Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Week 68



Hey all! 
 I hope your week was good! Me and Sister Smith had a great week! 
We finally got in contact with an investigator who's been on vacation, and we FINALLy set up an appointment with him so that was a blesssing and a miracle! We also went looking for people to teach, our area has been struggling . 
We found quite a few potentials , I’m excited about that! We've been working hoping for a surge to happen and it feels like its coming :)  we are working on that! 
 This week, always a good week!  Yesterday there was a special conference broadcasting  in Europe. 
Of course we went !!  Elder Ballard was in germany , It was so good! He talked about  as member of the church, we need to believe in miracles , they ARE possible!  Miracles, often start on our knees to our Heavenly Father. We ask, and we receive, but its by our faith that these miracles are seen by us. Often we must go through the trial of faith first. So keep the miracles going! Be Believing ! 
The missionaries wherever you are, need your help to making miracles happen. Doors get opened, we can’t do it alone, we need YOU , regular members,  to help with the work so we can see more mighty miracles. Prophets have testified of this. 
My invitation to you this week. believe  in and work those miracles! have a great week! .) 
Love you all


Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                            Driving around Holbæk !

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