Saturday, August 6, 2016

Week 6

Aug 4th 2016

Hi Everyone,
This week was an interesting week! I can't believe in 3ish days I go to Denmark! I'm so stoked but also i'm so not excited because in know I won't understand anything lol. But I know that the Holy Ghost will speak to them through me despite all my imperfections as an individual. We got our Finnish elders and sisters this past week, and one of them is from Slovakia. I was able to talk to her for a while and I told her I had a friend who served in the Czech Slovak Mission and she goes "Well whos your friend?" I told her his name and she goes "Oh my goodness, I know him! He was one of the Elders that taught me! I got baptized a month after he left!" then she asked me how I knew him and I told her he was in my Russian class and we talked all the time and it was super awesome! Her name is Sister Bartusz( I can't rememebr how to spell it) but yeah so it was fun finding out I knew someone she did! I also found out that the Norway sister, Sister David had a male EFY counselor and she was telling me abnout his family and I was like wait is his wifes name Lindsey and it turns out that her efy couselor married my efy counselor which is awesome! 

This week for one of my companions and mine lesson with our investigator(our teacher), we had to teach outside at a table because all the other classrooms were full, and as were teaching it was super windy and the wind is blowing my teachers scritpures pages. All the sudden a page goes flying out and we watch it for a second before we realize what it is and then he's like Oh no! and he went chasing after his page from his scriptures that the wind ripped out haha. We all kinda laughed awkwwardly since it was in the midle of our lesson we all kinda broke character for a second then jumped back in haha. 

Being Silly this week, we all decided we should have a "spirit animal" for some random reason. lol In the MTC we have so much to do, but really we have nothing to do lol. Literally on sundays because were so bored after church, we have a zone temple walk where we walk around the temple for like an hour because there isn't tons to really do on Sundays. I'm not saying I'm not busy because I am, but not in the way I'd like to be busy ahha. Anyways my sprirt animal is a fox! 

I saw an elder from my stake on wednesday! his name is Dylan Elton and he's going to be serving in the Scotland Ireland Mission speaking Chinese/ Mandarin.. he came in on Wednesday and I was like hey! I know you! my roomate Riley left on Monday for Paraguay to serve her mission so I'm so excited for her! I'm doing well as well!

As I mentioned earlier sometimes in the MTC you get a little bored, so my companion and I decided to decorate the sign for the Womens bathroom you know the one with the picture of the woman in the dress... So we cut out and colored a little tiny baby book of mormon( in danish of course) and also we drew a nametag and put Sister Jones on it because that is one of the sisters names here lol. And we taped it to the womens sign of our classroom floor bathroom it was awesome everyone who saw was  like that is so creative!! anywhoo thanks so much for supporting me on my mission and I grateful to all! Next time I email i'll be in Denmark!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center

                                                                Girls in my district
                                           I sister Kemi met from Slovakia, who was taught the
                                         gospel by a friend of kemi's she met at BYUI in her Russian
                                              class. Now she's going to serve a mission herself!

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