Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Week 67

Hello all! Im doing great here in Holbæk! :) we had a crazy week of doing lots of little things that needed to be done , but thats okay it  gives us the chance to do lots of missionary work this week :)  we had a crazy time! 
 One random thing was we helped set up for  2 straight days for a harvest festival for our ward. The woman in charge of it didnt have anyone to help her except the missioanries and 1 other member . It turned out to be super fun,  so that was good :) We were asked to teach a line dance( us 4 sister missionaries) so we asked our Mission President if we were allowed to  and he said “yes of course you can line dance! “
So that was way cool! He was like as long as you're not dancing with someone else your good :) so we went out there, and the other sisters choreographed a short dance, and then we danced it, but we didn't have the music we needed , which was an 8 count song, so the 2 songs the members played for us to teach with, was "Cant stop the feeling" by Justin timberlake, and "Thats what makes you beautiful" by One direciton, and man it was so fun! We had a moment of pure bliss as missionaries to be able to help serve, and we had a smal blessing of getting to hear 2 really good songs : Doesn't happen ever as a missionary was way fun! That same evening, a woman we are teaching  was there and she was dancing, and she saw the other sisters investigator sitting down on the side by himself, she goes up to him trying to get him to dance (shes a little bit older and braver than most) and he said no and literally went running outside of the room because apparently he hates dancing ahha. it was way funny to see him run , we all had a good laugh. He still came to church the next day so that was good haha. 

We also got to attend a baptism for a guy named Benjamin who sister Smith taught, and it was way good! It was way fun too! I love getting to see people enter into a pagt( i cant remember the English word) ..... wait... a..  covenant with God! :) 

We got to teach about the Holy Ghost to an investigator, and it was excellent! We think we are making some progress slowly in our area again, so thats good. I hope all of your weeks were great as well! :) 


Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                       Sister Smith Kinder-eggs ( The surprise inside is the best)
                                                        facemasks and fun in the sun.

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