Friday, November 25, 2016

Week 20

Nov 14th, 2016

This week definitely has been intersting lol. We will start with the funny and end with the miracles! 

Funny story 1: There's a girl in our ward who is leave on a mission to Toronto, Canada tomorrow and she had her open house last night so on Thursday we went over to her house to help her and her mom make food for it. We had made a huge batch of cookies and had already portioned out most of them and cooked half of them when Lise (her mom) asked "Did you guys put everything in it?" and I responded "selvfølgelig(of course)!" This wasn't our first cookie rodeo. But then we went to start making another batch and as I examined the recipe I realized we'd missed 1.5 cups of sugar.... We silently decided not to tell her because there was little we could do because a lot of them were already portioned out and cooked. But whenever she'd leave the room or look away we'd try to smash spoonfulls of sugar into the tops of the cookies or dish it into the little bit of dough there was left. Afterwards we went to district meeting where we talked about honesty..We learned our lesson and promised to be continuiously hoenst in ALL our doings even when it includes cookies! ..... But we tried the cookies at the open house and they tasted fine. So, all is well. At the open house, one of the elders we told the story too, he came up to me, and was like uhhh One of these coookies tasted a  little funny I think the baker made a mistake. I just laughed haha it was a fun story

Funny Story 2 : There is a girl getting baptized this week in the other ward(im actually singing in a trio for it) , her name is Christina... And she had her meeting with President on Saturday for her interview.. We talked with her about it and as the 2 sisters were talking to her, one says "Yeah he's coming here to see you!" and Christina goes "he's coming to my house to meet me?!" and we say no no no you'll meet him in the church! In which her response was "okay good because I was thinking I don't even have a chair!" haha it was really funny! She's from the Czech Republic and is 22ish. She's here for school. Shes the best! It was funny she was so worried about President not having a chair lol. 

Funny Story 3: WE had dinner at a members house, and the woman is about 70 or so. Her grandson was there with his girlfriend.. The grandma goes out and brings back a little baggy. She gives it ot her grandson and one of the elders asks "what was that? and the grandson jokingly says "they're my drugs! My grandma deals didn't you know?" lol it was so funny! They were really just vitamin c, but it was a funny experience. His grandma thought it was so funny and she was laughing so hard haha. 

We had calls for our district the other day, and I happened to be the one to answer the phone... My district leader asked us about our area, and I was telling him all that happened the good and the bad. When I finished he was quiet and for a second I thought the call had ended on accident. Then he says, wow how long have you been in Denmark again? And I was like I've been in Denmark 3 months about 5 days ago.. and he goes wow that is impressive you just carried that whole conversation in Danish.. I was like oh well thank you ahha( the rest of this conversation was still in danish)... I didn't think it was much of an accomplishment but apparently my district leader thoguht it was super cool ahah. It was normal gospel language so I figured it was just normal but he was impressed haa. It made me feel good about my danish lol. Sometimes when we talk to people, they think we come from Norway because they aren't used to american accents, and they just associate it with norwegian.. It's kinda not a compliment though because norwegians speak a lot finetically, and it just means we have a lot more to work on to sound danish.. I havent come across 1 missionary yet that even sounds close to danish.. But I am determined to switch that!

Miracles this week were very abundant! It started with a conversartion we had Monday night, that was with a friend of Christina who is getting baptized.. His name is Jesper, and he has had a lot of hard trials in life. We talked with him at this "hangout" for about 3 1/2 hours, and he is so awesome! i felt like we were able to help him understand things, and also to help ease his mind. He has so many questions, but God has so many blessings in store for him! 

Also this week, I got a call from my last companion and apparently our investigator Jonas has a baptismal date for December 10th! He is so excited and doing well! And I may be able to attend because I might be in Copenhagen on the 9th so that would be a miracle if I got to go and see him baptized! :) My last companion told him that she would tell me about the baptism and she said that his eyes lit up and he said "ja Det vil jeg meget gerne!" which means yes I would like that a lot! haha so its awesome hes excited for his baptism! 

The last miracle that happened this week was we met a guy named Dinato from Italy Saturday night at about 8:40 pm on the street... We talked to him until 9:20pm, and he honestly didn't seem like he was interested in learning about our church or anything at all.. But we invited him to church, and I honestly thought that was the last time we would ever talk to him. We go to church, and right as the person stands up to start the meeting, Dinato walks in the door! It was so cool! He was like yeah i really enjoyed the first hour! I'd like to come next week and come to the second hour too! it was so cool! Talk about a miracle!!! anywhoo hope all is doing well in the US! Stay strong in your trials!!
Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                               First Snow

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