Monday, September 19, 2016

Week 12


Hey all! Hope all is doing well in the states! This week was a good week here in Denmark! Its been cold the past two days, so here comes the winter lol. I'm definitely excited to wear the nice scarves I have! Its been super warm here actually, I don't know what the temperature is in fareinheit, but its been about 28 and 29 degrees in celsius... and its even warmer feeling with the humidity... but its been quite lovely! This September has actually been the warmest its ever been in over 50 years so that's interesting! I'm getting over my cold most of the way finally!

We had transfers today, and I'm still with my companion in the same area so that's fun! We had a good week and lots of success in this area, despite how we started in the new area since we opened it... I'm sure my Danish is getting better and better, even though at the moment I feel like it isn't. Its a constant pregression of working on it, and listening, and soaking up all I can.. Danish is a beautiful language, despite how everyone else in Scandinavia seems to think it sounds like we talk through potatoes haha. I think they all sound funny. Danish is amazing though!

Speaking of languages, there is an Elder who I gave a referall to a couple weeks ago. One of the elders who is serving in the Everett Washington mission gave me a referall a while ago for someone who was from Copenhagen
(København) and who had been an exchange student in his house... So a couple weeks ago I tried looking them up and I found someone by that name not in København, but in a town a ways away from it.. Thinking that they would say they were from københavn because that's the only place most people know in Denmark, I gave the name, address and number to the Elders that were over that area. One of them is actually from Denmark so that made it more aweosme. Anyways, I get a call back about a week ago, and he goes, so, it wasn't the people you thought it was. They had no idea who they were and it wasn't the people that the Elder who is serving in your home mission gave you. But we gave them a Book Of Mormon and we have a return appointment and they were super interested! SO thats good that it worked out well! They told me that I needed to go through the phone book and start giving them random names since obviously "I was inspired" as the elders phrased it ahha. Also with one of those elders, he called me today and asked me if I knew any really helpful Russian phrases because he is teaching a less active woman who is Russian and loves the missionaries and said she loves when any missionaries know any thing about Russia... I was able to give him a couple Russian phrases just basic phrases that he could say to her so that she can feel a more sense of belonging... he told me its probably the only way they will get her back to church... I hope it all works out!!! Im glad my Russian has come in handy a tiny bit even if I really don't remember much at the moment since I'm focusing on a completely different langugae.. I'm sure it will all come back though when I get home and I can study it again.

Something funny this week that happended was our investigator Fredrik who is getting baptized hopefully this week, we showed him a picture of someone getting baptized that we happened to see when we were showing him a completely different video on the internet, and he goes "oh so I'm not getting baptized in the church?" and were like what? and he's like , " because that looks like a bathroom" hahah it was super funny because the font did look like it was a bathroom hahaha. We thought it was hilarious and we were dying of laughter in the library trying not to be distruptive haha.

I miss Washington a ton, and I miss all of you, but I  know I'm doing Gods work out here and that all will be well.. I feel sad when people don't see the beautiful gospel we have. Or we as members take for granted what we do have, but it's something so special and its something that we have that we should be sharing with everyone we have. When I was at home, I didn't realize the importance of being a member missionary before being an actual missionary. Because we can't always do missionary work. As members, we have such a great place where we are friends with the people
 around us, and how we could easily just invite them to a church activity. I think as members, we always need to realize that we have such an important role, and a unique role, and we are so blessed to be able to have all that we have. We should show out gratefulness every single day. I love you all and I hope its a wonderful week!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

Sent from my iPhone

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