Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Week 55

7/17/17 COOL DATE!!

Hey all! This week was wonderful! First off, I'm training a new missionary her name is Sister Matheson and she is from Clearfield Utah, she's amazing! Her first testimony in front of the ward, she made 2 grammatical mistakes and that was it... it was amazing!!! Literally unheard of!!!! All the members came up after and were like do you have Danish family or parents or what? and she's like uhhh no??? it was so great haha. the only hard part is that it takes a while to understand everything, and members forget that because she speaks so well ahah. it was a great Sunday though it made me look good as a trainer even though I have no claim over her hard work on the language ahha. 

We also had 2 investigators in church too! It was great"!!!!! Sister Matheson's first week, and we had 2 investigators come so I know it’s gonna be a great transfer for us! We are in all doing great, our missionary work is great, language is great, and we are looking for the blessings to come! 

It was funny because we had a lot of places to bike this week for appointments, and so poor Sister Matheson had to bike a lot... at sport on Saturday the 2 other trainees were like yeah we've biked quite a bit were sore we've biked about 3 miles each today, and then Sister Matheson looks at me , I look at her and we both start grinning, and then with no emotion whatsoever she goes, we biked 12 today ahah. I was like wow I sound so cruel as a person, I'm not meaning to be we just had tons of appointments to run to haha. She’s doing amazing though!
 She talked about how I’d be biking ahead, and then she would try to make her legs bike faster, and they just wouldn't go faster or anything and she was like oh no!! hahaah it’s been great though we've had a lot of fun!!

Gosh so many things happened this week, I don’t even know!! I suppose I will end here for now, but I hope you all have a wonderful week! Love you all!!! 

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                         Sister Matheson and her first Kinder Aeg ( German Chocolate)

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Week 54

July 10, 2017

Hey all!
it'll be a short letter this week!

I'll be training a new missionary here on Wednesday! My companion just got transferred to Odense , which was my last area! and I'll be here in Lyngby! I'm scared but I know God will help me to train the new sister in the best possible way! My trainer actually goes home today so that's fun! I'm excited to hear all of her adventures back home :)

Life here in Denmark keeps going along and is amazing as always! Danish is wonderful, I want to speak danish the rest of my life! 
The 4th was great! We had a little half of our district barbeque here this past week, it was fun! And I also drank an american Root beer! literally, don't underestimate the power of root beer because we don't have it here only in a few select stores, and it is straight wonderfuL!!! ahhh anywhoo, I hope your week was great! love you all!
Looks like my release date is Dec 19th, I'll be home for Christmas!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission
                                          Sister Hughes, me, Elder Erikson and Sister Downs
                                                    American Root beer , Amazing!!
                                                              Eva and I
                                                    Lene and I
                                              Mini district Bar- B-Q
                                          Food at an Italian Restaurant that taste authentic

Monday, July 3, 2017

Week 53

July 3, 2017
Hey all! 
This week was great! My birthday was wonderful! What can I  say, I'm an old woman ;) haha just kidding haha. 
I also, just got my offical note from my mission president saying that my official realease date is December 22nd!! Which is weird! Its already July... that's just a weird thought is it not?? I feel like a new missionary still. 
Life has been great! On my birthday we went to Hillerød with Sister Barney and Sister Batey because that is their area right now, and they picked us up in the car. They had balloons all around ahah. Then we went and ate Sunset Boulevard burgers it was wonderful! Then we went to the Frederiksborg Slot , then ate Paradis ice cream! Yum! ! It was a great birthday!
This p day, as in today, we left and used the early time in the morning to go up to Helsingør and go to Kronborg Slot! Helsingør is the closest place on the slot you can get to Sverige (Sweden in danish) and not be in Sweden ahha. You can see it across the water very clearly it was so cool! And Kronborg was so cool! It wasn't Insanely full of furniture, like most, because the swedes stole almost all of it .It was great! 
We had a few mintues left to contact people the other day, so we decided to talk to one more person before heading back to our bikes.. I stopped a man and he at first looked at me and as I was mentioning who we were, his face looked so uninterested, but then we talked to him and he was like "oh you do what? you believe in what?" 
We talked with him on the street for an hour and a half! Then as we were winding up our conversation with him another guy walks up to us and says "Hey are you mormon missionaries?"and Kenneth(the first guy) says  "oh listen to what they have say they are the sweetest girls ever! Then he was like i'll get ahold of you because we had given him a choice between 2 cards and which one he wanted most, and he took both ahha.  Then we talked to the other guy for a few minutes, apparently he got a book of mormon from sisters several years ago and would be interested in meeting again! So that was cool! We realized after we were running back to our bikes, that we didn't get kenneths number which we were way sad about! but we have hope that it'll all work out and he will get ahold of us soon :) he is so prepared!
Anywhoo, life is great.  My one year mark on the mission happened, and that was great as well ahah. My one year of actually being IN Denmark is coming oup on the 10th of August, so that will also be great! Hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July for me and may the Fourth be with you! :)-

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                         Sister Barney, Downs and Batey

                                  The original  Carl Bloch Paintings- we see these in our church
                                                     Kronborg Slot ( Castle)

                                               Kronborg Slot right across the water is Sweden!! It's that close
      Very little furniture is here it was taken by the swedes at one point in history, it IS very close

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Week 52

June 26,2017     KEMIELLAS BIRTHDAY  HAPPY 20th!!!

Hey Everyone!!
This week has been wonderful! P day last week we met up with our district and we went to a park behind the Maglegårds alle church Building and played ultimate Frisbee (which apparently I’m really good at, which I didn't know) and got some ice cream together! My comp and I stayed down there because we had 2 appointments close by.  Our eating appointment cancelled at the last minute, so we changed into our nice Sunday clothes, then our member for our lesson was meeting at the church so we waited for our appointment, but he never showed, At this point we hadn't gotten to eat dinner, so we went over to grab a bite to eat of ice cream and pizza . We all were starving and  it was way late we all hadn't really eaten almost since breakfast. it was great though! I wish we would've been able to meet with the investigators, but we did our best!
 The 24th of June was what we call Sankt Hans Dag which is in the old days they used to burn witches and what not but they still celebrate the day today. They obviously don't burn witches now though ahha. They do have huge bonfires here in Denmark.

Also, when I first got to Denmark, the Assistants to the president were in Frederiksberg Ward, but now this transfer they are actually now in our Ward. So their area is now Ordrup which is way weird since they've been in Frederiksberg Ward a long time! Crazy but its way sweet! They're really busy which is hard, but it will work out as well! We got their backs if they ever need it!

Something I heard today in church. The person drew a ladder on the board. They labeled it the "lord’s ladder" and our way back to God. And then they posed the question "Which step is the most important step to God? The baptism? the celestial marriage? Whatever the steps were labeled, what is the most important step? " and the answer was, the most important step is the NEXT step. That is our most important step. Our NEXT step to God is the one we should focus on to be better. I really liked that and thought that was great because we sometimes aren’t sure what our NEXT step is, but every Little small act of discipleship is a step towards God and can become a burning flame! So as long as we focus on our NEXT step, even if sometimes we don't know what it is, just keep moving forward and have faith :)

Stay amazing!  I hit my year mark in 3 days isn't that crazy? I can't believe I've been out for a year, (11 months actually in Denmark.) Crazy how time flies!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

One more thing:
So at the apartment I'm living in in Lyngby right now, they have not had a mail key because my trainer (she was trained here) lost the key A YEAR AGO!  So I  called around, and I got a new Lock and 2 new keys by just making 2 phone calls, and talking to a wife, of a couple serving here as well' for 5 minutes about it. I was pretty happy haha. The way everyone was getting mail was just by grabbing it with their hands through the Little tiny hole it was horrendous but I was like no more haha. So I got a key :) proud self moment. 

Another thing: 
There was a family in Odense where I last served. Sister Whitlock and I taught them, and their little girl shares a birthday with me. We got an email this past week asking if we wanted to come and celebrate with them! We were so sad because since I’m in Copenhagen I can’t! I even asked our mission president just to be sure that there was no possible way to make it down there. I was so sad! They are the sweetest family ever, and I miss them so much! I told them I loved them all and that I hoped their 9 year old daughter a happy birthday! It was so sad! I even sent a picture to them of me with a Happy Birthday sign :) it was heartbreaking to tell them we couldn’t go! I have some missionaries taking over a birthday present for me this week, hope that all works out! 

                                                Gorgeous Roses by a members apt. door
                        Sankt Hans Aften - huge bons fires like they used to use to burn witches
                                      the  unlit is below Sister Barney is next to it

                                                      koldskål (sour mik and cookies)
                                              Santray and Us_ Ice cream BEFORE dinner
                           Kathryn And Mads Frost- Members she's American he's Danish

Week 51

June 19, 2017


Hey all!
This week was awesome! Last p day we went to Fredericksborg Slot(Castle) in Copenhagen, and we also went back to the Kristus statue because sister downs hadn't seen it yet! it was so cool! We met like 3 mormons just walking around Copenhagen because 2 ladies were on a cruise ship and couldn't find what they were looking for and recognized our nametags, and the other guy was with his young  son and they were there for a business meeting. it was awesome!

We had a great week with investigators too! We had 15 minutes to contact on day, so as we were biking to a place where we could make some contacts, we jumped off our bikes to talk to a lady named Maria and we talked to her about prayer and she said ,we were an answer to her prayer ! We made an appointment and gave each other hugs it was so cool!
We also stopped a lady on the street on our way back to our apartment, and she at first was skeptical, but then she opened up about how she had cancer right now and how she was sad because no one knew and it’s not something you talk to people about.  But there we were on the street talking to her and building her up. it also was so goood :)

Another day we had 10 minutes before the evening ended and  we walked out of our apartment, and contacted an older lady who we talked to for 15 minutes because she was on her way into her house right across the street from our apartment. She was way open about church and said she was interested in maybe coming, and that she was grateful we had talked to her. Coolio

We  had 5 minutes to knock on another day, so we debated about just  biking home or knock and i said "we can give out 1 book of Mormon before we go home" so we knocked on 4 houses, and the last house we talked to a man named Per and he was way open and interested in getting a book of Mormon so we gave him one and said we would come back again! it was so cool! There are always so many little miracles we have in our lives its awesome! I'm grateful for the opportunities I have to be a missionary right now and I hope you are having your own missionary experiences too.
Something I've been thinking about is angels lately. Sounds weird maybe, but I've been thinking lately about when I'm walking down the street there are times when I will hear someone walking behind me so I’ll turn around and there is no one there. Sure, I could be hard of hearing from all the times I've listened to loud music in my life before the mission, BUT I know that its not. There are Angels constantly walking with us along our path of life, whether we reailze it or not. Sometimes its hard to always think that God loves us, or we feel as if we are exempt from the rule that he loves everyone out there EXCEPT us, but that isn't right. He loves us all, and he does send others to walk with us, strengthen us, and always keep us in his watchful eye. I'm sure they are there walking with us, cheering us on and running with us saying come on you are so close! its right there! We just need to trust in God, and make the decisions in our lives to be in tune with his Spirit, and know that he is always walking along beside us. Think about the angels around you this week! :)
Stay amazing!!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

Add to the general letter:

Something I’ve been thinking about is angels lately. Sounds weird maybe, but I’ve been thinking lately about how when I’m walking down the street there are times when I will hear someone walking behind me so I’ll turn around and there is no one there. Sure, i could be hard of hearing from all the times I’ve listened to loud music in my life before the mission, but i know that it’s not. There are Angels constantly walking with us along our path of life, whether we realize it or not. Sometimes it’s hard to always think that God loves us, or we feel as if we are exempt from the rule that he loves everyone out there EXCEPT us, but that isn’t right. He loves us all, and he does send others to walk with us, strengthen us, and always keep us in his watchful eye. I’m sure they are there walking with us, cheering us on and running with us saying come on you are so close! Its right there! We just need to trust in God, and make the decisions in our lives to be in tune with his Spirit, and know that he is always walking along beside us. Think about the angels around you this week! :)

Sister Kemiella Quinton

Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                         VOr Frue Kirke(where the Kristus is

                                                Under Kristus Church

                                                           Frederiksborg slot

          Jennifer And Malene Christensen Our usual Tues night dinner appointment

Week 50


Hey all! This week was awesome! 
We had our zone conference day. This is the special one so we got to play sports, which was soccer and then we and had a talent show! Soccer was great, I love it so much! At one point I was playing goalie,
 non of the other sisters would take a turn .I saved the ball so many times it was great! I was on fire! haah. One of the elders kicked it way hard, I caught it but it jumped out of my hands, then another elder tried to score again because he was 5 feet away from me so we fought for the ball for a minute and we were like 2 feet from the goal line, and the ball got pushed away from us for a second si I dove for it and saved it right before it went in! Epic moment since I'm not usually a goalie. Everyone on the field was screaming so loud because it was such a good save apparently. Then 10 seconds after, I drop kicked it down the field, but an elder kicked it way hard and it went soaring back to me but it was on the opposite side of the goal , I went running for it and I missed it before it went in by like 5 inches probably. It was so cool ahah everyone was going crazy! Then we switched back in to the game and I was back to being aggressive haha. I'm not very good at soccer, I’m mediocre but I sure LOVE it. ahah. it was so fun!

We had our talent show, and my companion sang a song I wrote, I played the piano. Its called "The Master Carpenter", Everyone seemed to love it! They suggested I send it into Deseret Book . I could get paid for it ! ahah. I don't know about that, but I'm glad everyone liked it! It is on my mission presidents’ wife's facebook page if anyone wants to go look it up! Her name is Janna Obryant!.

I also had the opportunity to go on exchanges,  back in my "baby area" in central København in Rødovre! I love that place so much! We had dinner with a lady from the ward named Karin, and it was great to talk with her again and contact now that I speak Danish much better ahah. it was so fun lol.

I also fixed 4 flat tires, which were my comps, in  48 hours or so ahah. Its been a while since I've had to fix a flat ahha. I had it done in like 15 minutes though with taking it all apart and putting it back together though, I guess I improved in that as well.  haha. It’s been a great week!

I love Denmark so much! life is going forward, and I'm way happy with all the work we are doing here! I hope you all will go out and have a missionary experience this week! Pray for one, and then pray that you'll be ready to act on it when it comes :)

Have a wonderful week!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                               Zone conference and game time

                                               Zone conference dinner

                                            Sister Downs and I making Crepes

                                                          My MTC group at last transfer meeting