Saturday, July 1, 2017

Week 51

June 19, 2017


Hey all!
This week was awesome! Last p day we went to Fredericksborg Slot(Castle) in Copenhagen, and we also went back to the Kristus statue because sister downs hadn't seen it yet! it was so cool! We met like 3 mormons just walking around Copenhagen because 2 ladies were on a cruise ship and couldn't find what they were looking for and recognized our nametags, and the other guy was with his young  son and they were there for a business meeting. it was awesome!

We had a great week with investigators too! We had 15 minutes to contact on day, so as we were biking to a place where we could make some contacts, we jumped off our bikes to talk to a lady named Maria and we talked to her about prayer and she said ,we were an answer to her prayer ! We made an appointment and gave each other hugs it was so cool!
We also stopped a lady on the street on our way back to our apartment, and she at first was skeptical, but then she opened up about how she had cancer right now and how she was sad because no one knew and it’s not something you talk to people about.  But there we were on the street talking to her and building her up. it also was so goood :)

Another day we had 10 minutes before the evening ended and  we walked out of our apartment, and contacted an older lady who we talked to for 15 minutes because she was on her way into her house right across the street from our apartment. She was way open about church and said she was interested in maybe coming, and that she was grateful we had talked to her. Coolio

We  had 5 minutes to knock on another day, so we debated about just  biking home or knock and i said "we can give out 1 book of Mormon before we go home" so we knocked on 4 houses, and the last house we talked to a man named Per and he was way open and interested in getting a book of Mormon so we gave him one and said we would come back again! it was so cool! There are always so many little miracles we have in our lives its awesome! I'm grateful for the opportunities I have to be a missionary right now and I hope you are having your own missionary experiences too.
Something I've been thinking about is angels lately. Sounds weird maybe, but I've been thinking lately about when I'm walking down the street there are times when I will hear someone walking behind me so I’ll turn around and there is no one there. Sure, I could be hard of hearing from all the times I've listened to loud music in my life before the mission, BUT I know that its not. There are Angels constantly walking with us along our path of life, whether we reailze it or not. Sometimes its hard to always think that God loves us, or we feel as if we are exempt from the rule that he loves everyone out there EXCEPT us, but that isn't right. He loves us all, and he does send others to walk with us, strengthen us, and always keep us in his watchful eye. I'm sure they are there walking with us, cheering us on and running with us saying come on you are so close! its right there! We just need to trust in God, and make the decisions in our lives to be in tune with his Spirit, and know that he is always walking along beside us. Think about the angels around you this week! :)
Stay amazing!!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

Add to the general letter:

Something I’ve been thinking about is angels lately. Sounds weird maybe, but I’ve been thinking lately about how when I’m walking down the street there are times when I will hear someone walking behind me so I’ll turn around and there is no one there. Sure, i could be hard of hearing from all the times I’ve listened to loud music in my life before the mission, but i know that it’s not. There are Angels constantly walking with us along our path of life, whether we realize it or not. Sometimes it’s hard to always think that God loves us, or we feel as if we are exempt from the rule that he loves everyone out there EXCEPT us, but that isn’t right. He loves us all, and he does send others to walk with us, strengthen us, and always keep us in his watchful eye. I’m sure they are there walking with us, cheering us on and running with us saying come on you are so close! Its right there! We just need to trust in God, and make the decisions in our lives to be in tune with his Spirit, and know that he is always walking along beside us. Think about the angels around you this week! :)

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                         VOr Frue Kirke(where the Kristus is

                                                Under Kristus Church

                                                           Frederiksborg slot

          Jennifer And Malene Christensen Our usual Tues night dinner appointment

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