he loves us)

love you all!

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

Week 22


This week has been good! We started our Christmas initiative video for the church, if you haven't seen it look it up on it is such a great video! 

This week I decided how much I love seeing little danish children in snow suits walk around its so cute haha. Also this week, we had zone training. Two funny things that happened was there is an elder who is amazing at the rubix cube. One of the sisters was trying to mix it up so he couldn't solve it, and another elder looks at her strugglingt to mix it, and he says "He can literally put it together faster than you can to take it apart" it was funny because then she accidently "broke it" and he had to put it back together with all the pieces separated ahah. The other funny thing at zone conference, is that someone asked what an advent calendar was because its part of the chirstmas initiative, and one of the elders says, its like where you can eat a piece of american chocolate behind each day before christmas, and then someone says, no its plastic.. so the elder goes "oh sorry right it's america you get to eat the little piece of plastic behind the door " haha it was really funny lol. What can we say Denmark has really good chocolate! Forget all my missionary clothes when I go home, my suitcases will be full of Danish food and chocolate lol. 

A miracle we had this week, was we decided to go "spirit finding", so we went to a spot in our area with a lot of streets we could knock, then we prayed at every inersection to know which way to go. when we got to a street that we felt was right, we prayed about each specific number, felt impressed to go to number 47, didn't work out, but then we knocked the rest of the street and the 4th house was a girl who knew a mormon guy in her class and how she was interested in it! So we got her number and are going back to her house soon! it was exciting!!!! 

We gave a card with our number on it to 2 young guys on the street the other day, a few hours later when they were drunk they were calling and leaving us voicemails, and they asked us if we knew a mormon Marc... a MORMON MARC. and they kept repeating it it was so hilarious and funny we were dying lol. I don't think they remember the following morning either lol. oh well ahah. It waas a good week hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving in America, and ate some good food for me!


Sister Kemiella Quinton

                                                          Kemi Kali Street!!!
                                                            a little horsing around