Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Week 66

Oct. 2, 2017

Hey all! this week was great! I got to spend the last week with Sister Jones here in Holbæk, and it was fun! Thursday, we got my "2 month mark pastry" so that was fun :) !
On Friday we had district meeting, after lunch we surprised Sister Jones, (the past 2 weeks I've been planning her birthday! )  I wasnt mentioning her birthday really because I knew she might expect a party. We sang to her, someone brought a chocolate cake, and then 2 elders brought in a couple of 3 foot long confetti canons, and we blew her away! There was confetti everywhere it was great! she loves confetti :) we played ping pong, we put straight saft syrup in little cups haha. it was way fun! then on saturday, we had an investigator and youth type activity where we ate pizza together, watched a session of conference, then played ping pong! There was about 13 people there it was super!
Sunday came for Sister Jones' actual birthday, that morning at 2 am I got up  and went to our bathroom, and blew up some baloons, threw them around our apartment, added a few little fun gifts I'd gotten for her on the couch, and then waited for her to come out. When she did she sat on the couch said close your eyes and I  grabbed a baby confetti cannon then said open your eyes and as she did, I shot her with confetti again it was so fun! we had a great week!
Of course conference was amazing! I'm so glad we have conference twice a year! In conference one of the speakers talked about how we should serve others. One of the things I thought about, was how sometimes we get so focused on ourselves, and comparing ourselves to others, and we don't always see their side of the story. we are so focused on how we are right, and what needs WE have, that we don't often see the bigger picture . Its not really ABOUT us. We are important, but that doesn't mean we deserve number 1 always. I think one of the greatest things we learn as missionaries is to care for the needs of others, and to not do things because WE want them, or WE know best, but we do things for our companion and others because they are our friends, and loved ones, and because the Savior would serve. Service is hard, but it is as were told, the second greatest commandment. And if we Really do love the Lord as the first commandment says, then we channel that by loving our neighbors more than ourselves , putting away our desires and wants for someone else. We look to build others in their successes, and mourn with them in their losses. But we always continue forward, striving for the light of Christ, and being an example.
Challenge of the week: encourage you and I , to do the same this week as we have been counseled in General Conference. I know it will bless your lives and bring the happiness you search for.

Have a great week!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                              Sister Jones and I
                                    Sis. Jones Surprise Birthday!1 She LOVES Conffetti!!

                                                  Awesome 3 foot conffetti canons!

                                               Great Day!! Happy Birthday Sis. Jones

                                     My New Companion Sister Smith from Highland Utah

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