Friday, November 25, 2016

Week 21

Nov 21,2016

This week has been fantastic in Denmark! 

To start off our week, my companion and I and 2 elders in our ward had the opportunity to teach people about mormonism! We thought we would have a booth type thing and we would talk to people and give them Book s of Mormons and stuff, but thats not what it was lol. We go in, and apparently we were going around in Gymnasium classes and talking about being an American and what a mormon is and stuff ahha. Gymnasium, is like school for older kids "after high school" before university so they are about 19, 20, 21 year olds... We go in and they tell us we will go into several different classes and have 30 minutes to talk to each class about whatever we want! and the students could ask us questions... Luckily, it was in english if it was in danish I would have died! So me and my companion go to teach a class, and we aren't sure what to do so we share a little bit about us, then we focused on mormonism because thats what we do as missionaries we are here to share about Christ! And we had so many people ask us if we had multiple wives in our church and we were able to say no. They asked us alot about the church and different things like how we don't drink and what not and why we don't do that. It was cool because we were able to talk about it. At one point in the first class, someone asked about some of our standards but as he phrased it "Rules", and my companion mentioned word of wisdom and keeping our body healthy and what not, then she looks at me.... I was like I can't not talk about the law of chastity because we believe it is important! So I look all the students in the eye and I taught them the law of chastity and they all were like oh okay that makes sense! I was like yes!!! ahhaha it was also funny because we at one point we said we knock on peoples doors to talk to them and in danish, one of the girls says " oh so whats the difference between them and jehovahs witnesses?" and another girl answers "they aren't different they do the same thing they are kinda weird" and so my companion answers back in danish and says "actually were different from jehovahs witnesses" and I said yeah we are different in danish also and everyone freaked out because they didn't know we knew danish ahah. We defnintely gaained their respect it was hilarious ahah. 

also this week we were supposed to have a member present lesson at the church, but the investigator never showed up, but our member brought us pastries to eat! 

We had a baptismt his week her name is Kristyna, and she is the best! She was so prepared shes frrm the Czech Republic... Shes amazing! I sang in a trio with 2 of the other sisters at the baptism and so many people had glassy eyes and they were like that was amazing. 

I also learned how to say 4 different words that literally sound the ezxact same, I learned how to same them so that people know which one i'm saying haha. its all in  where you place your tongue and pronounce it! I'll have to try it with my family when i skype them in a month ahah. 

Also this week we met a man from Persia, who speaks 5 languages. We only had 15 mintues to talk, and he covered and talked about every subject known to man in the space of that time. He talked about the cold war, he talked about world war 2, he talked about languages, and he also talked about how he was a body builder and how he won the world championship for body building twice when he was younger so thats fun haha 

all in all it was a good week ahah. Hope all is well there in the States! Miss you all!

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                Treats for teachnig at gymnasium

                                                            zip lining
cookies for the baptism
                                                cat that followed us for 45 minutes

                                                         our christmas decorations
                                                      cookies we squished sugar into....

                                                     everyone has lots of doorbells on their homes
Group photo

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