Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Week 46


WOW this week was wonderful! We had such an amazing week! :) First off, is I forgot to mention that Neil L Andersen is coming to talk to us in our mission here in a week! So that’s way exciting we are all preparing spiritually ! I’m way excited :)

Also this week, we stopped by a man named Casper who we had given a Book of Mormon to about 2 weeks ago. When we first gave him the book, he didn’t seem too excited about it but he finally ended up taking it. When we came back this week, he said he had read the chapter we gave him, and we love to discuss it and if we had time to come back and meet again? We were so excited! Also a miracle for the week is some elders were fixing my bike at the church and so Ii was sitting inside the chapel playing piano while my companion was sitting in the open doorway to the outside since it was a nice summer day. I was playing a song I wrote, it was just instrumental stuff that I was making up on the spot, and all the sudden she quickly walks over to me and is like keep playing! A mom and her little kid just stopped, sat down and listened to you and they were smiling! Keep playing sister Quinton! So apparently my music was heard by some wonderful Danish people and I hope they felt the spirit! Maybe someday they will investigate the church! :) 

This week, I was thinking about patience  and charity a lot, and how we sometimes think we have learned a Christ like attribute to its fullest, but then God shows us that we have only learned a small part of what he desires of us. And how we continuously need to trust him and know that he is our master, and we are his Masterpiece. He shapes us and molds us into the people we can be. And one of the hardest things to realize and accept, is realizing that God can make something more out of us thank we could ever make of ourselves because HE is the master carpenter. He is OUR master creator. 

I hope you all had such a wonderful week and have lots of blessing’s  you all see in your lives ! :) Happy Mother’s Day!!  Love you all! Jeg holder meget af jer i mit hjerte! :)

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                      Bike Ride to Virum

                                                        Group photo
                                                     To Virum
                                                   In front of the library
                     Tulips for Mom's Day as close as I can get to sending mom the real thing

                                                                 Sister Andrews

Week 45


Well hi all! This week was great! We had a baptism with an investigator her name is Savanna and it was great! We just had an amazing week in general! I sadly got sick with food poisoning for a day,  2 days after my companion got it , it wasn't so fun , but we still made it to the baptism looking and feeling great!

We also had a family reunion for my companion Sister Dietch because they weren't members of the church so our president said we could go. We had so many of them ask about the nametags, and what we believed in , why we do what we do. It was so great and wondeful! I was helping 2 of the little boys climb up a slide outside while my companion talked with someone for a while, and then the 2 little boys' dad said it was time to leave and one fo the little boys said "Vi ses næste år!" which means see you next year, and then he turned around, looked at me and said " du komme næste år ikke også? Fordi jeg gerne ville se dig igen!" which is youre coming next year right, because i want to see you again! haha it was so cute and funny it made me feel good so I just said "det ved jeg ikke. Måske! jeg kan måske komme næste år!" (maybe! i dont know i maybe can come next year )
ahha. All the aunts and uncles and family who heard all started laughing  . It was funny , they were so cute!

 The baptism was amazing! I was standing by the font holding Savannas towel ready for her to come out of the water, and as she went down in to the water there was a giant cloud of the spirit that just flooded the room it was fantastic, so inspirational ! anywhoo, I loved it! Have a wonderful week all!
I'm so looking forward to talking to my family next week for Mother's Day!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                                                    Savannah and Kemi

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Week 44

May 1, 2017

ALl is well here! We have a lot of fun things coming up this week!

We have a baptism on Saturday for our investigator Savanna! she's technically our investigator, because we are the ones who help her and do everything for her and teach her and go over a lot, but the elders offically "teach" her so shes their investigator, but nahhh ahah. Shes getting baptized this week on Saturday  my companion and I  sister Dietch are planning it! We're way stoked!

I got to bear my testimony in my new ward here in Lyngby, and as I walked up, I saw a man who winked at me on the stand afterward  I went and sat down. Then the bishopric member announces that the first talk will be Thomas Kofod, he plays Jesus in a lot of the church films and videos, and then the guy who winked at me gets up... I had seen him once before and met him but I didn't recognize him because he was all clean shaven and had short hair and no beard.. I had a real life moment where I didn't recognize him at all , told my companion later that U was ashamed because I "hadn't recognized my Savior" lol. She thought it was funny haha. He later came up to me and told me that he like my bleached strip in the back of my hair.... I've had that for 3 years now, and its grown out a ton, but our mission president was standing right there for that conversation and I felt so bad because I had redyed it right before I  left on my missoin ahah. But its okay it works out hah. Thomas told me that he like it and how it was fresh and made me look like a Dane basically ahha. it was funny. Wow many times in life do you get to say that Jesus was in your ward? Lol
Our investigator Savanna who is getting baptized, she's getting baptized by Thomas so we all made the joke about how she was literally getting baptized by Jesus haha. Lots of constant Jesus jokes haha. He's an amazing member though! How cool to be able to play the part of Christ in movies.

All in all, its been a great week! I was on splits with the Sister training leaders this week and we were in a lesson with an inactive woman who I originally had been the one to knock on her door and ask if we could visit and talk more and she said yes, we had a lesson with Inge and the lesson was about prayer .I felt as if at the end of the lesson to share something from 3 Nephi, so instead of ending the lesson, I opened up my scriptures, and talked and testified about prayer... She just stared at me and I  could see it meant something to her it was an amazing moment! She has always been a little wishy washy about stuff, but she looked right at me and we held eye contact the whole time i talked about it and i could see she was so interested in it and was feeling happy . it was great!

anywhoo, have a wonderful week!!!!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                  English and Danish boxes
                                                         My comp with a face mask

                                                          view from the 14th floor!

           A member named Emily, from Idaho , visiting Denmark for Geneolgy work spied these girls at church and texted a picture to our moms!  

Week 43


Hej! Hvordan går det med jer?! :)

Everything here in Denmark is amazing! Lyngby where I'm now serving is wonderful as ever! We have had to the opportunity to get someone on baptismal date, and give so many books of mormons out this week, me and my new companion just feel an insane fire that we can't explain! We are really excited to see how everything turns out this trasnfer :) we've had so many amazing experiences I  can't even explain them all! Suffice it to say,  we have several new investigators as well :)

We also had a guy let us into his house at one point when we were knocking
(it was allowed don't worry ahha) and Sister Dietch asked him if he knew who Jesus Christ was.. It sounds like a retorical quesiton, but it made sense with the questions we had asked and the way he had asnwered ahah.  But this guy had obviously known about Jesus Christ and his previous answers were way misleading, because she asked him that quesiton, and basically summed up in English, is what he said was " oh no I didn't know him, he died right before I was born...." and I had caught his joke because I was like, wait a second ahah but SIster Dietch just kept talking and was like okay! And the guy started grinning because she hadn't caught it, and he looked at me to see if I  had caught it, and I was grinning way bad too . I just kept nodding along with what she was saying it was hilarious ahah. I told her after the lesson and she was dying laughing ahha

We also had stake conference, and at one point in the saturday session, the general authority, who was speaking, made fun of his friend Jens,  in the audience, and then he said so in english, and then the danish translator said the same thing in danish, but in danish he said " Jeg Kørt lidt på Jens" and the exact translation of that is "I  drove a little on Jens" and so me and my companion just started laughing to ourselves, and the authority, had been talking to Jens who was in the audience who was like 2 rows in front of us right where we were, and he like saw us and goes " okay girls in front laugh or else I might call on you next!" and it was so funny because he didn't get it because the translation itself was way funny and it wasn't him, it was the translation to danish ahah. it was so funny and awkward ahha. but overall, it was a wonderful week! And I hope you all had a wonderful week as well!
Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                       Beautiful Danish Money
                                                           Yes they do have Mc Donalds!
                                                             Queens chair with a K on it!!

                                                          Working hard!  ANDDD ICE CREAM