Sunday, August 6, 2017

Week 56


Hey all!
 Life here on the mission is great! We have had a lot of wonderful finding, and appointments this week! We have been having a lot of miracles happen which is awesome!

We had an investigator in church for 2 weeks in a row it was so cool! He even came to Sport! Konstantin is a yoga teacher or used to be, so at sport the last 25 minutes he taught all of us and did yoga with us it was so fun and relaxing! All of us missionaries were struggling with our flexibility though aah. Then we did a short end mediation relax exercise to the yoga, and he starts off by saying "relax all the muscles in your left big toe."  By that first line we knew our 5 minute exercise to end the exercise was going to be longer haha. Our 25 yoga session turned into 50 minutes so I and my companion Sister Matheson were biking so fast to get home on time because we had a 30 minute bike ride home form the church ahah. It was great though we loved every minute of it! 

We had an experience where we had 15 minutes left to knock, so we prayed about which house to knock. We knocked 6, it wasn’t home, then number 8 and they weren’t home, then number 10 and we gave a book of Mormon away to the sweetest Chinese lady who was so excited and was like I have never heard of this I’m excited! 

We also had Splits with the Sister training leaders in Rødovre and I got the chance to share my conversion story to a guy from Greece named Stelius, and then we also had a lesson with an older Danish lady who is basically ready for baptism, but she won’t come to church.. But that’s okay we are working on it! Life here is wonderful!

I read a talk about how Christ as us to "Walk with me". It was from the priesthood session of this past general conference. I would encourage you all to read it! I read it and inserted Missionary service in the place of the priesthood. And I felt like that talk was exactly what I needed to hear. It’s amazing how involved God is in our lives to help us on our own personal conversions that we have every day! 

i love you all and hope you had an exciting week!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission
                                                 Mini Strawberry shakes

                                                   Bakery made Flødeboller, SOOO GOOD!

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