Friday, July 1, 2016

Week 1 MTC

On Jun 30, 2016, at 8:19 PM, Kemi Ella Quinton <> wrote:

 Hey all! Finally got to email you two lol. I hope you're enjoying your empty nest now that we are finally all gone!

 I'm still alive though the Danish is hard haha. They have so many silent letters and letters that change what the sound is like k's that change to g, gs that change to l's in the middle of words, I don't even know . I had to give a prayer in danish today,. let me tell you it was completely awful haha. I'm sure i'll get better someday though! 
The MTC food is interesting.... Not my favorite I definitely like your cooking way better mom ;) Too bad food can't be mailed . 
The MTC definitley isn't what I thought it would be its kinda weird not gonna lie... apparently we can't listen to music in our residence halls... so basically no music at all until I get to Denmark! I'll live.
 I saw my paper today and it looks like my release date is December 26 2017... SOOooo right at christmas time  Happy Christmas to me!
 My p-day is thursday, so I won't be able to email until next Thursday... Is today thursday? or friday? I can't remember lol.
 I slept like an angel on my bed last night since I had been up for 38 hours straight haha. I nodded off several times.
If you guys want to use I don't know if you need to know my district number but it is 13-B if you need it.
 I'm blanking on what else has happened its been a weird 2 days ahha. Anyways, I love you both and I hope that you guys have had a good two days! Talk to you next Thursday! Love you!

 Sister Kemiella Quinton
 Denmark Copenhagen Mission
 Provo Missionary Training Center

             Last FROYO Date  with mom and dad after being set apart as a missionary 6/28/16
                                                       last airport hugs 3:30 AM  6/29/16
              Last hugs after finding out her sister Karalee and husband Quentin are having a girl!!

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