Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Week 19

Nov 7th 2016

Hey all! This week has been crazy! First off, Im sure you all have already heard, but its still new news to me, but I'm an Aunt again! Kara just had her baby this week and thats exciting! It's hard sometimes to be on the other side of the world when there are important family events happening at home,, but I know God has plans for me here in Denmark! 

The language is slowly coming, I still don't know a lot of things, but i;m becoming better and I'm understanding lots! We randomly had a guy after we knocked on his door , he was about 85 or so, he asks us, no i'm not interested in your message, but I have a bicycle if you'd like to buy it? and we were like uhh no thank you! Haha my companion and I and the 2 other sisters in our apartment were talking about american Peanut butter for some reason, and I started to randomly giggle and they asked why I was laughing. I then proceeded to quote a scripture that I had changed and it said "Adams fell, that Jiff might be, and Jiff is, that we might have joy" lol it was funny. We played soccer in the pouring rain for 2 hours with investigators and what not. It was os bad, none of us could feel our hands, arms, legs, feet, or anything.. Everything was just frozen cold. 

Sister Player, who is in my apartment had an allergic reaction to clementines this week, so they went to the doctor and they said he was young and his name was Eric.. And he asked if she had any allergic reactions to things, and she said she was allergic to Ibprofeoun, and Tylenol. He then turned around, typed Tylenol into the computer, clicked on it in Wikipedia, read what it was, then turned back around and goes OHhh yeah... lol it was hilarious ahh. 

This week my companion and I decided to start a Purify Fast, where we try our best to only focus on missionary work. We put any distractions on a list, and we don't think about them for 40 days, constantly evauluating ourselves as we do it. We are excited to come closer to God and help us be more inspired to find others while we find. I'm sure it will go good! Also this week, we had a lesson with a man named Dan. He is being taught by the other sisters, and they needed someone to come to their lesson with them so we came and he was explainging aa couple things like how he didnt know if he turned to dust or not after this life, but he didnt understand why we would need to become like God if there was a God. Then he said something about how he wants to pass on his knowledge to his children and to help them become better. So i looked him right in the eye, and I said, "Do you believe God is your Loving Heavenly Father"? Then I continued " You said that when you have children you would want to give them all your knowledge so that they can become better. Don't you think Heavenly Father wishes to do the same with us? He loves us and has so much to give us BECAUSE he loves us" I said severl other things. But as I started to speak, I felt the Spirit fill the room and I saw his features go quiet as he sincerely thougth about it. All 4 of us sisters were so inspired of the Spirit in that lesson is was one of the best lessons i've ever been in ... he is terrifed to change, but When he comes to terms that his life will be SO blessed, he will be one of the strongest members and indiviuals you have ever come across.. It was so aweosme! 

Also this week we taught a girl named Anna Christina, and she says her church isnt enough and she was really interested about our church. She even came to church for the first hour, and she thought it was so cool! She was like wow that was so different! She is so great and we are so excited to teach her more :)  We also were knocking doors once this past week, and the last door we knocked on before we had to leave, it was  a lady and she said " yeah i know who you are a lot of my family is mormon!" and as she said it my thougth was "youre why were here today its you who were supposed to speak to" and i felt so much love and joy in my heart. We had a nice conversatoin with her, and though she didnt necesasrily want to tlak tons about gospel subjects, she still thanksed us for coming and speaking with her it was awesome! Talk about inspiration! 

ANywhoo this week was good! Hope all is well in the states! Stay safe and amazing!

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                               new companion
                                                        Odense my new area

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