Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week 11


                                                        Louise Teague sent me this from Denmark
The big soccer game

                                  Supposed to meet the Elders ON the train not OFF the train.  Opps
This week was a good week! We as a district got to go to an F.C Copenhagen soccer game which was awesome! We won 2 to 0, and I can't tell you how much I have missed soccer..  We also had a 30 day meeting of being here in Denmark, and that was amazing as well we got to go to the temple in Copenhagen and we loved it! It was beautiful and spiritual...

One of our investigators who is from China, he doesn't know much about any religion, and something he said when trying to describe what the Holy Ghost was, he was like ohhhhh so its like sacred inspiration.. its so true I never thought of the Holy Ghost as that, but its true it was an eye opener...

Since Im still sick, we had dinner at a members house where her husband isn't a member but the children mostly are, and she heard me cough at one point, and she asked me if i wanted anything to take and how she had this honey from New Zealand I could try, and how she had these herb things she could give me so she comes back and she gives me like 7 pills to take, and I was like I'll take them when I get home and save and use them! And she let me try this honey and she also gave me this weird herbal tea to take home.. SO it was nice being taken care of by a member...

And last but  not least, this week we did splits with sisters who live about an hour or so from us by trains, and one of the sisters was in my MTC group.. We got to do splits together me and her, and I honestly was so terrified since we both don't know the language very well at all.. but we went out to find people and we talked to several people and it wasn't as bad as we thought! We both knew more than I  think we realized, and it was a good experience.. I know someday we will have the Danish language down... anyways have a great week all! Its still beautiful and sunny here in Denmark!

I forgot the Assistant elders, accidently when they were filing up the big mission van with gas, they accidentally pot peisol or pensol in it instead of deisel fuel.. they drove 300 meters when tthey realized their mistake.. super funny! They had to get the car towed and hopefully get it fixed haha. BIG fail! lol but that's okay we still support them in their mistakes.... 

                          Asst. Elders put Petrol Not Deisel in the mission van....drove it 30 miles before it                                                              had to be towed...epic fail

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