Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Week 10


This week has been a pretty good week. I was still getting over my cold but we still went out everyday and were out talking and having lessons... I didn't realize how much I don't like being the needy perosn and all that. There were days when I should have stayed in with my cold knew we couldn't, because talking to the people and teaching them about the gospel was more important.  Its funny what you learn about yourself as you are forgetting yourself. This week we were talking to the man from Ghana who is supposed to get baptized the 25th of September, and he dropped off the face of the earth for like 3 days we had no idea what happened to him.. We had stopped by his apartment so many times and he wasnt there it was so unlike him.. At one point we were worried he just didnt want to talk to us, so Søster McArthur lifted me up so that I could see in to the top window of his apartment to make sure he wasnt home because we really couldnt tell and we were really worried about it... Safe to say he wasnt home at all actually lol but i was a fun experience being boosted up to creepily look in the top window... 
We also met a woman this week named Lillian who the stake president had called us and told her that she had wanted to remove her records from the church since the beginning of summer and he thought that we as sisters could talk to her and hopefully get her coming back to churhc. We were terrified since it was basically the two of us standing between her and having her records removed.. We decided to show up to her house one day which Danes don't like people coming unannounced... She wasnt there so we stopped by her again like 4 days later and she was home! She had a buzz box, so shes like who  is it? in Danish and Søster McArthur was like its the sister missionaries! And she buzzed us in! We talked with her for about an hour and got to know her a s a person she is so sweet and has such a strong faith! We were so blessed to get in to talk with her. We asked her questions about faith and she even let us share a scripture from the Book Of Mormon! That book is the greatest book on earth thats for sure! She even told us that she still believed in the churches teachings even though she hadnt been in about 30 years, but that since she was old, it was easier for her to go to the church of denmark because it was right across the street. It was awesome she is so amazing! And we have another appointment with her as well in about 2 weeks so hopefully that will go well as well!  We actually had brought her cookies and we tried to give them to her but she said she had enough sweets so we ate cookies on the bike ride home and it was a nice treat since we hadn't eaten all day! 

There is another man named Ryan who we are hoping to keep teaching and he said that if he joined any church it would be the Mormon church but he couldnt because he couldnt give up his coffee. But hes raised all his children on Mormon standards and principles it was so amazing! 

Anywhoo this week was so good and hopefully this next week will be even better!!! Always a work in progress on the mission to talk to others and obring them closer to Christ. 

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

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