Thursday, July 28, 2016

Week 5


Hey all! This week has been good! We taught 5 lessons this week so far usually we teach about 7 by Thursday.. 4 of the lessons went really good! Then the last one we taught which was to our investigator Jorgen which is one of our teachers( Bro. Wright), the lesson went not so good we didn't teach to his need because what we thought what he needed obviously wasn't what he needed which was frustrating. My companion and I teach him again tomorrow, hopefully it goes better! 
We also teach relief society again on Sunday, we just taught like two weeks ago lol... Oh well more blessings right? 

While waiting for choir on Tuesday, all of us missionaries were packed in a hallway waiting for the doors to open and these two random elders decided to start a rap battle it was kinda funny haha. Neither were very good at rapping lol. We also got to sing with the Nashville Tribute Band for backup! It was weird since it was Christian music, but like, not MOTAB lol.. They have some really good songs! Some of the ones I really liked hearing were "Johns Song", "When the Son of Man", and "I was Born". 

The past two weeks or so I've been telling my companions how much I really want a taco bell taco, and I know God loves me!! Because on Tuesday we walk into the cafeteria for dinner, and on the sign it has TACOBELL! I was so excited! Its such a simple little thing, but God definitely watches out for our little wants and needs because its not like I needed tacobell, but he loved me enough to make a prayer come true lol. 
Its weird to think i'll be in Denmark in 10 days or so! I get my travel plans tomorrow which is awesome. Also this week my whole zone which consists of all the Swedish missionaries, the Finnish missionaries, the Norwegian missionaries, the Iceland missionary, and the Danish missionaries, we all go to go to a Finnish sisters' endowment session because she is from Lithuenia so she hadn't had the chance to get her endowments out. It was so awesome having like 50 of us there to support her :). 

This week has gone by so fast I swear just yesterday was Sunday.. Also this week I had to help my teacher get a splinter out of his hand... It was hard because I wasn't about to touch his hand because thats just weird as a missionary.... Its funny how someone asks you to help them and it gives you pause now that you have all these rules lolo. But I successfully extracted the splinter without breaking any mission rules! I I was proud of myself lol. 
One of my teachers gets married in about 3 weeks or so so were all very excited for him! Elder Jewkes is his name.
Danish is coming but again, its still coming slowly it feels like lol. Not anywhere else though would you be able to successfully communicate and understand a language in 5ish weeks haha. I know when I get to Denmark, I'll be starting from square one again though since I probably won't be able to understand anything, but hey its okay, because I know I can do it! lol 
Hope you all had a great week thanks for all the support! Stay safe!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center

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