Monday, October 30, 2017

Week 70

Hello all! 
Well, it’s basically November, but first Happy Halloween! Now happy November! 
Life here is good in Holbæk, and in Denmark! I don't think I’ll  ever get over how beautiful and awesome Denmark is :) every day is a brand new page of life and exciting things ahah. 

We had a couple cool miracles this week,. On Wednesday, We had an open day so we went out a little farther than normal , and we talked to a lot of people who said we could come back . One day we picked a street and then went to knock on each door , we were not having much success but decided to knock on one more the one right across has a guy putting posters together of himself for city elections up and we walk up and introduce ourselves , where we are from and what we were doing. We talk about the book of Mormon and he was like oh I've read that book before.  He said, “I won it “we were like really how? Turns out he’s a returned missionary that had stopped going to church a while back.  We talked with him about his mission and his great experiences, he gave us soda, it was such a nice visit! He told us he knows the church is true and my best time of my life was on my mission here.  We parted ways ending on a good note, reminding him of the beautiful gospel of Jesus Christ waiting for him.  3 doors down, we meet another fellow and introduce ourselves, guy says, “yeah i know who you are, I’ve served a mission. We we’re like no way! We just talked to a guy down there that also was a member! He says yeah that’s my older brother!! 
We invited him back to church and it was cool ahah. We were definitely where we are supposed to be ,  for sure! 
Later that evening, we get a
 Text from an earlier investigator who said, “I was busy and had things in my way before with baptism, but now I'm ready .I want to be baptized in December will you sisters help me? “so we were way excited!

 God leads us to more positive people ready for the gospel :) 

This week, an investigator at church introduced himself and asked me, “where do you come from you have a tiny little accent are you from Sweden? “and I was like nah I'm American!  Made me feel good that I don't sounds completely American though ahah. 
Weeks full of miracles, and happiness. 
It got wayyy cold this week, my goal was to make it to october 31st without wearing tights like a I did last year, and I made it!  A random lame achievement, still proud of myself haha. 

I hope you all can keep doing wonderful things, and keep serving God with your might mind and strength! I'm cheering you all on from Denmark, and you all are in my prayers daily! :) 

4 weeks left to go, but I’m not counting! 

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

              my “one month to go “ pastries ahha I got a napoleonshat and a hindbærsnitter
                                                      with a dannebrog on the front.
                                          Sunrise outside my windoe in Holbeck

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Week 69

10/ 23/17

Well hello all! 
This week was crazy! We did tons of things . 
I got accepted to BYU! so that’s where I’ll be attending in January :) I'm so excited! 

This week we helped a family in the ward prepare food for our potluck , pumpkin and potato soups , i’ve never made either ,  so that was fun! They bought us pizza later , super sweet. 
We’ve  had a lot of time to go contacting people on the street and knocking on doors to share with them the wonderful message of how Christ still lives! How God has a plan for us to return back to him again, and how we can have an eternal family and be happy forever! It’s always fun talking to new people. 

We got to help a less active  member  on her farm, and it was actually way fun! We had a good time serving and laughing. 
Later we went on “blitz splits” in our area with lots of other missionaries! We had 12 of us total,  we knocked for 2 hours in different areas to find people who were interested in learning more about Christ . It was fun and hyggeligt! I was with Sister Andrizzi who is in training with sister Whitlock ( my old companion They usually serve in Roskilde so it was fun to work with her :) 

The following day we had a fun  playing games with our group of missionaries at a district activity , we got to relax and celebrate 2 birthdays . We got to dress in jeans and stuff, it was so weird .  After  I had changed, 2 of the sisters said  “You look like you're ready for a date”  uhhh no i look how i normally would have dressed, i am NOT ready for dates ahha. Is was awkward and funny.  

Saturday we had soccer,  I joyfully supported from the side lines again boooo . Since I hurt my knee playing soccer in the first place, o will continue to sit out until it’s healed.  I'm always sad I can’t play... it takes everying in me not to jump up and say "I'm playing anyways!" 

Sunday was excellent as well! we had a wonderful time learning and feeling the spirit in church. Always an uplift for the coming week. 

Life is going good! Someone kindly reminded me this week that i have about 5 weeks left.. I'm try not to think about it, keep working strong until the end!  Of course its exciting, 
I was joking to someone here, about their "monoploly" money and they thought it was hilarious.  At first they thought  I was serious, of course I was kidding ahha. 

I'm still loving every moment here in Denmark! 

 I've thought about  how we need to have a little more self confidence in ourselves. It’s  something I've struggled with before, but I've thought a lot about it and  how we know God has a plan for us , and we know HE trusts us, but do we trust him, and trust oursleves enough to really know he will keep good on his promises? We should ALWAYS be trusting and having confidence in ourselves, because God is on our side! 
anwyhooo, i hope you all have an amazing week! keep being awesome!

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission
                                A postcard, they found the street were the photo was taken
                                          Another photo from Sister Jones Birthday
                                        Sjaellad Zone conference very top and below:

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Week 68



Hey all! 
 I hope your week was good! Me and Sister Smith had a great week! 
We finally got in contact with an investigator who's been on vacation, and we FINALLy set up an appointment with him so that was a blesssing and a miracle! We also went looking for people to teach, our area has been struggling . 
We found quite a few potentials , I’m excited about that! We've been working hoping for a surge to happen and it feels like its coming :)  we are working on that! 
 This week, always a good week!  Yesterday there was a special conference broadcasting  in Europe. 
Of course we went !!  Elder Ballard was in germany , It was so good! He talked about  as member of the church, we need to believe in miracles , they ARE possible!  Miracles, often start on our knees to our Heavenly Father. We ask, and we receive, but its by our faith that these miracles are seen by us. Often we must go through the trial of faith first. So keep the miracles going! Be Believing ! 
The missionaries wherever you are, need your help to making miracles happen. Doors get opened, we can’t do it alone, we need YOU , regular members,  to help with the work so we can see more mighty miracles. Prophets have testified of this. 
My invitation to you this week. believe  in and work those miracles! have a great week! .) 
Love you all


Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                            Driving around Holbæk !

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Week 67

Hello all! Im doing great here in Holbæk! :) we had a crazy week of doing lots of little things that needed to be done , but thats okay it  gives us the chance to do lots of missionary work this week :)  we had a crazy time! 
 One random thing was we helped set up for  2 straight days for a harvest festival for our ward. The woman in charge of it didnt have anyone to help her except the missioanries and 1 other member . It turned out to be super fun,  so that was good :) We were asked to teach a line dance( us 4 sister missionaries) so we asked our Mission President if we were allowed to  and he said “yes of course you can line dance! “
So that was way cool! He was like as long as you're not dancing with someone else your good :) so we went out there, and the other sisters choreographed a short dance, and then we danced it, but we didn't have the music we needed , which was an 8 count song, so the 2 songs the members played for us to teach with, was "Cant stop the feeling" by Justin timberlake, and "Thats what makes you beautiful" by One direciton, and man it was so fun! We had a moment of pure bliss as missionaries to be able to help serve, and we had a smal blessing of getting to hear 2 really good songs : Doesn't happen ever as a missionary was way fun! That same evening, a woman we are teaching  was there and she was dancing, and she saw the other sisters investigator sitting down on the side by himself, she goes up to him trying to get him to dance (shes a little bit older and braver than most) and he said no and literally went running outside of the room because apparently he hates dancing ahha. it was way funny to see him run , we all had a good laugh. He still came to church the next day so that was good haha. 

We also got to attend a baptism for a guy named Benjamin who sister Smith taught, and it was way good! It was way fun too! I love getting to see people enter into a pagt( i cant remember the English word) ..... wait... a..  covenant with God! :) 

We got to teach about the Holy Ghost to an investigator, and it was excellent! We think we are making some progress slowly in our area again, so thats good. I hope all of your weeks were great as well! :) 


Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                       Sister Smith Kinder-eggs ( The surprise inside is the best)
                                                        facemasks and fun in the sun.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Week 66

Oct. 2, 2017

Hey all! this week was great! I got to spend the last week with Sister Jones here in Holbæk, and it was fun! Thursday, we got my "2 month mark pastry" so that was fun :) !
On Friday we had district meeting, after lunch we surprised Sister Jones, (the past 2 weeks I've been planning her birthday! )  I wasnt mentioning her birthday really because I knew she might expect a party. We sang to her, someone brought a chocolate cake, and then 2 elders brought in a couple of 3 foot long confetti canons, and we blew her away! There was confetti everywhere it was great! she loves confetti :) we played ping pong, we put straight saft syrup in little cups haha. it was way fun! then on saturday, we had an investigator and youth type activity where we ate pizza together, watched a session of conference, then played ping pong! There was about 13 people there it was super!
Sunday came for Sister Jones' actual birthday, that morning at 2 am I got up  and went to our bathroom, and blew up some baloons, threw them around our apartment, added a few little fun gifts I'd gotten for her on the couch, and then waited for her to come out. When she did she sat on the couch said close your eyes and I  grabbed a baby confetti cannon then said open your eyes and as she did, I shot her with confetti again it was so fun! we had a great week!
Of course conference was amazing! I'm so glad we have conference twice a year! In conference one of the speakers talked about how we should serve others. One of the things I thought about, was how sometimes we get so focused on ourselves, and comparing ourselves to others, and we don't always see their side of the story. we are so focused on how we are right, and what needs WE have, that we don't often see the bigger picture . Its not really ABOUT us. We are important, but that doesn't mean we deserve number 1 always. I think one of the greatest things we learn as missionaries is to care for the needs of others, and to not do things because WE want them, or WE know best, but we do things for our companion and others because they are our friends, and loved ones, and because the Savior would serve. Service is hard, but it is as were told, the second greatest commandment. And if we Really do love the Lord as the first commandment says, then we channel that by loving our neighbors more than ourselves , putting away our desires and wants for someone else. We look to build others in their successes, and mourn with them in their losses. But we always continue forward, striving for the light of Christ, and being an example.
Challenge of the week: encourage you and I , to do the same this week as we have been counseled in General Conference. I know it will bless your lives and bring the happiness you search for.

Have a great week!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                              Sister Jones and I
                                    Sis. Jones Surprise Birthday!1 She LOVES Conffetti!!

                                                  Awesome 3 foot conffetti canons!

                                               Great Day!! Happy Birthday Sis. Jones

                                     My New Companion Sister Smith from Highland Utah

Week 65


Hey all! This week was a little slow but it was great!

This past Sunday we had a lunch after church, and there was this older couple who were not members who, were the parents of one of the members,  they had come that day for the food. I sat down next to them and we were talking ,  they were way sweet and way cool! At first they were a little weirded out that I was talking to them, but then they were way friendly! It was fun just asking them questions and seeing how they wamred up to me after a few minutes haha. When their member son came up to me as we were talking, he goes "hi sisters... englihs?? or Danish??? (his wife is from England) so as I go to answer, the  his mother says in Danish "she can do both parts equally as good!" and it was such a compliment to me because when an old Danish woman says you can speak Danish just fine and do English just as good, it was a real compliment that doesn't happen often with older Danish people or young ones for  that matter ahha. they just call us foreigners. I felt very grateful and pleased by her compliment to my Danish :)

This week taught Sunday school , the lesson was about the sacrament and repentance. We had 2 investigators in the class, they were with the other sisters missionaries,  as we talked, at the very end after we had written the "steps" of repentance, they both pulled their phones out and took a picutre of it :) it was so cool and cute! hhaa. they took pictures of my terrible handwriting about how to repent :)

We also were on the gå gade and streets of Slagelse, as a district,  to give out books of mormons and give people the chance to read one page from the book of mormon. It was way cool! I stopped this older lady, after 5 mintues of talking to her, her daughter who was also quite old came up and I  talked with them there on the street for an hour, and the rest of the district had packed up the table by the time I finished talking to them  . It was way exciting at the end they both took books of mormons and it was just great :) they were way sweet and open to hearing about the book! anwyhoo, life is doing great, and the car area is grreeeaaaat! :)

Have a great week!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                             Danish Plan of Salvation wooden puzzle
                          sign on the side of the bridge says Hoebæk even though its spelled Holbæk 
                                                  A funny way to say "Wet Paint"
                               Drawings our investigator ,Alex, did while we were teaching him
                                                               helps him concentrate.