Saturday, March 25, 2017

Week 38


Hello everyone! This week has been a great week! I've been doing great here in Denmark,  a lot of great expereinces this week! One of being we got our "investigator" on a baptismal date which is awesome! It's super exciting! And we actually have 2 baptisms this wek in our ward, so that's also way sweet! We're working hard over here in Odense!

We had dinner with a family on Monday and while we were at dinner, my companion and my  phone started ringing... they told me to go answer it because it could be an investigator. So I answered it, and it was a lady who lived next door to our church building and some how someone had forgotten to take the big Denmark flag down, and in Denmark you aren't allowed to leave the Danish flag up after dark, it goes down with the sun.  It's  considered disrespectful if you leave it up. I thanked her told the members  what happened, they freaked out, and we had to paused dinner so that we could find someone  to go into the city to take it down.  We were a 45 minute bike ride away.. We found someone to take it down, but it was a way crazy situation! It's a Big deal here. Whew!

We also had another eating appointment this week where, our member, Charlotte told us all these crazy stories that happneed on her mission it was way wellll crazy! Basicallly, Charlotte is a saint she is so wondeful and is  amazing!  anywhoo, I hope you all had a wonderful week and that you think about sharing the light of Christ with someone this week!
Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                    The new District Group

                                                   Bike Dancing... you don't see that every day

2-17 Sister Whitlock, Thorbjørn, Emil and Helen Held

Monday, March 13, 2017

Week 37


This week has been wonderful! Sister Hansen and I have been doign great things here in Odense! We had a lesson with our investigator Thorbjørn and we talked about living day prophets and praying and scriptures and all that it was way exciting and he is just doing way well!  We also taught a guy named Miki who we couldn't get in contact with for a little bit, and our lesson actually went very well! We talked about baptism and how he really can have Gods help in his life and all that and he was touched by it , so that went so well too! our week was wonderful!

In general, our week was busy with lots of things to plan and all, but it went good! We didnt have much else besides all the fun missionary experiences we normally have! Except I have realized just HOW bad at soccer I am ahah. I mean I used to be pretty good at one point in life, but I  have just gotten worse and worse haha. Its funny though because when we all play soccer, I've been told I  make the craziest goals, so basically its because I'm so bad. Ahah
  When it comes down to it, I can make the fun crazy goals ahha. they are mostly just pure luck though , honestly.

anywhoo, I hope you all have had a wonderful week and can continue to find the light of the Savior as you go thoughtout  your week.
 Lets jump forward into spring!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                               Sunrise at 6:05 am
                                                  Sister Hansen and I
Bike broke down need food before a 2 hour walk back ...pastries


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Week 36

Hey all!
This week has been wonderful! I just got a new companion her name is Sister Hansen! She's from paradise Utah and she has 2 trasnfers left on the mission! My last companion and I were together for 4 1/2 months, so a fourth of my mission! haha fun! All is going well here in Odense! We had a way fun week! First off, the elders in my district decided to try teaching like they used to do at the beginning of the church, so they went "soap box" preaching. They stood on a fountain in the area where there is tons of people and they preached repentance to people and taught them about the Book of Mormon! It was sweet sounding aha. I personally don't have the guts to do it, but it was way fun!

This week we taught a woman named Rikke and she belives in something called the third testament, a guy who was named Martinus wrote it. But one thing she believes in is reincarnation. And we were talking about eternal families about how we can be together with those we love for eternity, and I paused, and I felt like I should ask her a question so I  asked her "if it possible with her beliefs to have both , with reincarnation and eternal families how would it work? She answered, and basically she beliefs its only ever about us growing and what not and even though it's her children here and her husband here, that in the next life she won't need them and its just for when shes here so they can help each other grow... I felt So much sadness for this woman who believed that our families now are here only to help us grow because we need to learn something that they mean nothing in the future.  We know that family is so important and they mean everything! I was heartbroken with how sad it made me just to think that she didn't know the things we know and how she thought family would never matter more than just a lifetime. It hit me very hard just how lucky we are to have our families and have the knowledge that we can be together and enjoy our families for eternity because we love them.

 I hope you all have a  wonderful week and remember how blessed you all are to have the connections with family and how they mean so much to us in our lives.

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                            Working out/ running

                                                          Saying Goodbye to Sister Whitlock

                                                           Hello Sister HANSEN!!

Friday, March 3, 2017

more pictures

                                            Elder Howe going home in a week

                                              yummy Danish Chocolate
                                                     a popular christmas herbal tea danish people love
little christmas animals and a mission handkerchief 

Week 35

Feb 27, 2017

Hey all! This week has been good! Had a lot of fun times! As a missionary, sometimes we make mistakes that we regret... one of those, would be when my companion and I ate half a pan of brownies in under 5 minutes once they came out of the oven... BAD decision haha. As a missioanry we are hungry when were going all day and apparently that was one of the starving moments we had.

This week in general, had some good miracles !

We had a rainy week but, it was still wonderful. I'm finding it easier to see the miracles in everyday life.
I took my language test here and I got to go to my old area in Copenhagen.. I didn't realize just how much I missed it until I was back! Its strange how a place can hold much of your heart when you've only been there for 8 months. Copenhagen is that way for me. 

One of the challenging things about the mission is how sad it makes me when someone rejects the restored gospel. Because I have seen it help so much in my life,  When someone looks me in the eye and says, i'm fine wihtout it I have a good life.... Yes, a good life is wonderful but wouldn't a person want ot have more? More happiness, peace and love in your life? It is such a blessing to have the restored gospel and when we think of all the blessings God gives each one of us, for each small (or great) acts. If we reach for, it can strengthen our realtionship with him and our desires are to really be more like Christ and help others on their way. I hope we all can take a moment to remember the small steps and acts of discipleship we have made to come closer to Christ, and what they meant to us at that time, and what they SHOULD mean to us in THIS time of our lives as well. Continue in being wonderful in all you do! :) Share what you know!!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                     a missionaries testimony we found in a Book of Mormon

                                              Zenya joined us for a 3 day mini-mission

Week 34

Feb 20, 2017

Hey all this week has been wonderful! So many miracles as always are here in Denmark! Weve had a lot of good expereinces with giving people books of mormons,  and hoping to help them build their faith. 
Its been great to be focusing more and more on the Book of Mormon and help others realize it's  eternal truths and principles.
 This week, our district alone gave out 43 books of mormons! 2 of the elders here handed out 15 of them in one day and they were just astounded about how much the Lord had prepared all the people they gave books to. They were just so blessed and they said that they were so grateful they were at the right time and right place to help the people along their journeys of discipleship. 
One of the Books of Mormon my companion and I gave out this week was to a woman named Rikke . She knows several mormons and we talked about who she knew and what she believed and we ended up giving her a book of mormon and she was like "oh my goodness i'll read this so we can talk about it next time!" It was so sweet! 

We also met a guy from Iceland who was at a 7 day adventist bible study, we were visiting , his name is Joel, and he knew who we were because he had been given a book of mormon in iceland and he said it was "way sweet and awesome!" He said he would preach days on Mosiah 1 and Mosiah 13 and how it was so cool! 
Come to find out, I  knew the elders in Iceland who had taught him. One of them was with  me in the mtc ,  the other was someone who was serving here in Denmark but got moved to iceland because they needed help there. Believe it or not Iceland is part of our mission. It was so sweet! 
Anywhoo, its been a wonderful week and miracles are everywhere!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

 Awesome Danish tradition: When you turn 25, if your single, your friends sprinkle cinnomon all over you.... If your still single at 30.... they sprinkle pepper on you!

In memory of Hans Christian Andersen and his time in Denmark, walking signals have his silhouette.

                                             my awesome bun!!
                                                     on the train to stake conference
                                                   the knock off brand does NOT taste like the good stuff
                                        Sister Landeens great hair
         Everyone in Denmark seems to have more than 1 door, this house had 3 front doors, 2 back doors and 1 on the side.....How do we know which one to knock on???

Week 33

Feb 13, 2017

Hey all! 
This week was wonderful! I'm going to keep it short because I don't have much time today and I forgot my little piece of paper that helps me remember what things happened this week. Ahah
One thing that happened though was that we had stake conference! That was interesing for sure! And we also are giving tons of Book of Mormons away right now, so thats cool! I'm  doing awesome here and enjoying it all so much! I know how much love God has for each of you and I hope you continue to be the best you can be in life! I know he wants us to be happy!

WE are all constantly trying to do our best and make the best life for our children and family, but the best life we can have is when we have a storng relationship with God. 

Remember all the amazing blessings you have ! 
I hope you are all staying warm in the snow!!  This past week it snowed here too, its way freezing and its a weird experience when you hydroplain on ice on a bike ahah. but it works out! 
We had a "mini mission" with Zenya! She came with and was a missionary for 3 days and it was so fun! She is so great and she loved getting to help others, more fun with more of us! It was awesome! "
I'll send some pictures. 
Love you all !! 
Have a great week! Don't forget to share the gospel of Christ! 

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

Week 32

Feb 6, 2017

Hey all! This week has been wonderful! I've had a busy week with zone conference and all and finding out our new mission schedules! The new mission schedule is a lot more flexible, and in my specific mission the goal is to be out of the apartment by 10am. But for our winter schedule, we have to be in by 8pm and in the summer we have to be in by 9pm but if we have a lesson I believe it can be 10 or 10 :30. SO thats crazy! We have had an interesting time trying to figure everything out! Its definitely been interesting as missionaries!

 We had a lesson with an investigator we had to transfer over to elders because he wasn't in our area, and it was way sad because he was so positive, but we know the Elders will do great! Our investigators are doing awesome right now, so that's wonderful! We're trying to focus even more on helping them get to church because in Denmark its very hard to get people to church. But were working on it! 
All is well here in Denmark! 
Its a little cold, but its worth it! Its a solid 0 degrees Celsius here but with wind chill its abou -1 or so so its about like 25 ish degrees probably. still not as cold as it could be, but its still way cold lol. 
Ive also resigned myself to the fact that most people think I'm swedish, literally everyone asks me if I'm Swedish. I cant tell if its my attempt at a danish accent, or if its just my american accent, or an american mixed with a danish and russian accent ahah. Either way I get a little frustrated because I really want to sound danish... I'll keep working at it! 
Anywhoo, hope you all have a wonderful week i miss you all! Jeg holder meget af jer! 

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                          matchy matchy shirts
                                              Sister Whitlock and I
Near our apartment