Monday, September 18, 2017

Week 64

I hope you all got my general last week, but it didn’t seem like it went through so sorry about that!

This week was good! We took an essentials p day so that our district could go to Bon Bon land... but uhhh we didn’t end up getting to go.  Sister Whiltock and I went to Odense to see the baptism of Rikke! We knocked into to her and then I taught her for a good while so it was so cool getting to see her baptized :) it was so really great! God is great, and getting to watch him work in others' lives is amazing :)

On the way back from the baptism, we saw 2 other sister missionaries, apparently there was another emergency transfer because a sister got threatened by a crazy person. The 2 sisters who were affected by the transfer (they were not threatened) was Sister Player and Sister Barney, and then we saw Matthias ( a member) at the train station as well! It was so cool because we had the original Odense squad back together like a year later! it was so cool :) so we took a picture :) on the train ride back form Odense, we saw a fight go down with 2 guys, and they have these weird plastic divider things between the doors, I watched as the fight began less than 15 feet away from me, and I watched one guy slam the other guy, and his body flew and smashed against the plastic thing.. It was way intense... and surprisingly, the plastic thing didn’t break that was surprising. Blood everywhere.. The authorities didn’t even clean it up. Gross. It all worked out okay, they got the situation under control here really quickly. It was still a little unnerving.

Our zone leaders have a joke with us that whoever cannot give out more Book of Mormons that the companionship, then we have to write a rap.  So this week we worked our butts off, and it only amounted to 4 books of Mormon... so we built it up way big this week and the zone leaders were way worried because we wouldn’t tell them how many we gave out. Then they told us they gave out 26!! When we told them 4 books of mormons, the zone leader was like that’s it?! You had me stressing all week I thought we were gonna get destroyed! I was having a heart attack all week! ONLY 4?! haha it was so funny haha. It was a rough week for giving out books, It was still a good week. anwuhoo, hope you all are doing well, stay awesome!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                      Matthias on the train
                                          The mission Pres Wife center back Sister O'Bryant
                                                   Mission Training Conference

                                                                Sister Jones and I

Week 63

Sept 11, 2017

Gosh this week was such a whirlwind! We had so many fun things going on! First, we had our zone conference, and that was very enlightening and fun! Then we also had splits with the STLS, and that was fun! Me and sister Jex were in the rain all day and it was the worst because it’s the misty rain that somehow soaks through all your clothes really fast haha.
Me and sister Jones got to get a new car, they are switching out all the mission vehicles to newer ones, so our new car is awesome! Her name is Lucy ( apparently everyone names cars and stuff here as a missionary. I think it’s weird but I went along with it hahah) and our GPS which we decided to put in Swedish and see how much we understand (we are trying to learn Swedish) his name is Benjy.
We were way sad to give in the old car Melanie, and the GPS Ben, but that’s okay our newer things are way cooler. So yeah ahha. 

My knee is doing a little better this week so that’s good! 
Sorry so short!

All in all, missionary work was a blur but it was great, and everything else is doing great! So that’s good. Hope all is wonderful there at home! I look forward to hearing from all of you! <:) 

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Copenhagen Denmark Mission

                                                    Yummy Triangles!! Look how BIG it is!

                                                   Flower vending machines.
                                        Sis.Fife the only one that can fit my small helmet!!

                                               Sis. Jones  More mask time...pores are important,

                                                         Sister Whitlock and I at Rikke's baptism

Week 62


Well, hello al! This week was... eventful.. Basically long story short, I've been having problems with my knee when I got hit about 5 months ago in Soccer, and I will be needing an operation. I have been given an earlier release date of November 29th, which is a little less than 3 months away. if I am in too much pain, then I will get a medical release early and I will come home and get the surgery. I'm not sure how the tables will turn yet, but I hope to finish my mission as much as possible before i am finished and go home. I love Denmark, and I've seen so many people change theirs lives...There was an elder here who asked me " what kind of mission are you serving sister Quinton?! You’ve had so many crazy things happen to you!" ahha so that was funny ahha.

I've been transferred to Holbæk and I’ll be in a car area with Sister Jones who was in my MTC group.
This week(before i got transferred when i was with sister Fife in Horsens) we taught the word of wisdom to a man, and it was so cool because we got him to go down one cigarette for that day and he didn't drink either the entire day, and he was so present and  there in church it was so cool!! :) He has been trying so hard to live the word of wisdom, and you can see its starting to affect him in a positive way :) I love teaching others about the gospel and Christ :)

Something I've noticed in this process of my knee and all the things I've been doing is that as missionaries we give so much, as members too, sometimes we give so much when it's all we can do. As I've been realizing all the things going on this past few weeks with my knee and getting transferred to a car so I can last longer, I've been wondering, have I really done enough? Have I REALLY given the Lord all I can every single day? I think a lot of the time the answer we give ourselves is a question, and it is, "well, what is my all? What IS my best? “I think that depends. But if we feel satisfied with the way we have acted today, then I believe the answer is yes. One thing I learned from an elder here and one of my dear friends in the mission, he one time said, the question he asks himself every night, is "have I brought myself to Christ? Have I brought others to Christ?" if the answer is yes, then you have done a good work that day. The other piece of advice I have, (as once said to me), sometimes our best is going out, doing lots of things and spending a whole day out there, doing things that need to be done and serving and being here and there and that’s great because it’s our best. Then other days, our best is just to get out of bed and get dressed. Whichever day you are having today, I would hope that you realize, you are trying your best. If you have brought others or yourself to Christ today, then you have had a day, where the love of the Savior can reside. I would encourage all of you who do not feel as if you are doing enough, or aren't good enough, keep praying for the love of the savior, and keep trying because if we are trying, we are doing something, and something is making us move forward towards Christ.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

One more thing:

This week we had an eating appointment with the elders, and the first thing was a the old guy who was our host brought out these drinks that looked like strawberry pieces in cream. Turns out, it was yogurt and shrimp. I was like oh crap I can’t eat shrimp.. Like the one time I did I gagged.... so like the old guy walked out for a minute, and everyone else was done of the missioners because it was just us 4 then the old man. I looked at all of them frantically and was like I can’t eat the shrimp. so the coolest elder ever, Elder Stephens grabs the cup from me and scarves it all down for me in 10 seconds before the guy came back, and he got yogurt all over his face then just casually wiped it off then the guy walked back in a few mintues later.. but it was insane crazy and funny I was so grateful!!! 
Sister Kemiella Quinton 


Sister Kemiella Quinton Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                         Sister Fife and I

                                                        My new companion Sister Jones
                                                                Fife and I
                                                                   The Odense Group