Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Week 54

July 10, 2017

Hey all!
it'll be a short letter this week!

I'll be training a new missionary here on Wednesday! My companion just got transferred to Odense , which was my last area! and I'll be here in Lyngby! I'm scared but I know God will help me to train the new sister in the best possible way! My trainer actually goes home today so that's fun! I'm excited to hear all of her adventures back home :)

Life here in Denmark keeps going along and is amazing as always! Danish is wonderful, I want to speak danish the rest of my life! 
The 4th was great! We had a little half of our district barbeque here this past week, it was fun! And I also drank an american Root beer! literally, don't underestimate the power of root beer because we don't have it here only in a few select stores, and it is straight wonderfuL!!! ahhh anywhoo, I hope your week was great! love you all!
Looks like my release date is Dec 19th, I'll be home for Christmas!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission
                                          Sister Hughes, me, Elder Erikson and Sister Downs
                                                    American Root beer , Amazing!!
                                                              Eva and I
                                                    Lene and I
                                              Mini district Bar- B-Q
                                          Food at an Italian Restaurant that taste authentic

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