Monday, September 18, 2017

Week 63

Sept 11, 2017

Gosh this week was such a whirlwind! We had so many fun things going on! First, we had our zone conference, and that was very enlightening and fun! Then we also had splits with the STLS, and that was fun! Me and sister Jex were in the rain all day and it was the worst because it’s the misty rain that somehow soaks through all your clothes really fast haha.
Me and sister Jones got to get a new car, they are switching out all the mission vehicles to newer ones, so our new car is awesome! Her name is Lucy ( apparently everyone names cars and stuff here as a missionary. I think it’s weird but I went along with it hahah) and our GPS which we decided to put in Swedish and see how much we understand (we are trying to learn Swedish) his name is Benjy.
We were way sad to give in the old car Melanie, and the GPS Ben, but that’s okay our newer things are way cooler. So yeah ahha. 

My knee is doing a little better this week so that’s good! 
Sorry so short!

All in all, missionary work was a blur but it was great, and everything else is doing great! So that’s good. Hope all is wonderful there at home! I look forward to hearing from all of you! <:) 

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Copenhagen Denmark Mission

                                                    Yummy Triangles!! Look how BIG it is!

                                                   Flower vending machines.
                                        Sis.Fife the only one that can fit my small helmet!!

                                               Sis. Jones  More mask time...pores are important,

                                                         Sister Whitlock and I at Rikke's baptism

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