Saturday, July 1, 2017

Week 49

June 5, 2017

June 5 2017

Halløj! This week has been awesome! I have a new companion named Sister Downs, and we have been killing it here in Lyngby :) it’s been a fantastic week. Just yesterday,  we taught the relief society lesson with pretty short notice, of the day before, and we had a busy day so we didn't have time to prepare a lesson until late that night, but several ladies were so grateful for our talking about missionary work and how to get started and all that, it was so cool! 

We had a lesson this week with a man named Druba, who is from Nepal,  the first couple of  times we've just stopped by, he didn’t seem very positive, but Saturday he told us to come back on Sunday and we could talk about eternal families because we had mentioned it. And so we came back, and taught him and his wife for 2 straight hours! We originally had said we would be there 15 or 20 minutes but he kept asking questions and wanted to know more it was so cool! And he said we could come back next Sunday so we are gonna stop by again! he was way interested :) His wife and him have a cute little boy who was showing us all his toys yesterday too so that was cool! haha. 

We also, the other day, had only 20 minutes to knock before we had to leave for an appointment, so sister Downs and i knocked on the first door, and we had a lesson for 20 minutes, and he became a new investigator and we gave him a book of Mormon! So that was way cool :) There are only 5 people in Denmark with his name his name is Mehrdad which is Persian. so that was pretty sweet! 

We in general had a wonderful week!

And tomorrow we have our mission zone conference, sport and talent show .I decided to sing a song I wrote.. hope it goes okay, I'm way scared ahah. But yeah! That was my last week . Hope you all have a wonderful week this week as well! :)

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                      Bike ride to the mission presidents house along the water, beautiful day!

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