Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Week 61


Hey all,
 This week is going great! My new area is wonderful! My Comp is Sister Fife, who I'm finishing training, she is way awesome, she’s so cool! 

THIS WEEK, I TOTALLY GOT WRECKED HAHA. SISTER FIFE AND I WENT TO GO KNOCK A STREET, AND she told me she felt way good about it, so the first house, we go to knock, we had just seen the elders pull up on bikes and since we share an area, I thought,  hey, no way we were inspired,  we picked the same street! yeahh haha
NOT lol. We knock the door, my comp is like starting the contact and she's like we feel really good about this house, the Holy Ghost told us to come here, and we feel real good. Then we asked if they were religious and I'm like, "hey are you? I mean your dog’s name is Moses right?"  and so they were like yeah well come on in! SO we walk in, and then they introduce themselves, then the  elders walk  to the door and I'm like what the freak, they knew we just came to this house, then sister Fife turns me around and points to a picture on the wall, and its,
"the family a proclamation to the world"
ahha. I totally got trolled it was hilariously insane haha. They got me good, I felt so dumb haha. But it was fun!

We also, took the elders investigator to the medieval festival they had here and it was so cool! So much fun! the elders at one point bought these cups off these 3 ladies because they liked their cups and you can buy that years mug for 30 krowns, and the ladies had some of 
 The old season cups, they are different each year. So the ladies poured their beer out into the new cups, and let the 2 elders buy their old cups it was insane haha. we went to the festival though in Hanne, so that was way different and interesting ! We watched jousting and flag throwers where they do choreographed stuff with flags, and we did all lot of other neat stuff, it was great ahha. 

 Literally everyone gardens here, where I’m serving, it’s weird, fun, but weird haha. 

Anywhoo, this week was great, and we have a busy week this coming week. 
Hope life is great back in the States! Stay amazing!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                             Sister Matheson and our yummy pastries

                                                          Bye Savannah
                                              us and Signe Sebastian Astrid and Axel
                        After Thorbjørns baptism we were hanging outside the window in their apartment
                                                                  New Comp. Sister Fife

Week 60


Hi Everyone, 
This is Kemiella's mom: if anybody contacts you looking for any information on Kemiella, please do not share it . They had an investigator take a fancy to Kemiella and in order to protect her they moved her to another area. 
I will not be posting ANY information on her blog or Facebook anymore. I will continue to forward the weekly letters out to those of you in this email group. 
Thank you for your help.  
Here's her letter below: 

Well, this week was interesting... I got emergency transferred  from my last area, someone was interested more in me than in the gospel unfortunately, but it all worked out okay so far so that’s good! . 

I can't remember even what we did; to be honest I've been in a daze since Thursday when the problem came up. I'm disappearing from the area. 
I did get to do "splits" the last 2 days of the transfer, in my baby area. (Where I started out as a new missionary) so that was cool! I also got to go to church there in Frederiksberg too!  It was way fun actually to see everyone again :) 

basically my week. Packing, running, packing and train rides ahha. 
On the upside, I get to serve on all 3 land masses in Denmark! Fyn, Jylland, and Sjælland so that’s an accomplishment! Not everybody gets to do that!
I'm still training in my new area.
My new companion is Sister Fife she is from Colorado Springs, and I'm finishing her training hah. 
News about my knee is the doctor said I'm on the borderline of needing a knee operation. I can't do anything until the MRI scan is sent to salt lake, and reviewed. I'll keep you posted. 
any whoo, I love you tons! Stay amazing all of you! :) 

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

Week 59


Wow this week was full of so many things i don't know where to start... 

First thing, Me and my comp ate sauce that had mold on the top of the lid because we thought it would be fine and we were hungry haha... it was worth it and we didn't get sick haha. 

Next thing, is I had the opportunity to go down to Odense where i served for 6 months, for a baptism of an investigator i taught for 6 months! His name is Thorbjørn and it was so great! But first, me and my old companion Sister Whitlock got on the same train and did splits so we could go down,(we were together for 3 transfers in Odense) and so we went to see a  family that we had taught a tiny bit. Their names are Signe, Sebastiana and their 2 kids Astrid and Axel. Astrid shares a birthday with me so we took a birthday gift to her as well. We went over and they were expecting us, we talked, laughed, talked about why we don’t drink alcohol or coffee, and drank herbal tea together and ate cinnamon rolls together then they made us dinner! It was so great! Sebastian lived in Moscow and Saint Petersburg in Russia for a while and he speaks Russian so he asked me if I knew the Russian birthday song with the crocodile and I was like yes i do! SO he sang it and I hummed the tune because i couldn't remember the words (Danish has flooded in hhaha) . But it was great! They are the cutest family ever"! 

 We went to Thorbjærns baptism, we walked in to see him and he was so surprised but excited to see us! Then we go upstairs to sit down, and we see another investigator who I taught for 3 months before I left (me and Sister Whitlock had knocked into her) and she (Rikke) has a baptismal date for the 16th of September! So everything is going so great!!! Then the baptism happened, and when he walked in to the font >Thorbjørn was breathing so hard he was so nervous! i actually got way teary eyed when he went down in to the water which is weird because I'm not emotional haha. it was great. Then when he walked back in after he had changed clothes, he was wearing a SUIT! a nice European tailored suit it was so awesome!!! I was so proud he looked like a Mormon :) haha. After the whole service, i went up to him and told him congratulations, and he told me that the first time he had really felt the Holy Ghost was the last Sunday I was in the ward I had been serving in (when i sang)  for Easter. ( i sounded so terrible that day) but i remembered when he told me that, i instantly remembered . That day i had been praying so hard as he was sitting next to me to feel something, that he would receive an answer and FEEL the holy ghost. and it was awesome to see 4 1/2 months later, to see and recognize that answer to prayer. Then later, my old companion, Sister Downs, came up to me and she said, "you know that letter you wrote to him and you left it in his mailbox when you left about your testimony and whatever else it said? He has told us so many times that that letter was when it really changed for him. That helped him really see it was time to change" and that made me feel so grateful for the opportunity i had to teach Thorbjørn! I'm so glad my testimony and honesty was felt in the letter and in the song I sang. It wasn't me, but I'm grateful God worked through me to help Thorbjørn :)  Then after that evening (the baptismal service and snacks) my old comp and I played a song i wrote called the "Master carpenter", and he loved it! He was like you wrote that?! then the last thing was I was writing in his baptismal memory book for the day, he came and sat next to me and told me, hey I'm still writing a letter response to your letter you gave me... I've rewrote it like 5 times but I'm gonna give you a response back.. I thought it was the coolest things to have someone say that to me!!! :) all in all, it was a great experience and I'm so excited to keep hearing about his story and adventures on his conversion to God :)...  

The last fun adventure we had, was we went on Strøget( a big outdoor shopping center in the middle of Copenhagen) and we had 2 groups of like 10 missionaries each and we tried getting people to read a page from the book of Mormon and they could take a free book if they wanted, and we also had pamphlets, and it was so cool! It was awesome to see the results and see what people thought. 

All in all, the week was fantastic!  i hope the missionary work is doing great where all of you are as well. Love you all! Stay amazing! 

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                              At Jennifer and Malenes house
                                                  Boat Tour

             boat tour with Sister Landeen Smith Matheson me and elder Logan Jensen and Mckinnon
                                                 FHE at Malene and Jennifers
                                                          Rikke and Sis Whitlock


Week 58


Hey all! This week has been wonderful! We had my companion's 30 day mark, in Denmark , meeting, so that was way cool! We had training for 3 straight days, and then at the end on Thursday we got to go to the Temple and that was so awesome! I loved every second of it! . WE also have some great news... We have our investigator Konstantin on baptismal date! His baptism will be the 16th of September, so here in about 6 weeks. It’s going awesome, with him, and we’ve had a lot of good times meeting with him ahah. We also had Dinner with Hollie and Skylor Steed, and they were hilarious as always! they told us that they had Siri on in English while driving around Denmark, and that its hilarious apparently because Siri can't pronounce the Danish street names ahha. The example he gave was that Siri said " in 1.2 miles, turn left onto Vejbyvej". And the way Siri said it was "Vedge-buh-vedge" but its pronounced "Vi- boo-Vi" as if like hi, but with a v instead of an h. jaja it was hilarious we were laughing so hard . We got to go to have cake and desserts with some members Kim and Jeanett Bång here in the ward to help fellowship Konstantin and its been going great! The ward seems to be taking him way well so that’s awesome ! 

After our 30 day in the training meeting, we had a tiny bit of time to knock so we decided to apply all the things we learned while we were at the training, and we didn't get any new investigators, but we did have 3 really good conversations with the 3 people we talked to, and every single one I felt like we had built their faith in Christ, and kept the faith in Denmark. It was awesome! They were all so cool and sweet! 

Well, all in all our week was great! I can't remember all of it, but it was great! Hope your weeks were all great as well and you were able to build someone else’s faith in Christ, or build your own! :) 

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                   fountain in Copenhagen by Nørreport station

                                           Sister matheson and I and a watermelon gift
                                                   Beautiful Sunset
                                                 Sister McDonald hiding her shirt logo

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Week 57

Hello All,
wow so little time and tons to write! First, we had 2 awesome lessons with our investigator Konstantin, we even sat on a yoga mat on a dock and talked about the Book of Mormon and plan of salvation, and then he gave us mangos after. He literally is so ready for baptism!! He's awesome !!

We had an appointment with the Assistants at Savannas, and one of the elders decided to run down the stairs. SO the elder goes running, and the other elder leans over the railing when the elder is down 4 floors, and then he spits and it went flying past the elders head it was hilarious! haha

As far as interesting experiences go, We ate some straight up disgusting chinese cakes with some members this week ahah. she was feeding it to the dog, and all of us 4 missionaries were choking it down and following it down with salt every single bite it was straight awful haha. I think it had meat paste in the middle or something ahh. Some foods I don't believe I will acquire a taste for.

I got ot see one of my MTC teachers  Bro Wright here in Denmark! He was here for Festinord, so that was cool!

Our investigator Konstantin casually mentioned at the end of our lesson the other day he had read at the beginning of the BOM, so we asked where he was, he ahd read the first 14 chapters! Then our lesson today, he was finished with 1st nephi it was so cool!

Another miracle;  was a member in church yesterday who gave a talk, he is from Sweden. I could hear his accent, but I didn't think anything of it. Apparently he had spoken half of his talk in Swedish and I hadn't noticed because I had just understood all of it.. Except the last quote he said he would read it in Swedish and then I only understood half of it because I realized it was Swedish ahah. but after the talk everyone was like I didn't understand half of that it was Swedish and I  was like he spoke half Swedish? I didn't realize i just understood it.. haha it was way cool! (no i don't speak Swedish, but the interpretation of tongues is real!!  
 anywhoo, hope you all have a  fantastic week!

jeh holder meget af jer! vi ses!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                                  It Rains!! We get wet.....
                                                           At Strøget with the group
                                                        One of my MTC teachers Brother Wright
                                                       More Rainnnnnnn
                                                          Eating at Sunset Blvd
                                                     The Zoo!!
                                                    A beautiful lake behind a home we knocked on

Week 56


Hey all!
 Life here on the mission is great! We have had a lot of wonderful finding, and appointments this week! We have been having a lot of miracles happen which is awesome!

We had an investigator in church for 2 weeks in a row it was so cool! He even came to Sport! Konstantin is a yoga teacher or used to be, so at sport the last 25 minutes he taught all of us and did yoga with us it was so fun and relaxing! All of us missionaries were struggling with our flexibility though aah. Then we did a short end mediation relax exercise to the yoga, and he starts off by saying "relax all the muscles in your left big toe."  By that first line we knew our 5 minute exercise to end the exercise was going to be longer haha. Our 25 yoga session turned into 50 minutes so I and my companion Sister Matheson were biking so fast to get home on time because we had a 30 minute bike ride home form the church ahah. It was great though we loved every minute of it! 

We had an experience where we had 15 minutes left to knock, so we prayed about which house to knock. We knocked 6, it wasn’t home, then number 8 and they weren’t home, then number 10 and we gave a book of Mormon away to the sweetest Chinese lady who was so excited and was like I have never heard of this I’m excited! 

We also had Splits with the Sister training leaders in Rødovre and I got the chance to share my conversion story to a guy from Greece named Stelius, and then we also had a lesson with an older Danish lady who is basically ready for baptism, but she won’t come to church.. But that’s okay we are working on it! Life here is wonderful!

I read a talk about how Christ as us to "Walk with me". It was from the priesthood session of this past general conference. I would encourage you all to read it! I read it and inserted Missionary service in the place of the priesthood. And I felt like that talk was exactly what I needed to hear. It’s amazing how involved God is in our lives to help us on our own personal conversions that we have every day! 

i love you all and hope you had an exciting week!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission
                                                 Mini Strawberry shakes

                                                   Bakery made Flødeboller, SOOO GOOD!