Thursday, January 5, 2017

Week 26

Dec 26th 2016

Hey all! Merry Christmas! Hope all is well with all of you! Here in Denmark the festivities never seem to end :) on the 23rd of December, is called Little Christmas Night, the 24th which the day they celebrate all of Christmas is called Christmas Night but its celebrated all day, then the 25th is called First Christmas day, and then the 26th is called Second Christmas day, and all 4 days are celebrated! It has been way fun! Some fun traditions is in December they have something called the Jule Kalendar, which is the Christmas Calendar, which is a tv show series that they make every year. The episodes are 20 minutes long and there is one each day in December. EVERYONE watches the jule kalendar, its way fun and cozy! They also as part of their traditions on the 24th, we dance around the Christmas tree while holding hands and singing christmas songs its also way fun I got to do it :) There are so many traditions I can't name them all but those were just  a couple basics. Here in Denmark, families all celebrate with all the same food of Christmas dishes, it hardly varies at all which is interesting! But its way fun and it tastes really good! 

My companion and I got someone on date for baptism! He is supposed to be baptized February 11, and we hopefully will have 2 more on date this week! Speaking of baptisms, did I mention my old investigator in Rødovre got baptized? Jonas was baptized I can't remember if I told you all that but its way exciting! I heard he was very happy and excited! :) Were doing great things here in Denmark :) Always bringing others to Christ. 

It was quite a crazy week! First off I got my 3rd, 4th, 5th AND 6th flat bike tires this week... found out I had a hole in my actual tire tread so I had to buy a new one... We got one of those on the way to sing to an old folks home (Note: its weird to go caroling and what not in Denmark that is not a normal thing, and people look at you weird but they still enjoy it). There were 12 of us missionaries going to sing, so the elders got off their bikes, switched me to a shorter elder bike, then took off running while another elder towed my flat bike next to him as he rode his bike. Then after we sang, the elders helped me fix my bike(so basically they just fixed it for me even though I was planning on doing it), then we start riding and like 100 yards in, my bike tire explodes again. all 8 elders circled around it and fixed it or enough, then like 3 elders kept passing my bike along as they biked on their bikes, there were 3 runners who would run beside as well were on our trek back to the church of a normal 20 minute bike ride if you're biking fast. There were flying helmets, switching people, all sorts of craziness but we finally got back to the church all safe and sound! 

Another crazy story, was that we had zone conferecne! We got to watch Finding Dory which was so cute! But the crazy part was is that that night before zone conference, we have a  big mission van which it kinda looks like a creeper van, lol, but over night in Århus(second biggest city in Denmark), the van got broken into and 2/3 of our christmas presents got stolen! It was way sad! But we still got presents from the stake president here and also our mission president and his wife. Despite how sad it was, we stilll were being optimistic... maybe they will find the church because of it! lol but yup oh well its been an advetnure! 

Something mentioned that Inreally liked at zone conference, is that if our thoughts are always virtuous, then the Holy Ghost will be with us! If we have clean thoughts and actions and doing our best, then God will bless us and help us. Something that builds off of that I also liked, was a quote that says, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If we arent willing to change and become better, then we aren't going to change. Sure, we can desire to be better but if we aren't acting or changing our lives so we can become better and closer to God, then its not going to make a difference. We could do the same thing eveyday, hoping for different results, but its not going to change if we don't take the leap of faith to trust in God and try to be better through our actions. Its called a leap of faith, because its not a simple easy step. Its a leap, because its hard to trust when you aren't sure wherre youre going to land. To push off from one bank or edge of darkness, to land in the lighter, happier side of Gods plan for us

I hope you all have had a fantastic Christmas and continue to think of Christs light throughout the new year! #lighttheworld#oplysverden

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission
                                          How many elders does it take to fix my bike tire? 8!
                                                         8 great men, thanks guys!
                                             Christmas Gifts from Charlottee and Richart Grandt
                            Sick and total exhaustion, sleeping on the train to zone conference:
                                                       not my best look, but so worth it!
                                                 The touring Christmas choir Kemi was in!!
                                                       Decorated store
                                                       Dinner and "Street Food"
                                                       Christmas eve
                                                      Sister ones and Landeen
                                 Accidental matchy matchy on the way to zone conference
                                         LOE these cheese slicers, hae to get one of these!!

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