Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Week 4


So this week was been awesome! I've had a lot of weird experiences and its been hard with teaching investigators, but its also been good. Fi'rst off is the gift of tongues is so real! Im not saying like I feel it or understand it all the time because a lot of the time I still feel like a fish out of water and I don't understand lol. But there are times when I understand exactly what's going on. I decided to read in the danish book of mormon one day after a really good class, and I read 1 nephi chapter 3 which is talking about nephi and his brothers following the lords counsel and going back to Jerusalem.. I read the first 20 verses, and there was maybe 20 words throughout the whole thing that 
I didn't understand.... I was able to figure it out and I was like God defintiely loves me! I feel like the gift and tongues comes and goes, but it was definitely one of the ups! Considering that was at my 2 1/2 week mark, it was good! 
     Another story with the gift of tongues where it was an up for me, was when my companion and I taught an investigator "Peter"( my teacher Bro Casper)..  it was our first lesson with him and it went soooo well! Normally when I talk in danish, I speak at the pace of a snail because I can't seem to put my sentences together well. You think i'm exaggerating, i'm not lol, seriously im the slowest person in my class i'm positive... But anyways my companion is usually the one that leads the lesson most because she is absolutely amazing at danish and speaking it, but this lesson, I actually led the lesson and I didn't mean to, but I just felt like it worked and I just knew. I felt like the spririt was there, and it worked and he understood my personal experience, and understanding and what not it was great :) Granted, that hasn't happened since then but it still made me happy lol. 
Right now my companion and I are teaching 9 lessons a week if you include the 2 lessons that we teach to actual members of the church here who speak danish and we just give a spritiual thought and what not and get to know them ... 

OHHHH my goodness!!! Best part of my week this week was on sunday! SO the mission presidency decided to make something special for the new missioanries who had just come in the Wednesday before, so we all watched the Character of Christ together as the whole MTC( there are 2600 of us I believe)... For those of you who don't know what "Character Of Christ" is, its a talk that all new missioanries have the priviledge to watch and listen to that was given by David a Bednar several years ago.. Its aa phenomenal talk if you have the chance, go watch it! But anyways, so we are watching this 40 minute talk, and I see the mission president leave for a second and I'm like that's weird but maybe he just had to use the restroom... I never see him come back. At one point during the video Ii was thinking about how awesome it was for the missionaries to be able to witness this from Elder Bednar...  The video ends, they turn the lights on, then all the sudden a door opens and a man starts waving for us to stand up.. SO we stand up and IN WALKS DAVID A BEDNAR AND HIS WIFE!!!!! We are like nooo wayyyy!!!! Elder Bednar starts talking to us and is like my wife and I do this once maybe twice a year and we just come  and a Q&A sooo we talked with him for like 2 hours it was sooo awesome!!! 

Something my companion said this week talking about the MTC and mission life in general, is how the mission is like a slap in the face and a pat on the back at the same time ahah. It's so true you work so hard and you do terrible at things, you feel terrible then you do something amazing and you feel so awesome and learn so much and grow lol. But missioanries wouldn't do it if it wasn't worth it.. It's amazing that our church can send out 18 and 19 year old teenagers, to go preach the gospel.. How in the world does that work? lol no other church would send teenagers out to help others come unto Christ. We spend 1 1/2 to 2 years of our youth talking about God, and we convert people to the Lord, not because we are talented( were teenagerts),,,, but because we have a light that others seek in their lives and we bring a happiness they have never known!  The mission is hard and its not for everyone.. Just yesterday one of our 2 Noway sisters decided to go home because she wasnt emotionally ready for the mission and thats okay. She did her best, and once she's better, she can again try and come to serve the Lord. I'm in a trio now with the only Norway sister and my original companion, but the Lord knows each and every one of us and all he asks is that we do our best. Life is difficult, and we want to give up. But we do all we can because we know as servants of the Lord, we can do it through him. Hope you all have a great week!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center

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