Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Week 46


WOW this week was wonderful! We had such an amazing week! :) First off, is I forgot to mention that Neil L Andersen is coming to talk to us in our mission here in a week! So that’s way exciting we are all preparing spiritually ! I’m way excited :)

Also this week, we stopped by a man named Casper who we had given a Book of Mormon to about 2 weeks ago. When we first gave him the book, he didn’t seem too excited about it but he finally ended up taking it. When we came back this week, he said he had read the chapter we gave him, and we love to discuss it and if we had time to come back and meet again? We were so excited! Also a miracle for the week is some elders were fixing my bike at the church and so Ii was sitting inside the chapel playing piano while my companion was sitting in the open doorway to the outside since it was a nice summer day. I was playing a song I wrote, it was just instrumental stuff that I was making up on the spot, and all the sudden she quickly walks over to me and is like keep playing! A mom and her little kid just stopped, sat down and listened to you and they were smiling! Keep playing sister Quinton! So apparently my music was heard by some wonderful Danish people and I hope they felt the spirit! Maybe someday they will investigate the church! :) 

This week, I was thinking about patience  and charity a lot, and how we sometimes think we have learned a Christ like attribute to its fullest, but then God shows us that we have only learned a small part of what he desires of us. And how we continuously need to trust him and know that he is our master, and we are his Masterpiece. He shapes us and molds us into the people we can be. And one of the hardest things to realize and accept, is realizing that God can make something more out of us thank we could ever make of ourselves because HE is the master carpenter. He is OUR master creator. 

I hope you all had such a wonderful week and have lots of blessing’s  you all see in your lives ! :) Happy Mother’s Day!!  Love you all! Jeg holder meget af jer i mit hjerte! :)

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                      Bike Ride to Virum

                                                        Group photo
                                                     To Virum
                                                   In front of the library
                     Tulips for Mom's Day as close as I can get to sending mom the real thing

                                                                 Sister Andrews

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