Monday, October 30, 2017

Week 70

Hello all! 
Well, it’s basically November, but first Happy Halloween! Now happy November! 
Life here is good in Holbæk, and in Denmark! I don't think I’ll  ever get over how beautiful and awesome Denmark is :) every day is a brand new page of life and exciting things ahah. 

We had a couple cool miracles this week,. On Wednesday, We had an open day so we went out a little farther than normal , and we talked to a lot of people who said we could come back . One day we picked a street and then went to knock on each door , we were not having much success but decided to knock on one more the one right across has a guy putting posters together of himself for city elections up and we walk up and introduce ourselves , where we are from and what we were doing. We talk about the book of Mormon and he was like oh I've read that book before.  He said, “I won it “we were like really how? Turns out he’s a returned missionary that had stopped going to church a while back.  We talked with him about his mission and his great experiences, he gave us soda, it was such a nice visit! He told us he knows the church is true and my best time of my life was on my mission here.  We parted ways ending on a good note, reminding him of the beautiful gospel of Jesus Christ waiting for him.  3 doors down, we meet another fellow and introduce ourselves, guy says, “yeah i know who you are, I’ve served a mission. We we’re like no way! We just talked to a guy down there that also was a member! He says yeah that’s my older brother!! 
We invited him back to church and it was cool ahah. We were definitely where we are supposed to be ,  for sure! 
Later that evening, we get a
 Text from an earlier investigator who said, “I was busy and had things in my way before with baptism, but now I'm ready .I want to be baptized in December will you sisters help me? “so we were way excited!

 God leads us to more positive people ready for the gospel :) 

This week, an investigator at church introduced himself and asked me, “where do you come from you have a tiny little accent are you from Sweden? “and I was like nah I'm American!  Made me feel good that I don't sounds completely American though ahah. 
Weeks full of miracles, and happiness. 
It got wayyy cold this week, my goal was to make it to october 31st without wearing tights like a I did last year, and I made it!  A random lame achievement, still proud of myself haha. 

I hope you all can keep doing wonderful things, and keep serving God with your might mind and strength! I'm cheering you all on from Denmark, and you all are in my prayers daily! :) 

4 weeks left to go, but I’m not counting! 

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

              my “one month to go “ pastries ahha I got a napoleonshat and a hindbærsnitter
                                                      with a dannebrog on the front.
                                          Sunrise outside my windoe in Holbeck

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