Thursday, June 1, 2017

Week 47


Hey all ! This week was wonderful! We had the opportunity to help with a stake activity that is called Generations, and we got to meet lots of nonmembers and all that it was so great! Wonderful missionary and ward activity! All of us missionaries also got to say hi to our old MTC teacher Brother Casper because he is in Denmark for an internship so that was weird.. Especially when he told us to call him by his first name, Brian, it was nice to talk to an American again! They are few and far between ahah.

We also had 4 baptisms this week in Denmark, and they all went awesome! I got to attend one and it was so graet! The man Thomas is so tall, it was hard for the bishop to pull him back up out fo the water after he went down into it ahah. But it was a wonderful sprirtual experience!!

We also got in contact with our investigator Henrik who was on baptismal date ,  we hadn't had contact with him for 5 weeks,  despite our hardest efforts. But we had a lesson, and we are so excited! He is still so ready for baptism and we will continue to try our hardest to bring him to Christ .)

We also had a fun bike ride and ate pizza with a less active woman who is disabled, but it was way fun! It was the perfect day, and I had the opportunity to help her by cutting her pizza for her and refilling her water cup so she could drink and eat, I felt so much love for her as a child of God, and I was reminded of how the Savior helps us by cutting pieces of "spiritual food " for us, and letting us eat a little bit then he cuts us more, and he never gives us more than we can handle. He will cut us the pieces of the gospel, and set them in front of us, but it is us who have to decide to partake and eat of the blessing and things he has in store for us. It was a wonderful experience, and i'd encourage you all to think and reflect about how God has spiritually fed and gave you living water in your daily lives, and how you can help others do the same as well!

As a mission in Denmark(and Iceland) we have the opportunity to hear  elder Neil L Andersen of the Quorum of the 12 speak to us missionaries this week ,90 or so missionaries.. and he talks to us personally as a mission. I'm way excited to hear his council and apply it to my life! This kind of conference doesn't happen for missionaries very often at all, and we don't have a whole mission conference ever so it will be wonderful to see our mission (INCLUDING ICELAND MISSIONARIES MAY I ADD) and talk with an advocate of the Lord. I hope your week is amazing, i love you all stay wonderful!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                               A wish Tree in Copenhagen

                                                 Sister Landeen besties!

all of us sitting in a line on the pier
              A tour district activity Me, SIsters Batey, Dietch, Landeen, Andrew, and elder Jensen
Sister Deitch and I

us with Thomas Kofod dressed up as the guy from back to the future 

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