Sunday, August 6, 2017

Week 57

Hello All,
wow so little time and tons to write! First, we had 2 awesome lessons with our investigator Konstantin, we even sat on a yoga mat on a dock and talked about the Book of Mormon and plan of salvation, and then he gave us mangos after. He literally is so ready for baptism!! He's awesome !!

We had an appointment with the Assistants at Savannas, and one of the elders decided to run down the stairs. SO the elder goes running, and the other elder leans over the railing when the elder is down 4 floors, and then he spits and it went flying past the elders head it was hilarious! haha

As far as interesting experiences go, We ate some straight up disgusting chinese cakes with some members this week ahah. she was feeding it to the dog, and all of us 4 missionaries were choking it down and following it down with salt every single bite it was straight awful haha. I think it had meat paste in the middle or something ahh. Some foods I don't believe I will acquire a taste for.

I got ot see one of my MTC teachers  Bro Wright here in Denmark! He was here for Festinord, so that was cool!

Our investigator Konstantin casually mentioned at the end of our lesson the other day he had read at the beginning of the BOM, so we asked where he was, he ahd read the first 14 chapters! Then our lesson today, he was finished with 1st nephi it was so cool!

Another miracle;  was a member in church yesterday who gave a talk, he is from Sweden. I could hear his accent, but I didn't think anything of it. Apparently he had spoken half of his talk in Swedish and I hadn't noticed because I had just understood all of it.. Except the last quote he said he would read it in Swedish and then I only understood half of it because I realized it was Swedish ahah. but after the talk everyone was like I didn't understand half of that it was Swedish and I  was like he spoke half Swedish? I didn't realize i just understood it.. haha it was way cool! (no i don't speak Swedish, but the interpretation of tongues is real!!  
 anywhoo, hope you all have a  fantastic week!

jeh holder meget af jer! vi ses!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                                  It Rains!! We get wet.....
                                                           At Strøget with the group
                                                        One of my MTC teachers Brother Wright
                                                       More Rainnnnnnn
                                                          Eating at Sunset Blvd
                                                     The Zoo!!
                                                    A beautiful lake behind a home we knocked on

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