Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Week 17

This week was a good week yet crazy! We kept trying to set up an appointment with Lena a russian lady, but she called us back and said sorry she hadn't gotten back to us, but her dad died this week and she was super busy.. SO we made cookies( småkager in danish) and took them over to her house just to drop them by, and she made us herbal tea and let us talk to her for about 45 mintues or so.. I think she needed a good laugh and someone to cheer her up it was heartbreaking! But hopefully she is doing better now and is looking on the bright side of life, and can find solace in the fact that she will see her dad again!
On a happier note, my companion was dancing while riding her bike the other day! You don't realize how talented you become while cycling, until you are pedaling, and dancing with your whole body at the same time ahha. It was quite an experience haa. We actually saw some construction workers the other day at about 9 pm, and they had all of their bright lights on at their work on this huge building, and they had a Taylor Swift song blasting it was really funny to bike by haha.
Random tangent, but i was thinking about how the US should have saft.. I dont think it does... But what saft is, is its concentrated juice, so you buy the concentrate, then you put a little bit in a glass then you add water,... depending on the saft, its about 1 part concentrate, 11 parts water... its super awesome and it lasts forever and it tastes really good lol. I was realizing how quickly im becoming attached to the danish food and culture haha. Granted I do miss the US, but I also love Denamrk ahah. And i practice reading danish every morning when i read it off the cereal box.. I also have a preview in to my next languages, swedish and finnish because they are also displayed on my cereal box lol. Maybe i'll come back and i'll know several different languages! hhaah maybe, but for now i'll just stick with Danish its difficult enough ahah.
I really dont have much else to report on this week of the Lovely Life in Denmark, but one of the last things i'd like to talk about is prayer. I've been thinking a lot about prayer this week, and how we really should be giving sincere prayers everyday. Its not something that we should repeat and rattle off before we get ready for the day, or when we bless the food. It should be a perosnal conversation with God. When we pray, we know its a two way conversation with God, just like it would be on the phone with our earthly father. With Heavenly Father, its the same, but sometimes people think were farther apart. That conversation with God, is closer than if we talk on the telphone to our Earthly father. God, can be so close to us, but its only if we allow him to be. The Holy Ghost can testify of him in our hearts, and we can feel his love through the Holy Ghost. but we have to be willing to listen, and change in our hearts and listen to his counsel as our Father in Heaven.. Prayer is such a "small thing" or "simple thing", but it is also one of the most important things, we should be constantly changing and improving. When we really sincerely talk to God as our Father , we are more impressed with the thoughts and actions we should take, to truly become closer to him and follow him. I hope you all this week will think about coming closer and nearer to God in your prayers, and try to be a little better evry day.
i love you all have a fantastic week!

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission
                                                       district meeting
                                                 foot massage balls elder Fairbanks
Elder mcDougall crazy

                                                  waiting for the tire patch to dry
                                                    Sis Petesen she was in the MTC with me and is from Alaska

beautiful Denmark

flash dinner

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