Sunday, December 17, 2017

Week 74

MY Last Week HAS COME! 

We had a great thanksgiving, we had a wonderful lesson where our investigator didn’t show, then he showed up right as we were walking out and he didn’t know we had an appointment but  had been there to look for his keys and then we met with him anyways. we also have had fun packing our apartment up ahha. As of Today, I have been in Denmark 474 days, and i have been on my mission 515 days. its so weird how I feel like i just got here still.

Well, after a year and a half in a foreign land speaking a different language, I never thought that I would come to this point where i would have to leave a land that i love. But, i am so grateful for the time that I have had here. I’ve loved the people, the culture, the language, and getting to speak to people about the reality that Jesus Christ lives and loves them and has an eternal plan where they can return back to live with him again. I’ve loved, getting to share my own experiences and share that no matter where you are in life, you can turn to God, and he will help you. 
Never before had I felt the truth and reality of a loving Heavenly Father, and i wish that i could spend another 1 1/2 years speaking about the light and strength the gospel of Jesus Christ gives me. I would encourage all of you, whether you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or not, to find the strength that comes from it, and find the light that it brings. it wont just come to you suddenly, we are asked to work for it and try it. If all we do is hope its real, and TRY to live it the way God asks us to, then we will know the power in his true church. I know that church to be this church and Im so grateful for the love God has shown me as I've made mistakes, and as i try every day to be a little bit more like my Savior Jesus Christ. 

I love my mission, and I hope  i will be able to always keep being the person i know God expects and wants me to be,  as his child here on earth. 

i look forward to seeing all of you, and I hope that you will take my challenge, to really try and get to know your Savior a little bit better this week. I will be doing the same. Keep being amazing, and have a  great week! 


Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                     At the airport, goodbye Denmark

                                                       Heading to the Airport!!
                                                        President & Sister O'Bryant

                                      Waiting for her plane........

                                                    Finally home after 30 hours of travel

                                              WELL DONE , We are SOOO PROUD OF YOU!!
                                                       MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!

Week 73


hey all! WOw my second to last general email! Crazy! I feel like i still have a lifetime left on the mission not a week left ahha. Unfortunately, missions fly by... 

but to talk about the amazing things that have happened this week, is one, We got our trainee and her name is Sister Hansen!!!! haha (i already had a sister hansen as a companion!) She is from Bountiful Utah and she is 5´10" haha. super awesome missionary! We also found out at the same time when we found out she was going to be our trainnee, that when i go home in a week, sister smith and hansen will be driving over to Viborg which is in jylland and they will be opening that area up! there havent been sisters over there in over 3 years! Crazy right?! . So we also have to pack our apartment up a little bit ahha. yay haha. we have an eating appointment every single day of the week this week too except one day. 

on monday this past week, i got to send off the old missionaries home and it was the saddest thing to stand in the airport as they all flew home, but it was awesome too! then we got to pick up the new missionaries as well and that was way fun! then on wednesday, we picked up our trainee and found out it was sister hansen, and did lots of random things haha. her luggage got lost on the way here, so we had to wait for a few hours in the offfice until we could get it but then it went to our apartmetn instead aha. on thursday, we taught a way awesome lesson with our investigator john piil, and it was so great! He said he wanted to come to church, we taught about prayer and it went so well!!. Then we taught alex and also talked about prayer and it went great as well! then the following day, we had district meeting and that was good, then we ran home and drove to Køge to meet with Emenike, and it was also a wayyyy good lesson! Talk about greenie fire! The spirit was so strong in all the lessons we had and I definitely saw Gods hand working in the work we were doing. 

Saturday we had sport, me and sister smith had to sit on the side since neither of us can play, and then afterward we did some service for Donna and we got horse poop all over our clothes and gloves, but an upside was that we got to pet and hang out with some cows, and we saw 2 baby cows that were born not even a week ago so that was way cute! haha

on sunday, i had to translate in sacrament for an investigator of the roskilde sisters who doesnt speak danish, and  i bore my testimony since next week is the primary program.. we taught gæste klasse for the second hour... something i forgot to mention was that an investigator i taught( when he was one.. now hes baptized) Thorbjørn surprised me and came to my last testimony! So he was at chuch all day and it was the coolest thing ever! So much fun getting to see an old friend again whom i got way close to! It was a stellar week and i hope this following week will be just as uplifting and amazing :) 

i hope you all have an amazing week, and keep doing the right things! Love you all!!! :) 

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission