Thursday, October 13, 2016

Week 15


This week was a good week full of all sorts of excitement! I was on splits in the Søborg area, and I was knocking doors in this big apartment building where we had someone who said that we could come back. We knocked on the door later and no one's there but as we go to get on the elevator, the guys mom is on it so we talk to her for like 30 minutes or so.  We go to the next apartment building, and there is buzz boxes with a locked elevator so we go back to the building we were just at. We go up the first row of apartments, and we decided to start on floor 14 and then go down. There are only 3 doors to the elevator we were on, so we just did the firsst section of all those floors. We get to the 5th floor, we knock on a door, a man answers and my tempoaray companion starts her approach... Then the man says "Mike! Mike!" and were like what? Then we see this lady in the back fixing something, as we see this 20 year old guy come in to view, and we realize it was the orignal guy who said we could come back! It was his mom in the back! We hadn't realized that we were at the same door lol. We got to talk to Mike again for a while' because hes been so busy.. And we got a return appointment thankfully! SO hopefully that went well! 

Also this week, we met someone in the grocery store and he is 81. We go to his house like 4 days later, and as we come in he goes "oh hi I missed you(in danish)!" and he gives us both a great big hug... We were like uhhhh we can't actually hug as missionaries haha it was super funny because neither of us knew what to do haha. Life goes on as a wonderful missionary of the Lord lol. 

A couple other funny things, is that one of the Elders asks his companion in the morning the same question so that they can start talking in danish. The standard in our mission is 9am to 9pm, as most danish as we can. So to start the danish off in the morning, the elder says to the other elder "Elder, har du din store dreng bukser på?" which meas, "Elder do you have your big boy pants on?" lol. super funny ahha. 
Also, last week I mentioned I was able to share my testimony in russian to a russian investigator with the Elder  who are the Assistants. Apparently they were a lot more impressed with my russian than I was, because I had like 4 people ask me about it this week.. One of them being my mission president.. I was like ohhh yeah I speak a really tiny bit ahha. It was really funny. I actually am helping a danish elder with russian phrases as well for a russian lady they are teaching aha. 

This week in general has been full of miracles there were so many I can't even count them all. I did have the opportuntty to go to a play called "the Haven", which means the garden and it was put on by our stake. It was like a short musical. It was beautiful and about how Christ suffered in the garden and all that it was super amazing and spiritual! 

There is a woman from New Zealand I taught while on splits in Lyngby.. The chapter I suggessted for her to read in the book of Mormon was the first chapter she read. And she let me know yesterday, that she actually has read all of 1st Nephi, and is about a third of the way through Alma! She says she loves it so much and is so delighted to feel joy and happiness every time she opens it. It made me so happy that she is finding the light of Christ, after so many years of not having it. I'm so excited to see where her journey goes :) 
Anyways all is well in Denmakr, the cold is starting to set in, but the Lord has many blessings in store for all these wonderfull people. :)  I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Sister Kemiella Quinton

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