Friday, April 21, 2017

Week 42


Hey all! This week was wonderful! I'm doing great! I just got transferred to Lyngby which is on the outskirts of Copenhagen! I'm way excited! I did splits here before twice or three times when I was in my first area Rødovre! SO I was way excited to come back to Copenhagen because Copenhagen holds my heart :) København i mit hjerte!!! haha
 I'll miss Odense and all the People there, but k back to the best place ever :)

My new companion Sister Dietch is wonderful! She's from Provo Utah and shes been out about 6 months now. So were gonna kill it here in Lyngby!

This week, we did so much service to a family in the ward to help literally rebuild their whole yard, driveway, and everything.. One of the days that we did service we were there for about 6 hours. And that was just ONE day! We also had several amazing appointments with investigators this week!

I also sang in church for Easter(påske) yesterday! I actually sang for my ward, and then I sang for the other ward an hour later! Haha it was so crazy! The first hour, our investigator Thorbjørn came because I was singing, and he found out before I walked up , that I would be transferring. He was so sad! He was like thank you for everything and all the times you've helped me! I was so sad to leave! And after I sang, he was like thank you so much that was amazing! My voice actually cracked so much during that song because I felt the Holy Ghost so much, and I also was really nervous, my voice could not hit any of the high notes, so that was a little awkward but sometimes , Holy Ghost has other plans ahah. The Second time I sang it went a lot better! I even had a member who is struggling way hard financially right now, he came up to me and was like, that meant so much to me sister quinton. and then he was like "I'm a fat man, and its hard to make any emotion get through all this fat.. But THAT hit me right in the heart thank you!" I was like awww yay! Haha it made me feel really good that people liked it :) ahah I was way happy! And apparently several people were crying during it which I didn't know but i wasn't really looking at peoples faces so much ahah. But it went good!

As a departing fun thing, all the missionaries on Fyn we did a "sing battle" because 2 other elders said they could write a better song than me so I told them to bring it on ahah. And we both wrote songs, and they say mine hands down was better, but Theirs hands down was better in my book it was wonderful ahah. And then I sang an actual song I had seriously written not like a joke song, and everyone loved it! Which made me feel good as well ahah. I hope all goes well!

Lifes great here in Denmark! love you all tons! :)
Happy Easter!!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                     new companion Sister Dietch
                                                            Alice Held
                                                                               Sister Buxton who heads home in May

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Week 41


Hi everyone
Well, this week was very busy ahha. We had tons of things to do! We did splits in Vejle, then we did a ton of service and yard work for people. We also had zone conference and we were in charge of cake night so then we got to do all that fun stuff.  We did more and more service, and then we went to an advent church here and  we did quite a few other things ... it was a really busy week.
I honestly dont know where the time goes. haha. It was a great week though. I hope you all had a great week as well!

We had an appointment with our investigator Thorbjørn this week(have I ever mentioned that translates to Thunder Bear?) we asked him about praying. He's had a hard time with that, he prayed for a straight week! He said he loved it and wants to do it again! He also prayed at our cake night in front of several people which was  also a miracle! It was a terrific prayer that was so spiritual and heart felt. He's on his way to baptism!

We also had a great discussion over cookies and fanta with our investigator about Jospeh Smith and the Book of Mormon because she read the first 16 chapters in first Nephi.We were way excited :)

All in all, its been productive and amazing week in Denmark!
I'll probably get transferred this week,I find out on Saturday and then I move on Monday. I've been here 6 months and I will really miss Odense, it's a beautiful place .
I know the Lord has plans for me and all of his children! Love you all tons!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

  me, Sis Whitlock, Elder Weaver , Elder Hunt. Elder Hunt sings the vocals for the song Priceless on                                                         the  new EFY 2017 song.
                           me, Sister Mcarthur, Sister Jones and Sister Whitlock at zone conference
                                                      Sister Hansen warming her ears

                                                    Zone Conference

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Week 40


Hey all! 
This week was awesome ! We had a lot of opportunities to do a lot of work, and we had so many miracles! 

We got to watch General Conference, and if I'm being completely honest, I love general conference! I love being able to take questions to the Lord,  that I have, and in some time  throughout the  conference,  whether its during or after,  I always get an answer to my quesitons. I love reading the notes I took of  general conference too! It boosts my testimony beyond belief! 

This week we had an appointment with an investigator , it started  off, as we went to leave, With a flat tire, so I quickly borrowed other sisters who were doing weekly planning. They said yes, so we took off for our appointment! Our investigator was late, when we called him he was still sleeping so we rescheduled (  it would take him about 45 minutes before he could make it to our appointment) . We were a little bummed, but we decided to go knocking before our next appointment at 2pm...  we were biking by an inactive members house on our way to our knocking place, we stopped because we saw tons of yard equipment. we biked quickly back by so we could "wait it out" for a few minutes so we could help them but if they refused, we wouldnt have to take a different way to our knocking place. So we stopped our bikes a little down the street, then we saw the nonmember wife come out and start working in the yard again.(the inactive member (he has no legs). so we "biked by" again and we stop and talk with the nonmember wife for a few minutes. Turns out she just had all of her teeth removed a little bit ago. so we offer our help to help in the yard, and so she let us! We worked for about 45 minutes or so before our next appointemnt, and then we went to our next appointment where we had a wonderful conversation and she was so positive! Then we went back to the inactives house and helped his wife again for about another 2 hours or so and talked as well. it was so great! It was a miracle that the other sister missionaries were just weekly planning and going contacting the last part of the day, because instead of me borrowing the bike for like 2 or 3 hours, we ended up using the bike for about 7 or 8 that day... It was such an amazing experience helping the sister with her yard work! I definitely know that God works in mysterious ways sometimes,  he will always provide us with what we need! I hope you all had an amazing week like I did, and that it was spiritually enriching! God loves us all as his children! Love you all tons!


Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

Week 39

3/27/17 Hey all! 
I hope your week has gone wonderful! We had 2 baptisms in Odense this week! It was so amazing and wonderful they have great things in store for them :) we had Lizette and then we had Mati who were baptized. it was so great! One of our investigators came to one of the baptisms, and his face was so excited and you could just see the pure joy on his face he was so amazed! When I talked to him right after they were baptized, I asked him what he thought and all he could say was Hold op! Det var meget spændende! Which basically means wow that was way wonderful! It was such an amazing experience and I'm excited to see how our investigator Thorbjørn does in his journey in coming to Christ as well! 

This week we also had our ward talent show but it was 2 wards combined, and I sang with 2 of the other sister missionaries and a girl named Isabella who played guitar. We sang "I  will rise" by Chris Tomlin and it went well! I had a couple compliments say that I sang  good so that made me feel nice. haha. 
Its always sweet when people compliment you on your voice! It was sunny almost all week this week! We had weird weather last week, but it only rained 2 times this week and for very short periods of time. the rest of the week was warm, sunny and all that fun stuff! I forgot what it feels like to bike without a big winter jacket haha. 

Not much else happened this week , The 2 baptisms are the highlight ! 
 I know this coming week will also be amazing as well ! Have a beautiful sunny week!


Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission