Monday, September 19, 2016

Week 12


Hey all! Hope all is doing well in the states! This week was a good week here in Denmark! Its been cold the past two days, so here comes the winter lol. I'm definitely excited to wear the nice scarves I have! Its been super warm here actually, I don't know what the temperature is in fareinheit, but its been about 28 and 29 degrees in celsius... and its even warmer feeling with the humidity... but its been quite lovely! This September has actually been the warmest its ever been in over 50 years so that's interesting! I'm getting over my cold most of the way finally!

We had transfers today, and I'm still with my companion in the same area so that's fun! We had a good week and lots of success in this area, despite how we started in the new area since we opened it... I'm sure my Danish is getting better and better, even though at the moment I feel like it isn't. Its a constant pregression of working on it, and listening, and soaking up all I can.. Danish is a beautiful language, despite how everyone else in Scandinavia seems to think it sounds like we talk through potatoes haha. I think they all sound funny. Danish is amazing though!

Speaking of languages, there is an Elder who I gave a referall to a couple weeks ago. One of the elders who is serving in the Everett Washington mission gave me a referall a while ago for someone who was from Copenhagen
(København) and who had been an exchange student in his house... So a couple weeks ago I tried looking them up and I found someone by that name not in København, but in a town a ways away from it.. Thinking that they would say they were from københavn because that's the only place most people know in Denmark, I gave the name, address and number to the Elders that were over that area. One of them is actually from Denmark so that made it more aweosme. Anyways, I get a call back about a week ago, and he goes, so, it wasn't the people you thought it was. They had no idea who they were and it wasn't the people that the Elder who is serving in your home mission gave you. But we gave them a Book Of Mormon and we have a return appointment and they were super interested! SO thats good that it worked out well! They told me that I needed to go through the phone book and start giving them random names since obviously "I was inspired" as the elders phrased it ahha. Also with one of those elders, he called me today and asked me if I knew any really helpful Russian phrases because he is teaching a less active woman who is Russian and loves the missionaries and said she loves when any missionaries know any thing about Russia... I was able to give him a couple Russian phrases just basic phrases that he could say to her so that she can feel a more sense of belonging... he told me its probably the only way they will get her back to church... I hope it all works out!!! Im glad my Russian has come in handy a tiny bit even if I really don't remember much at the moment since I'm focusing on a completely different langugae.. I'm sure it will all come back though when I get home and I can study it again.

Something funny this week that happended was our investigator Fredrik who is getting baptized hopefully this week, we showed him a picture of someone getting baptized that we happened to see when we were showing him a completely different video on the internet, and he goes "oh so I'm not getting baptized in the church?" and were like what? and he's like , " because that looks like a bathroom" hahah it was super funny because the font did look like it was a bathroom hahaha. We thought it was hilarious and we were dying of laughter in the library trying not to be distruptive haha.

I miss Washington a ton, and I miss all of you, but I  know I'm doing Gods work out here and that all will be well.. I feel sad when people don't see the beautiful gospel we have. Or we as members take for granted what we do have, but it's something so special and its something that we have that we should be sharing with everyone we have. When I was at home, I didn't realize the importance of being a member missionary before being an actual missionary. Because we can't always do missionary work. As members, we have such a great place where we are friends with the people
 around us, and how we could easily just invite them to a church activity. I think as members, we always need to realize that we have such an important role, and a unique role, and we are so blessed to be able to have all that we have. We should show out gratefulness every single day. I love you all and I hope its a wonderful week!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week 11


                                                        Louise Teague sent me this from Denmark
The big soccer game

                                  Supposed to meet the Elders ON the train not OFF the train.  Opps
This week was a good week! We as a district got to go to an F.C Copenhagen soccer game which was awesome! We won 2 to 0, and I can't tell you how much I have missed soccer..  We also had a 30 day meeting of being here in Denmark, and that was amazing as well we got to go to the temple in Copenhagen and we loved it! It was beautiful and spiritual...

One of our investigators who is from China, he doesn't know much about any religion, and something he said when trying to describe what the Holy Ghost was, he was like ohhhhh so its like sacred inspiration.. its so true I never thought of the Holy Ghost as that, but its true it was an eye opener...

Since Im still sick, we had dinner at a members house where her husband isn't a member but the children mostly are, and she heard me cough at one point, and she asked me if i wanted anything to take and how she had this honey from New Zealand I could try, and how she had these herb things she could give me so she comes back and she gives me like 7 pills to take, and I was like I'll take them when I get home and save and use them! And she let me try this honey and she also gave me this weird herbal tea to take home.. SO it was nice being taken care of by a member...

And last but  not least, this week we did splits with sisters who live about an hour or so from us by trains, and one of the sisters was in my MTC group.. We got to do splits together me and her, and I honestly was so terrified since we both don't know the language very well at all.. but we went out to find people and we talked to several people and it wasn't as bad as we thought! We both knew more than I  think we realized, and it was a good experience.. I know someday we will have the Danish language down... anyways have a great week all! Its still beautiful and sunny here in Denmark!

I forgot the Assistant elders, accidently when they were filing up the big mission van with gas, they accidentally pot peisol or pensol in it instead of deisel fuel.. they drove 300 meters when tthey realized their mistake.. super funny! They had to get the car towed and hopefully get it fixed haha. BIG fail! lol but that's okay we still support them in their mistakes.... 

                          Asst. Elders put Petrol Not Deisel in the mission van....drove it 30 miles before it                                                              had to be towed...epic fail

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Week 10


This week has been a pretty good week. I was still getting over my cold but we still went out everyday and were out talking and having lessons... I didn't realize how much I don't like being the needy perosn and all that. There were days when I should have stayed in with my cold knew we couldn't, because talking to the people and teaching them about the gospel was more important.  Its funny what you learn about yourself as you are forgetting yourself. This week we were talking to the man from Ghana who is supposed to get baptized the 25th of September, and he dropped off the face of the earth for like 3 days we had no idea what happened to him.. We had stopped by his apartment so many times and he wasnt there it was so unlike him.. At one point we were worried he just didnt want to talk to us, so Søster McArthur lifted me up so that I could see in to the top window of his apartment to make sure he wasnt home because we really couldnt tell and we were really worried about it... Safe to say he wasnt home at all actually lol but i was a fun experience being boosted up to creepily look in the top window... 
We also met a woman this week named Lillian who the stake president had called us and told her that she had wanted to remove her records from the church since the beginning of summer and he thought that we as sisters could talk to her and hopefully get her coming back to churhc. We were terrified since it was basically the two of us standing between her and having her records removed.. We decided to show up to her house one day which Danes don't like people coming unannounced... She wasnt there so we stopped by her again like 4 days later and she was home! She had a buzz box, so shes like who  is it? in Danish and Søster McArthur was like its the sister missionaries! And she buzzed us in! We talked with her for about an hour and got to know her a s a person she is so sweet and has such a strong faith! We were so blessed to get in to talk with her. We asked her questions about faith and she even let us share a scripture from the Book Of Mormon! That book is the greatest book on earth thats for sure! She even told us that she still believed in the churches teachings even though she hadnt been in about 30 years, but that since she was old, it was easier for her to go to the church of denmark because it was right across the street. It was awesome she is so amazing! And we have another appointment with her as well in about 2 weeks so hopefully that will go well as well!  We actually had brought her cookies and we tried to give them to her but she said she had enough sweets so we ate cookies on the bike ride home and it was a nice treat since we hadn't eaten all day! 

There is another man named Ryan who we are hoping to keep teaching and he said that if he joined any church it would be the Mormon church but he couldnt because he couldnt give up his coffee. But hes raised all his children on Mormon standards and principles it was so amazing! 

Anywhoo this week was so good and hopefully this next week will be even better!!! Always a work in progress on the mission to talk to others and obring them closer to Christ. 

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

Week 9


This week was good! We had a lot to do on the mission and we had so many appointments we weren't even sure how to fit all of them into our schedules! 
The weather was super warm this week, I even have a farmers tan , from just friday. I didn't know that was possible for me haha. 
The past 3 days or so its been really windy rainy and there was tons of thunder and lightning but its all good! I also got sick this week from my companion, hopefully i'll get better soon. Were still continuing the work like normal! 
We have a guy getting baptized soon his name is Frederik and he's progressing so well! We finally got him to come to church because he finally got his car back and he really enjoyed going to church as well! He's super excited about the gospel and all and he is trying his best to be a good preson! 
'Something funny this week is that my companion was teaching a lesson for a mini zone conference for all these 15 year olds who did a mini mission in our stake so that they could figure out what missioanry life was like... And during her lesson she wrote something on the board and she was trying to say the holy spirit but she forgot the little circle above the letter, and so instead of holy spirit she was saying the holy Duck ahha. It was really funny ahhaa. Another funny thing that happened this week was the assistant elders drove us to the train station in their car because we had all been at a dinner together, and were sitting there because they are using our map to find out where someone lived, then all the sudden we hear a loud horn blare, and were like oh no and so he starts pulling foraward and he had accidently parked where a bus stop was hahaha. the bus was behind us honking to move it was so funny ahha.
also this week we decided as a district in a week and a half we are going to go to a soccer game here in Copenhagen so that should be super fun we are so excited!
We met with a chinese guy named Liu near our apartment at a lake and I was testifying of how I knew God was our loving heavenly father(he didnt know anything about christianity and he only spoke english) and he goes, wow you get really emotional dont you? and i was like me? no ahha i was like I just know that he loves us. I told him that my greatest knowledge was the love he has for us as his children, and I knew he was there. He was so amazed by it and I didn't think I was emotional I was just bearing my testimony with conviction! It was funny, but awesome! at the end of the lesson we taught him how to pray and he said a prayer for us! I wrote down on a card the steps since he had never prayed before and he did soooo  good! It was such a beautiful prayer! :)
Last but not least this week My companion and I went to share a spiritual thought at the bishops house, and they were like please stay for dinner! So we did and I was so proud of myself I understood about 85% of the conversation it was defintely the gift of tongues! The whole conversation though there were a lot of words I didnt know, but I followed everything that was going on in the converatrion it was awesome! God definitely blessed me!
I'd just like to tell you all that I know God loves each and every one of us and that he is there and he is our loving Heavenly Father... I wouldn't be here today without him and I hope you all know how much he is there for us and wants to hear from us.
I hope you all have a blessed and fantastic week!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

Week 8


Hey yall! This week has been good(how could it not be good when youre serving the Lord?!)!

One of the first things that happened was I was taking my contacts out at night, and then I go to brush my teeth, and as I turn the water on, I look down in the sink right at the moment....I see one of my contacts go swimming down the drain... I'm not sure how I missed that .... had to throw the other out because you can't have one new contact and one old that's not comfprtable at all! Lol it was a fail moment lol. 
This week, there is a train stop called Svanemøllen which one of the ladies in our ward lives on its kinda like the very middle of downtown copenhagen sorta... Anyways we had been at that station and had bought a bike at a used bike store there with her, then we headed to a dinner appointment in a stop or two down the same line.. We leave the dinner apppointment and apprently Svvanelmøllen had been closed for at least like an hour or something because apparently someone had gotten hit by the train... We must had barely missed it so its good we got out because a normal 30 mintue ride home took us about 2 hours or so to get home... It all ended u p being okay though! 

We had all the elders in our district come help go finding with us on the streets of our areas (they actually offered to) because we opened a new area and all. So we all went out one day for 4 hours and and we had a lot of positive things happen with the elders . We all had a really fun time going to different cities and then coming back after 2 hours and reporting and keeping each other hyped when our feet got tired, or when people kept closing doors in our face (politely of course because its Denmark). We got 3 new investigators from it so it was worth it! 
The day after we actually met a woman named Shanina who we happend to see and talk to for like 10 minuted when going to teach a lesson somewhere else. And then a man walked by his name is Peter, and he goes youre the mormons right? and were like yes we are! and he goes "I could tell you were from all the way across the parking lot you have a light about you and your posture and whole atmosphere.  I really respect that you're out here helping others come unto Christ and all. I had a friend who was mormon growing up and we had a lot of conversations about it and I really respect it. It's not for me but keep dsoing what youre doing!" it was super cool! Obviously we still want to find him and talk more! haha he was so nice!

We had dinner at a families house this week and the mother has 4 kids, and her husband is away a lot of the time for work so they only see him about twice amonth. Anyways it was the best dinner I've had in such a long time! The kids were so much fun to be around! The 11 year old(3rd oldest) was so fast with sarcasm and quick remarks oh my goodness! Their family was so awesome I loved it! 

Funny random thing that happend this week was my companion showed me something in the Danish plan of salvation pamphlet... My bishop is in the pamphlet! actually several of the people I've already met in Denmark and what not are in the Danish pamphlets it's the coolest thing! lol

Last funny thing that happened this week is that my companion and I were headed to dinner at a senior missionary couples apartment, and we passed the road so we stopped on the road a second,  next to this fountain... Were standing there discussing a spiritual thought for a second, and she's facing away from me... She says yes to whatever my question was and she turns around to follow me and there is a pole about a foot tall on the corner of the rectangular fountain.. Her foot catches on it, and she starts  falling into the pond. I'm holding my bike and my kickstand wasn't down so I can't drop the bike fast enough..... I watch as she in slow motion falls into the pond with her bike... Her bag which is in the basket at the front of the bike falls in as well. I yell, oh no the phone(we can't get a new one at the moment either if we needed one, we have a substitiue mission president) and so she goes oh no! So we grab her bag once we get her out of the water, we dumb it out, water pours out of it, we grab the phone I'm tearing the phone apart to get the battery out and get the water out of it on my leg and I tell her "Grab your scriptures!!!!" and so then she goes rummaging in her bag trying to get her scriptures out before they get too soaked as well, and then shes finally get them out, we start trying to pull everything out and lay it out on this busyish sidewalk people are staring at us funny haha. We got everything wet lol. The pamphlets she had are history, but ironically her scriptures are in really good condition they hardly got wet and all! We saved the phone, and the map and most everything else even though the stuff is a little crinkyl now haha. Anywho thats my fun story for the week! I hope all is going well where you are stay safe!

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                   Sister McArthur
                                                         Fanta European style! Yum

Week 7

Aug 15, 2016

Hey all! This week has been a whirlwind! SO many things happened I honestly don't remember most of them! We had a lot go on though. One of the sisters on the way to Denmark got really sick the whole day so I took care of her, while she was sick. We all made it in one piece! Denmark is beautiful! It's like Mount Vernon except it rains randomly every single day, its also sunny every single day, and its windy like Rexburg Idaho! lol but its great it's like home so its nice. 
My companion is Sister McArthur she has been here for about 7 months or so. She's from Pleasant Grove Utah! We are actually the closest sisters in the city.  We're literally in the city almost in the center. We opened a new area here our area is Rødovre. Our ward is awesome we actually have 8 missionaries all together in our ward which is crazy! They are all elders except me and my companion ahha. But its fun we enjoy our district! 
Denmark has been treating me well with pastries and people and all good things! I might be a little more round by the time I get home, but all will be well! 

A couple random things that happned this week, is that my companion and I were straining noodles into our kitchen sink, and our fire alarm is right above the sink... and uhhh we might have set it off! So Sister McArthur jumps up on the counter and shuts it off, then it keeps doing like a warning beep once every minute or so.. we took it off the wall, tried to make it quiet, and it wouldn't, but about an hour later it was quiet again! So that was fun lol Dinner was still good haha. 
Also this week we went ot visit a lady in our ward named Tina and she is so sweet! She is looking out for us and she keeps track of all 4 companionships of missionaries and our calendars which is very helpful! 
I had the opportunity to ride my companions bike this week for splits because she is the sister training leader for the other zone, and I did quite well I was proud of myself! I'm am extremely happy that the bikes here have foot brakes haha I can't tell you how beyond excited I am!. 
Also this week our first day, we were able to see the original Kristus! If you don't know what that is, in every visitors center of the church there is the statue of Christ with the marks in his hands and what not. We got to see the original in a cathedral church here. So coool!  
Also this week we had a dinner appointment with a family on Sunday with 2 other elders, and we have heard that we need to be really careful when we eat there because aparently they go through the food in the dumpster to use for some things(I feel really sad for them). Anyways so we go to this house, the old couple was so sweet and all and they were so kind and loving! Granted yes, I could tell some of the food was not from a fridge, and we stayed away from that part, but it ended up being a good dinner! They are very generous to have us over. The couple actually gave us a plant so that we could make our apartment more "homey" since its a little spacious since there was only ,other missionaries for like 1 month before... We don't have like any pots or pans really but we will make it work! The Lord provides for those that are faithful and are serving him always! It will all work out! Back to the plant yeah so we got the plant and the two elders that were there were trying really hard not to laugh... But they're just young teenage boys and probably jealous ayways. lol. 

If you ever come to Denmark, make sure you eat the pastries because they are so delicious! Goodness this week has been so fast! 
Something awesome this week is there is a man here who the elders have visited a while ago, and he is so ready to be baptized he is so ready to commit and he has such strong faith but he has a smoking problem so we are trying to work with him and all and hopefully he will be ready to be baptized on the date we have for him which is at the end of september! 
The language here is coming, I really honestly dont understand much that is going on because everyone talks so fast but I know eventually  it will come! 
I'm so excited to be able to speake and understand some day though! I understand some parts, but most days I just smile and look nice while my poor companion teaches. All will be well though. 
 hope you alll have a fantstic week and just know i'm praying for you and are wishing you all well in the US!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center

                                                               Danish Pastry
                                                            Fire Alarm?
                                                               Original Christus
                                                              Plant from the Faily family