Thursday, January 5, 2017

Week 24

Dec. 12, 2016

Hi everyone !
This week has been good! Some adventures have been going on in Denamrk! I'm in the travelling music singing group that we have for the next week,  and we sound so good! We have had so many good experiences with all these missionaries and helping other missionaries build their areas! 
Some fun things that happened, were that We sang a womens piece for the elders in 
the group, and they all  wanted to clap it was so good you could see how awestruck they were! It made us feel good lol. The elders also got wayyyy into choreography on this rendition fo Jingle Bells that we are singing haha it was so funny!  We also lost my temporary companions phone at one point, and I had seen an elder texting on their area phone in that same spot after that, so I look around, and O  say "I suspect it was Elder Allred in the chapel with the phone" and one of the other sisters starts laughing and says what are we playing CLUE now? lol hahha it was funny ahha. I was being completely serious but everyone started giggling hahha. also in church, a lady in the ward came up to me and told me her son had seen me and said " mom shes the one from the fantastic 4 movie! Shes the one she is SOO COOL!" ahha so I got mistaken for an acctress from a 6 year old yesterday it was fun! lol
While back in Odense before the group met up last week, there was a cat outside the church building that was trying to get into the building, so sister whitlock picked the cat up, while Iunlocked the door, then on 3 we said go, she set the cat back at the top of the stairs, while I ran in, and then she ran in but I tried to shut the door too fast to keep the cat out, and I accidently smashed sister whitlock in the doorway haha. we were lauighing so hard! ALos, SIster Player, she just got transferred to Sjælland, but she was doing laundry with her companion, and was pulling someones elses laundry out of the laundry to put theirs in, and he comes down, so in danish she asks if the laundry is his and he sas yes so she answers "oh Nah? " it means kinda like no really? but it means you know that what they are saying is true.. and she just kept pulling his laundry out as she said it and they said it was mega awkward ahha but it was funny lol.
Some miracles this week: we stopped by a lady we had met once to see what she thought about the Plan of Salvation, and she was like are you allowed to stay for dinner because I would love to have you over for dinner to teach my kids what you believe I think it so good for them! So we said yes! SO we got to go to a womans house with her 2 young kids, and then her husband and 4 members of their family also who were older and we got to teach them about why we do what we do and what we do do as missionaries it was awesome! we also had rung on a mans buzz box a couple weks ago and asked if we could tell him about why we were out as missionaries and he said he was busy so to come back... so we came back the other day, and he buzzed us up and we talked in his doorstep and he was like yeah you can come back! So we brought a new member who is from Czech Republic, and we talked with him and taught him so many things and was able to give him the Book fo Mormon! it was awesome he had so many good questions and was looking forward to meeting with us again! He is so positive and I can see us helping him come closer to Christ so much! it was amazing :) 

Hope all is well there in the US and I miss you all! Christmas is just around the corner I encourage you all to keep sharing the light of Christ with others :)
Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                            Jonas before he got baptised  and Sister Downs
                                                   Mission home christmas dinner

                                                    Louise Teague Jasmine Elliot and Alfie

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