Thursday, July 7, 2016

Week 2


Hey all! This week has been fun and interesting haha. Lots went on I just don’t even know anymore haha. To start off my companion is Sister Jex, she is from Orem Utah! I actually saw her get her call on the sister missionary page on facebook I was on, before I left ,’so its fun we get to be companions lol.
I’ve had a good week!
Danish is difficult I will admit haha. We have been teaching lessons to an "investigator" in danish! We started our third day teaching him in danish his name is Matthias. He is actually our 3rd teacher even though we aren’t technically supposed to know that . Its sooo hard to understand him too! I understand some things but I also don’t understand a lot. I came to find out I have a really hard time finding my words and saying them in danish because the pronunciation is so hard. I find myself thinking of the word in russian actually and I can’t think of it in Danish !  I guess I knew a lot more of russian than I originally realized haha. Yesterday we taught Matthias for the fourth time and he had questions like “ I understand, that you have Joseph Smith and the priesthood and what not, but I don’t understand why….  Why do I need it? Why is it important?  It sounds easy to explain but when youre trying to do it in a foreign language, or even in english, its hard haha. We told him we would telll him today when we teach him again.. Not lookling forward to it. But hey we did sing for him in our lesson Joseph Smiths first prayer and he said it was really good so thats awesome! I don’t rememebr what I’ve told you or what I’ve written in my joural haha.
Our two teachers our Brother Wright and Brother Casper. Brother Wright served his mission in Denmark and he got back like 9 months ago or something? The Finnish sisters from our district say he looks like a calendar model lol.. SUPER awkward lol. And brother Casper served his mission in Iceland. I don’t know when he got back, but he speaks 4 languages and he’s learning a fifth. He speaks icelandic, danish, english, french, and learning german.
For the 4th of July, we didn’t do much it was a normal day until. about 8 pm and we got to go to a devotional thing and then we got to go watch the fireworks.. They told us we had to go back straight to our rooms when the fireworks ended even though they "said" there wasn’t a curfew lol... We actually forgot and were hanging out with our zone which consists of the Swedes, Nords, Finsks, and us Danes because the Swedes and Nords left for Norway and Sweden on Tuesday! All worked out though!
Anywho,  I can’t think of anything interesting really to say haha... I guess something interestingI learned was there is a phrase sometimes used, like if you completely spaced or forgot something, you can say "for katen" pronouced " for cat-en" which means "for the cat" lol. Anywhoo, hope you all have a good weeek!     Har en Goddag(have a good day!)!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

Provo Missionary Training Center

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