Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Week 9


This week was good! We had a lot to do on the mission and we had so many appointments we weren't even sure how to fit all of them into our schedules! 
The weather was super warm this week, I even have a farmers tan , from just friday. I didn't know that was possible for me haha. 
The past 3 days or so its been really windy rainy and there was tons of thunder and lightning but its all good! I also got sick this week from my companion, hopefully i'll get better soon. Were still continuing the work like normal! 
We have a guy getting baptized soon his name is Frederik and he's progressing so well! We finally got him to come to church because he finally got his car back and he really enjoyed going to church as well! He's super excited about the gospel and all and he is trying his best to be a good preson! 
'Something funny this week is that my companion was teaching a lesson for a mini zone conference for all these 15 year olds who did a mini mission in our stake so that they could figure out what missioanry life was like... And during her lesson she wrote something on the board and she was trying to say the holy spirit but she forgot the little circle above the letter, and so instead of holy spirit she was saying the holy Duck ahha. It was really funny ahhaa. Another funny thing that happened this week was the assistant elders drove us to the train station in their car because we had all been at a dinner together, and were sitting there because they are using our map to find out where someone lived, then all the sudden we hear a loud horn blare, and were like oh no and so he starts pulling foraward and he had accidently parked where a bus stop was hahaha. the bus was behind us honking to move it was so funny ahha.
also this week we decided as a district in a week and a half we are going to go to a soccer game here in Copenhagen so that should be super fun we are so excited!
We met with a chinese guy named Liu near our apartment at a lake and I was testifying of how I knew God was our loving heavenly father(he didnt know anything about christianity and he only spoke english) and he goes, wow you get really emotional dont you? and i was like me? no ahha i was like I just know that he loves us. I told him that my greatest knowledge was the love he has for us as his children, and I knew he was there. He was so amazed by it and I didn't think I was emotional I was just bearing my testimony with conviction! It was funny, but awesome! at the end of the lesson we taught him how to pray and he said a prayer for us! I wrote down on a card the steps since he had never prayed before and he did soooo  good! It was such a beautiful prayer! :)
Last but not least this week My companion and I went to share a spiritual thought at the bishops house, and they were like please stay for dinner! So we did and I was so proud of myself I understood about 85% of the conversation it was defintely the gift of tongues! The whole conversation though there were a lot of words I didnt know, but I followed everything that was going on in the converatrion it was awesome! God definitely blessed me!
I'd just like to tell you all that I know God loves each and every one of us and that he is there and he is our loving Heavenly Father... I wouldn't be here today without him and I hope you all know how much he is there for us and wants to hear from us.
I hope you all have a blessed and fantastic week!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

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