Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Week 55

7/17/17 COOL DATE!!

Hey all! This week was wonderful! First off, I'm training a new missionary her name is Sister Matheson and she is from Clearfield Utah, she's amazing! Her first testimony in front of the ward, she made 2 grammatical mistakes and that was it... it was amazing!!! Literally unheard of!!!! All the members came up after and were like do you have Danish family or parents or what? and she's like uhhh no??? it was so great haha. the only hard part is that it takes a while to understand everything, and members forget that because she speaks so well ahah. it was a great Sunday though it made me look good as a trainer even though I have no claim over her hard work on the language ahha. 

We also had 2 investigators in church too! It was great"!!!!! Sister Matheson's first week, and we had 2 investigators come so I know it’s gonna be a great transfer for us! We are in all doing great, our missionary work is great, language is great, and we are looking for the blessings to come! 

It was funny because we had a lot of places to bike this week for appointments, and so poor Sister Matheson had to bike a lot... at sport on Saturday the 2 other trainees were like yeah we've biked quite a bit were sore we've biked about 3 miles each today, and then Sister Matheson looks at me , I look at her and we both start grinning, and then with no emotion whatsoever she goes, we biked 12 today ahah. I was like wow I sound so cruel as a person, I'm not meaning to be we just had tons of appointments to run to haha. She’s doing amazing though!
 She talked about how I’d be biking ahead, and then she would try to make her legs bike faster, and they just wouldn't go faster or anything and she was like oh no!! hahaah it’s been great though we've had a lot of fun!!

Gosh so many things happened this week, I don’t even know!! I suppose I will end here for now, but I hope you all have a wonderful week! Love you all!!! 

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                         Sister Matheson and her first Kinder Aeg ( German Chocolate)

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