Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Week 8


Hey yall! This week has been good(how could it not be good when youre serving the Lord?!)!

One of the first things that happened was I was taking my contacts out at night, and then I go to brush my teeth, and as I turn the water on, I look down in the sink right at the moment....I see one of my contacts go swimming down the drain... I'm not sure how I missed that .... had to throw the other out because you can't have one new contact and one old that's not comfprtable at all! Lol it was a fail moment lol. 
This week, there is a train stop called Svanemøllen which one of the ladies in our ward lives on its kinda like the very middle of downtown copenhagen sorta... Anyways we had been at that station and had bought a bike at a used bike store there with her, then we headed to a dinner appointment in a stop or two down the same line.. We leave the dinner apppointment and apprently Svvanelmøllen had been closed for at least like an hour or something because apparently someone had gotten hit by the train... We must had barely missed it so its good we got out because a normal 30 mintue ride home took us about 2 hours or so to get home... It all ended u p being okay though! 

We had all the elders in our district come help go finding with us on the streets of our areas (they actually offered to) because we opened a new area and all. So we all went out one day for 4 hours and and we had a lot of positive things happen with the elders . We all had a really fun time going to different cities and then coming back after 2 hours and reporting and keeping each other hyped when our feet got tired, or when people kept closing doors in our face (politely of course because its Denmark). We got 3 new investigators from it so it was worth it! 
The day after we actually met a woman named Shanina who we happend to see and talk to for like 10 minuted when going to teach a lesson somewhere else. And then a man walked by his name is Peter, and he goes youre the mormons right? and were like yes we are! and he goes "I could tell you were from all the way across the parking lot you have a light about you and your posture and whole atmosphere.  I really respect that you're out here helping others come unto Christ and all. I had a friend who was mormon growing up and we had a lot of conversations about it and I really respect it. It's not for me but keep dsoing what youre doing!" it was super cool! Obviously we still want to find him and talk more! haha he was so nice!

We had dinner at a families house this week and the mother has 4 kids, and her husband is away a lot of the time for work so they only see him about twice amonth. Anyways it was the best dinner I've had in such a long time! The kids were so much fun to be around! The 11 year old(3rd oldest) was so fast with sarcasm and quick remarks oh my goodness! Their family was so awesome I loved it! 

Funny random thing that happend this week was my companion showed me something in the Danish plan of salvation pamphlet... My bishop is in the pamphlet! actually several of the people I've already met in Denmark and what not are in the Danish pamphlets it's the coolest thing! lol

Last funny thing that happened this week is that my companion and I were headed to dinner at a senior missionary couples apartment, and we passed the road so we stopped on the road a second,  next to this fountain... Were standing there discussing a spiritual thought for a second, and she's facing away from me... She says yes to whatever my question was and she turns around to follow me and there is a pole about a foot tall on the corner of the rectangular fountain.. Her foot catches on it, and she starts  falling into the pond. I'm holding my bike and my kickstand wasn't down so I can't drop the bike fast enough..... I watch as she in slow motion falls into the pond with her bike... Her bag which is in the basket at the front of the bike falls in as well. I yell, oh no the phone(we can't get a new one at the moment either if we needed one, we have a substitiue mission president) and so she goes oh no! So we grab her bag once we get her out of the water, we dumb it out, water pours out of it, we grab the phone I'm tearing the phone apart to get the battery out and get the water out of it on my leg and I tell her "Grab your scriptures!!!!" and so then she goes rummaging in her bag trying to get her scriptures out before they get too soaked as well, and then shes finally get them out, we start trying to pull everything out and lay it out on this busyish sidewalk people are staring at us funny haha. We got everything wet lol. The pamphlets she had are history, but ironically her scriptures are in really good condition they hardly got wet and all! We saved the phone, and the map and most everything else even though the stuff is a little crinkyl now haha. Anywho thats my fun story for the week! I hope all is going well where you are stay safe!

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                   Sister McArthur
                                                         Fanta European style! Yum

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