Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Week 41


Hi everyone
Well, this week was very busy ahha. We had tons of things to do! We did splits in Vejle, then we did a ton of service and yard work for people. We also had zone conference and we were in charge of cake night so then we got to do all that fun stuff.  We did more and more service, and then we went to an advent church here and  we did quite a few other things ... it was a really busy week.
I honestly dont know where the time goes. haha. It was a great week though. I hope you all had a great week as well!

We had an appointment with our investigator Thorbjørn this week(have I ever mentioned that translates to Thunder Bear?) we asked him about praying. He's had a hard time with that, he prayed for a straight week! He said he loved it and wants to do it again! He also prayed at our cake night in front of several people which was  also a miracle! It was a terrific prayer that was so spiritual and heart felt. He's on his way to baptism!

We also had a great discussion over cookies and fanta with our investigator about Jospeh Smith and the Book of Mormon because she read the first 16 chapters in first Nephi.We were way excited :)

All in all, its been productive and amazing week in Denmark!
I'll probably get transferred this week,I find out on Saturday and then I move on Monday. I've been here 6 months and I will really miss Odense, it's a beautiful place .
I know the Lord has plans for me and all of his children! Love you all tons!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

  me, Sis Whitlock, Elder Weaver , Elder Hunt. Elder Hunt sings the vocals for the song Priceless on                                                         the  new EFY 2017 song.
                           me, Sister Mcarthur, Sister Jones and Sister Whitlock at zone conference
                                                      Sister Hansen warming her ears

                                                    Zone Conference

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