Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Week 3


Hey all! SO this week was been quite intersting and fun! I had the opportunity to "host" the new missionaries who came to the MTC yesterday and I ,only by the grace of God , got to host my best friend and roommate Riley(SIster Parker now)! It was so cool! Downside to yesterday, is at lunch I had grabbed this brownie thing and when I went to go eat it it was cold, so I was like thats weird.. I ate it anyways, and as I was eating it I hoping it didn't  have cheesecake in it(cheesecake has always upset my stomach for those who dont know). And sure enough an hour later I was feeling really sick, I stuck thorough hosting all the way though. Then I got to class, and I was still feeling  sick kinda to the point where I  thought I might throw up but I stayed strong! My companion and had to watch 2 lessons yesterday becuse we have 3 investigators that I believe we teach until we leave the MTC and the 3 investigators are our teachers lol.  My companion knew I was sick , I'd told her what happened, and so we go in the lesson, I literally say 2 sentences the entire time, I'm trying not to hurl , You could tell our teacher was super confused! But anyways so the investigator lesson went really well the Holy Ghost definittely was there to help her because she is a phenomenal teacher and I was like yeah,  maybe you should teach everytime! Haha,  several hours later, after dinner, we had to teach another investigator lesson to our other teacher, and I still wasn't feeling any better... I had taken some medicine  that I thought would work, and for like 5 minutes it did,  but then it didnt. So we go into the second lesson, and again she teaches the whole lesson except me saying two lines. This teacher could tell I wasn't feeling good and knew something was wrong but he didnt say anything about it , he was just cool about it. Then after the lesson is finished and he is our teacher again, we're in class, and he walks in, turns around and says "Sister Quinton are you feeling okay?"(he asked me in Danish) and I said "i'm ok so my companion,  the sweetheart she is, told him what happened and he was like do you need to go to your residence and lay  down? I told him I would be fine ... About an hour and a half I started to feel better so I think it mostly worked through my system and i was able to focus enough not to toss all my cookies haha.

I got to attend the temple today with my companion and our other 2 sisters it was awesome as usual :) I have to say my district is all pretty awesome haha. So many awesome memories and inside jokes that we laugh about for no reason because its funny ahha. Also this week, one of the sisters had not had her Visa personal appearance yet, so the MTC flew her down to Houston to get it. She had to be at the travel office on the mtc campus by 1:30 am, and so all 3 of us other sisters walked her down in our pjs and blankets because we didnt want her to walk there by herself! It was quite the adventure and we were giggling about everything haha. There were 7 elders who were headed to their missions which I believe was in Japan, and they were all looking at us all crazy ahha. Im trying to think of what else happened this week! So much happnes in each day since we have 16 hour days all the days kinda blend together and what not. I really need to start bringing my journal so i can see what i wrote .

I found out this week that apparently Russia has closed itself to proselyting! SO now everyone going to Russia and what not is basically a service mission. Its funny how much i didnt realize i had picked up of Russian considering i had only taken 2 semesters of it, until all the sudden in lessons and what not i need to find the danish word, and i cant think of the danish or english word all I can think of is the russian word... Just today my companion Sister Jex was like, I'm surpurised you still remember so much Russian! I was like O know I'm surprising myself! hahah . I'll try and send some photos I'm quickly running out of time but i think I'll  get the photos of my small 7 people district ahha. Its weird how fast time goes and how slowly it does at the same time! Its been like 2 weeks from yesterday that I've actually been here, but it feels like a lifetime! I'm almost halfway done in the MTC i leave in less than a month for Denmark! IM definitely not ready for it!

Hope you all have a great week and I thank you all who are sending me Dear Elder Letters I  really appreciate them and enjoy hearing from all of you! Have a great week! Or in Danish: Har en godt uge( close pronunciartion: har- en - goat- oo)! 


Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

Provo Missionary Training Center

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