Friday, December 9, 2016





Week 23


Hey all this week has been good! Some fun things, I realized this week that I am very talented at launching pencils with my stretchy dress lol. My companion and I also made a line dance to a song that is in the Ephraims Rescue movie :) It was fun! 

My district leader this week asked me to teach 5 to 10 minutes about the gift of discernment.. So I planned maybe 5 minutes or so because it was the day before... And I go to teach it, I focused on prayer and how we really need to be making our prayers sincere and how to have better prayers so we can fully have the Holy Ghost with us to teach us more and effectively and follow the promptings we receive.. I thought I had been up there for maybe 5is or 7 minutes.. I sit down, look at the clock and I had been up there for 40 minutes teaching! I felt so bad! But everyone said it was great! And on sunday one of the elders got up and bore his testimony about how important prayer is and how him and his companion were taught it this week.. I was like hey he's talking about my lecture! lol. it made me feel good that it helped someone and I hadn't wasted 40 mintues for nothing! 

One of the elders, we played sport on saturday with investigators and some less actives, and the grass had a layer of frost on it.. One of the elders decided to make snow angles... He is over 6 foot, and he was so funny because he was like a 6 foot toddler, making snow angels in the grass it was so funny! 

We had a lesson with an investigator, who wasn't so sure about prayer last time! But we got him to pray at the end of our lesson, and we committed him to pray to know if the book of mormon is true... He is worried because he knows if he receives an answer that yes the book of mormon is true, then he has to change his life.. Which to me it seems as if he has already received his answer that yes the Book of Mormon is true and the word of God! It was amazing that he realized that though :) we will hopefully invite him to be baptized our next appointment! 

ALL is well, hope all is well there as well! Keep your prayers meaningful, and know that God listens to every single one, no matter how small :) ( example: I prayed for cookies on our bike ride over to our district meeting because I was so hungry amd we hadn't had time to eat and I wasnt sure if I would make it.. 20 mintues later, our district leader busted out cookies.. God answers our prayers because he loves us)

love you all!

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

Week 22


This week has been good! We started our Christmas initiative video for the church, if you haven't seen it look it up on it is such a great video! 

This week I decided how much I love seeing little danish children in snow suits walk around its so cute haha. Also this week, we had zone training. Two funny things that happened was there is an elder who is amazing at the rubix cube. One of the sisters was trying to mix it up so he couldn't solve it, and another elder looks at her strugglingt to mix it, and he says "He can literally put it together faster than you can to take it apart" it was funny because then she accidently "broke it" and he had to put it back together with all the pieces separated ahah. The other funny thing at zone conference, is that someone asked what an advent calendar was because its part of the chirstmas initiative, and one of the elders says, its like where you can eat a piece of american chocolate behind each day before christmas, and then someone says, no its plastic.. so the elder goes "oh sorry right it's america you get to eat the little piece of plastic behind the door " haha it was really funny lol. What can we say Denmark has really good chocolate! Forget all my missionary clothes when I go home, my suitcases will be full of Danish food and chocolate lol. 

A miracle we had this week, was we decided to go "spirit finding", so we went to a spot in our area with a lot of streets we could knock, then we prayed at every inersection to know which way to go. when we got to a street that we felt was right, we prayed about each specific number, felt impressed to go to number 47, didn't work out, but then we knocked the rest of the street and the 4th house was a girl who knew a mormon guy in her class and how she was interested in it! So we got her number and are going back to her house soon! it was exciting!!!! 

We gave a card with our number on it to 2 young guys on the street the other day, a few hours later when they were drunk they were calling and leaving us voicemails, and they asked us if we knew a mormon Marc... a MORMON MARC. and they kept repeating it it was so hilarious and funny we were dying lol. I don't think they remember the following morning either lol. oh well ahah. It waas a good week hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving in America, and ate some good food for me!


Sister Kemiella Quinton

                                                          Kemi Kali Street!!!
                                                            a little horsing around

Friday, November 25, 2016

Week 21

Nov 21,2016

This week has been fantastic in Denmark! 

To start off our week, my companion and I and 2 elders in our ward had the opportunity to teach people about mormonism! We thought we would have a booth type thing and we would talk to people and give them Book s of Mormons and stuff, but thats not what it was lol. We go in, and apparently we were going around in Gymnasium classes and talking about being an American and what a mormon is and stuff ahha. Gymnasium, is like school for older kids "after high school" before university so they are about 19, 20, 21 year olds... We go in and they tell us we will go into several different classes and have 30 minutes to talk to each class about whatever we want! and the students could ask us questions... Luckily, it was in english if it was in danish I would have died! So me and my companion go to teach a class, and we aren't sure what to do so we share a little bit about us, then we focused on mormonism because thats what we do as missionaries we are here to share about Christ! And we had so many people ask us if we had multiple wives in our church and we were able to say no. They asked us alot about the church and different things like how we don't drink and what not and why we don't do that. It was cool because we were able to talk about it. At one point in the first class, someone asked about some of our standards but as he phrased it "Rules", and my companion mentioned word of wisdom and keeping our body healthy and what not, then she looks at me.... I was like I can't not talk about the law of chastity because we believe it is important! So I look all the students in the eye and I taught them the law of chastity and they all were like oh okay that makes sense! I was like yes!!! ahhaha it was also funny because we at one point we said we knock on peoples doors to talk to them and in danish, one of the girls says " oh so whats the difference between them and jehovahs witnesses?" and another girl answers "they aren't different they do the same thing they are kinda weird" and so my companion answers back in danish and says "actually were different from jehovahs witnesses" and I said yeah we are different in danish also and everyone freaked out because they didn't know we knew danish ahah. We defnintely gaained their respect it was hilarious ahah. 

also this week we were supposed to have a member present lesson at the church, but the investigator never showed up, but our member brought us pastries to eat! 

We had a baptismt his week her name is Kristyna, and she is the best! She was so prepared shes frrm the Czech Republic... Shes amazing! I sang in a trio with 2 of the other sisters at the baptism and so many people had glassy eyes and they were like that was amazing. 

I also learned how to say 4 different words that literally sound the ezxact same, I learned how to same them so that people know which one i'm saying haha. its all in  where you place your tongue and pronounce it! I'll have to try it with my family when i skype them in a month ahah. 

Also this week we met a man from Persia, who speaks 5 languages. We only had 15 mintues to talk, and he covered and talked about every subject known to man in the space of that time. He talked about the cold war, he talked about world war 2, he talked about languages, and he also talked about how he was a body builder and how he won the world championship for body building twice when he was younger so thats fun haha 

all in all it was a good week ahah. Hope all is well there in the States! Miss you all!

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                Treats for teachnig at gymnasium

                                                            zip lining
cookies for the baptism
                                                cat that followed us for 45 minutes

                                                         our christmas decorations
                                                      cookies we squished sugar into....

                                                     everyone has lots of doorbells on their homes
Group photo

Week 20

Nov 14th, 2016

This week definitely has been intersting lol. We will start with the funny and end with the miracles! 

Funny story 1: There's a girl in our ward who is leave on a mission to Toronto, Canada tomorrow and she had her open house last night so on Thursday we went over to her house to help her and her mom make food for it. We had made a huge batch of cookies and had already portioned out most of them and cooked half of them when Lise (her mom) asked "Did you guys put everything in it?" and I responded "selvfølgelig(of course)!" This wasn't our first cookie rodeo. But then we went to start making another batch and as I examined the recipe I realized we'd missed 1.5 cups of sugar.... We silently decided not to tell her because there was little we could do because a lot of them were already portioned out and cooked. But whenever she'd leave the room or look away we'd try to smash spoonfulls of sugar into the tops of the cookies or dish it into the little bit of dough there was left. Afterwards we went to district meeting where we talked about honesty..We learned our lesson and promised to be continuiously hoenst in ALL our doings even when it includes cookies! ..... But we tried the cookies at the open house and they tasted fine. So, all is well. At the open house, one of the elders we told the story too, he came up to me, and was like uhhh One of these coookies tasted a  little funny I think the baker made a mistake. I just laughed haha it was a fun story

Funny Story 2 : There is a girl getting baptized this week in the other ward(im actually singing in a trio for it) , her name is Christina... And she had her meeting with President on Saturday for her interview.. We talked with her about it and as the 2 sisters were talking to her, one says "Yeah he's coming here to see you!" and Christina goes "he's coming to my house to meet me?!" and we say no no no you'll meet him in the church! In which her response was "okay good because I was thinking I don't even have a chair!" haha it was really funny! She's from the Czech Republic and is 22ish. She's here for school. Shes the best! It was funny she was so worried about President not having a chair lol. 

Funny Story 3: WE had dinner at a members house, and the woman is about 70 or so. Her grandson was there with his girlfriend.. The grandma goes out and brings back a little baggy. She gives it ot her grandson and one of the elders asks "what was that? and the grandson jokingly says "they're my drugs! My grandma deals didn't you know?" lol it was so funny! They were really just vitamin c, but it was a funny experience. His grandma thought it was so funny and she was laughing so hard haha. 

We had calls for our district the other day, and I happened to be the one to answer the phone... My district leader asked us about our area, and I was telling him all that happened the good and the bad. When I finished he was quiet and for a second I thought the call had ended on accident. Then he says, wow how long have you been in Denmark again? And I was like I've been in Denmark 3 months about 5 days ago.. and he goes wow that is impressive you just carried that whole conversation in Danish.. I was like oh well thank you ahha( the rest of this conversation was still in danish)... I didn't think it was much of an accomplishment but apparently my district leader thoguht it was super cool ahah. It was normal gospel language so I figured it was just normal but he was impressed haa. It made me feel good about my danish lol. Sometimes when we talk to people, they think we come from Norway because they aren't used to american accents, and they just associate it with norwegian.. It's kinda not a compliment though because norwegians speak a lot finetically, and it just means we have a lot more to work on to sound danish.. I havent come across 1 missionary yet that even sounds close to danish.. But I am determined to switch that!

Miracles this week were very abundant! It started with a conversartion we had Monday night, that was with a friend of Christina who is getting baptized.. His name is Jesper, and he has had a lot of hard trials in life. We talked with him at this "hangout" for about 3 1/2 hours, and he is so awesome! i felt like we were able to help him understand things, and also to help ease his mind. He has so many questions, but God has so many blessings in store for him! 

Also this week, I got a call from my last companion and apparently our investigator Jonas has a baptismal date for December 10th! He is so excited and doing well! And I may be able to attend because I might be in Copenhagen on the 9th so that would be a miracle if I got to go and see him baptized! :) My last companion told him that she would tell me about the baptism and she said that his eyes lit up and he said "ja Det vil jeg meget gerne!" which means yes I would like that a lot! haha so its awesome hes excited for his baptism! 

The last miracle that happened this week was we met a guy named Dinato from Italy Saturday night at about 8:40 pm on the street... We talked to him until 9:20pm, and he honestly didn't seem like he was interested in learning about our church or anything at all.. But we invited him to church, and I honestly thought that was the last time we would ever talk to him. We go to church, and right as the person stands up to start the meeting, Dinato walks in the door! It was so cool! He was like yeah i really enjoyed the first hour! I'd like to come next week and come to the second hour too! it was so cool! Talk about a miracle!!! anywhoo hope all is doing well in the US! Stay strong in your trials!!
Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                               First Snow

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Week 19

Nov 7th 2016

Hey all! This week has been crazy! First off, Im sure you all have already heard, but its still new news to me, but I'm an Aunt again! Kara just had her baby this week and thats exciting! It's hard sometimes to be on the other side of the world when there are important family events happening at home,, but I know God has plans for me here in Denmark! 

The language is slowly coming, I still don't know a lot of things, but i;m becoming better and I'm understanding lots! We randomly had a guy after we knocked on his door , he was about 85 or so, he asks us, no i'm not interested in your message, but I have a bicycle if you'd like to buy it? and we were like uhh no thank you! Haha my companion and I and the 2 other sisters in our apartment were talking about american Peanut butter for some reason, and I started to randomly giggle and they asked why I was laughing. I then proceeded to quote a scripture that I had changed and it said "Adams fell, that Jiff might be, and Jiff is, that we might have joy" lol it was funny. We played soccer in the pouring rain for 2 hours with investigators and what not. It was os bad, none of us could feel our hands, arms, legs, feet, or anything.. Everything was just frozen cold. 

Sister Player, who is in my apartment had an allergic reaction to clementines this week, so they went to the doctor and they said he was young and his name was Eric.. And he asked if she had any allergic reactions to things, and she said she was allergic to Ibprofeoun, and Tylenol. He then turned around, typed Tylenol into the computer, clicked on it in Wikipedia, read what it was, then turned back around and goes OHhh yeah... lol it was hilarious ahh. 

This week my companion and I decided to start a Purify Fast, where we try our best to only focus on missionary work. We put any distractions on a list, and we don't think about them for 40 days, constantly evauluating ourselves as we do it. We are excited to come closer to God and help us be more inspired to find others while we find. I'm sure it will go good! Also this week, we had a lesson with a man named Dan. He is being taught by the other sisters, and they needed someone to come to their lesson with them so we came and he was explainging aa couple things like how he didnt know if he turned to dust or not after this life, but he didnt understand why we would need to become like God if there was a God. Then he said something about how he wants to pass on his knowledge to his children and to help them become better. So i looked him right in the eye, and I said, "Do you believe God is your Loving Heavenly Father"? Then I continued " You said that when you have children you would want to give them all your knowledge so that they can become better. Don't you think Heavenly Father wishes to do the same with us? He loves us and has so much to give us BECAUSE he loves us" I said severl other things. But as I started to speak, I felt the Spirit fill the room and I saw his features go quiet as he sincerely thougth about it. All 4 of us sisters were so inspired of the Spirit in that lesson is was one of the best lessons i've ever been in ... he is terrifed to change, but When he comes to terms that his life will be SO blessed, he will be one of the strongest members and indiviuals you have ever come across.. It was so aweosme! 

Also this week we taught a girl named Anna Christina, and she says her church isnt enough and she was really interested about our church. She even came to church for the first hour, and she thought it was so cool! She was like wow that was so different! She is so great and we are so excited to teach her more :)  We also were knocking doors once this past week, and the last door we knocked on before we had to leave, it was  a lady and she said " yeah i know who you are a lot of my family is mormon!" and as she said it my thougth was "youre why were here today its you who were supposed to speak to" and i felt so much love and joy in my heart. We had a nice conversatoin with her, and though she didnt necesasrily want to tlak tons about gospel subjects, she still thanksed us for coming and speaking with her it was awesome! Talk about inspiration! 

ANywhoo this week was good! Hope all is well in the states! Stay safe and amazing!

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                               new companion
                                                        Odense my new area

Week 18

Oct 31, 2016

Hey all ! this week was a good week! Not much to report on because I don't have much time we had transfer today! I am now in Odense! I'll be in the Odense 1 ward, and im in a 4 sister apartment so that should be interesting! Odense looks beautiful so far from all that i've seen but its very different from Copenhagen because Copenhagen is all busy all the time and now it's like odense is a little sleepy town! lol but i'm sure i'll love it! All the other missionaries when they found out I was going to Odense they told me that I would love it because its everyones favorite place to be! So that's good! My new companion is Sister Whitlock, she was half trained by my trainer! All is well my first day in Odense lol. 

I can't remember much that happened this week, but I was able to get a tour with Sister Jones in the Fredericksberg Castle because one of the memebers in our ward is a tour guide there so he gave us a free tour at like 7 at night wtih his wife and 2 of her friends it was aweosme! There were so many things that were just great that happened this week too! So many miracles, but I literally can't remember them right now im sorry about that! 

I'm hope all is well in the US and stay safe! Love you all!! and Happy Halloween! :)

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                   The Teague Family
                                                 Tina Paulsen
                                                                    Castle Pix

                                                         where the pope stands
                                                         mirror in chandaleir

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Week 17

This week was a good week yet crazy! We kept trying to set up an appointment with Lena a russian lady, but she called us back and said sorry she hadn't gotten back to us, but her dad died this week and she was super busy.. SO we made cookies( småkager in danish) and took them over to her house just to drop them by, and she made us herbal tea and let us talk to her for about 45 mintues or so.. I think she needed a good laugh and someone to cheer her up it was heartbreaking! But hopefully she is doing better now and is looking on the bright side of life, and can find solace in the fact that she will see her dad again!
On a happier note, my companion was dancing while riding her bike the other day! You don't realize how talented you become while cycling, until you are pedaling, and dancing with your whole body at the same time ahha. It was quite an experience haa. We actually saw some construction workers the other day at about 9 pm, and they had all of their bright lights on at their work on this huge building, and they had a Taylor Swift song blasting it was really funny to bike by haha.
Random tangent, but i was thinking about how the US should have saft.. I dont think it does... But what saft is, is its concentrated juice, so you buy the concentrate, then you put a little bit in a glass then you add water,... depending on the saft, its about 1 part concentrate, 11 parts water... its super awesome and it lasts forever and it tastes really good lol. I was realizing how quickly im becoming attached to the danish food and culture haha. Granted I do miss the US, but I also love Denamrk ahah. And i practice reading danish every morning when i read it off the cereal box.. I also have a preview in to my next languages, swedish and finnish because they are also displayed on my cereal box lol. Maybe i'll come back and i'll know several different languages! hhaah maybe, but for now i'll just stick with Danish its difficult enough ahah.
I really dont have much else to report on this week of the Lovely Life in Denmark, but one of the last things i'd like to talk about is prayer. I've been thinking a lot about prayer this week, and how we really should be giving sincere prayers everyday. Its not something that we should repeat and rattle off before we get ready for the day, or when we bless the food. It should be a perosnal conversation with God. When we pray, we know its a two way conversation with God, just like it would be on the phone with our earthly father. With Heavenly Father, its the same, but sometimes people think were farther apart. That conversation with God, is closer than if we talk on the telphone to our Earthly father. God, can be so close to us, but its only if we allow him to be. The Holy Ghost can testify of him in our hearts, and we can feel his love through the Holy Ghost. but we have to be willing to listen, and change in our hearts and listen to his counsel as our Father in Heaven.. Prayer is such a "small thing" or "simple thing", but it is also one of the most important things, we should be constantly changing and improving. When we really sincerely talk to God as our Father , we are more impressed with the thoughts and actions we should take, to truly become closer to him and follow him. I hope you all this week will think about coming closer and nearer to God in your prayers, and try to be a little better evry day.
i love you all have a fantastic week!

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission
                                                       district meeting
                                                 foot massage balls elder Fairbanks
Elder mcDougall crazy

                                                  waiting for the tire patch to dry
                                                    Sis Petesen she was in the MTC with me and is from Alaska

beautiful Denmark

flash dinner

Week 16


This week was a very good week! 

First off, I got a flat tire on my bike but we patched it up all nice and it runs just the same lol. secondly, we went to dinner at a families house in our ward and they are from Portugal... the husband told us his deacon passing the sacrament stories and he said that one time, they put saltwater in the cups instead of clean water, and he said it was so funny watching them all drink the salt water and cringe as the water went down ahah. and then the other sacrament thing he did, is the cups they used when he was young, were the paper sacrament cups so once they put the water in once, they took a hair dryer and blow dried the cups so that they would stick to the tray of the sacrament lol. and he said people would like try and full arm the thing because they were so stuck it was the funniest story i've heard yet i was dying of laughter when he was telling me and my companion the stories ahha. He got baptized at 11 and he was a deacon at 12, so that's why he was may be a little more ranbumnschious than he should have been lol. But its funny as well since he is so serious, yet so responsible with everything now haha. it was so funny! 

also this week, I had a random guy on the train tape his number to the side of the train for me... I think it was just the light of Christ that he saw :) 

also this week, 2 sisters came to our area for splits and they have a car.. i told the one she could park in our parking lot because, its our apartment parking lot... we come out the next morning, and she has a ticket.... so basically no one knew that we had to get a sticker to put in the car if they wanted to park there. How would i know because i dont have a car and it was crazy dark, and the 1 sign they had about it was in the very center of this pile of construction stuff... so basically i have to pay for a ticket that was my fault even though i didnt touch the car haha. I felt bad, the sister was so stresssed about it showing up on her driving record and i was like, dont worry about the small stuff. life is too short to worry about a ticket, that wasnt even your fault. SO that was interesting... they went back to their area later that day, and like 2 days later, someone stole their license plate and 7 other cars around them... so they now cant drive for like 4 weeks.. they were really bummed... but i was able to comfort them, so hopefully they are looking up more now! 

We had a lessson with an investigaor his name is Jonas he is about 21, and we were about to drop him because he hadn't responded to us for like 2 weeks, but we end up getting ahold of him. He talk to him and apparently he has been reading a ton in the Book of Mormon, and hes already to Mormon! We were like what?!!! so we meet with him, then he asked me a question, and i was able to bear a sincere testimony on what he asked about and his eyes got a little glassy then he says in danish 
" sister, i can feel what you just said is true. thank you so much i can feel the warmth i feel so much warmth in my heart and i know what you said was true" i was like ahhh yayyy!!! then he was asking about baptism so hopefully we will have him on a baptismal date soon!!! he actually came to church  as well! He was 1 of our 2 people to come to church which is good in denmark lol. Sunday was a very good experience with 2 investigaors, and we had some really awesome members talk with them both and take care of them it was so cool!!! we loved it! This week was just full of so many little miracles i wish you were all here to experience them! it was so great! 

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission