Friday, March 3, 2017

Week 34

Feb 20, 2017

Hey all this week has been wonderful! So many miracles as always are here in Denmark! Weve had a lot of good expereinces with giving people books of mormons,  and hoping to help them build their faith. 
Its been great to be focusing more and more on the Book of Mormon and help others realize it's  eternal truths and principles.
 This week, our district alone gave out 43 books of mormons! 2 of the elders here handed out 15 of them in one day and they were just astounded about how much the Lord had prepared all the people they gave books to. They were just so blessed and they said that they were so grateful they were at the right time and right place to help the people along their journeys of discipleship. 
One of the Books of Mormon my companion and I gave out this week was to a woman named Rikke . She knows several mormons and we talked about who she knew and what she believed and we ended up giving her a book of mormon and she was like "oh my goodness i'll read this so we can talk about it next time!" It was so sweet! 

We also met a guy from Iceland who was at a 7 day adventist bible study, we were visiting , his name is Joel, and he knew who we were because he had been given a book of mormon in iceland and he said it was "way sweet and awesome!" He said he would preach days on Mosiah 1 and Mosiah 13 and how it was so cool! 
Come to find out, I  knew the elders in Iceland who had taught him. One of them was with  me in the mtc ,  the other was someone who was serving here in Denmark but got moved to iceland because they needed help there. Believe it or not Iceland is part of our mission. It was so sweet! 
Anywhoo, its been a wonderful week and miracles are everywhere!

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

 Awesome Danish tradition: When you turn 25, if your single, your friends sprinkle cinnomon all over you.... If your still single at 30.... they sprinkle pepper on you!

In memory of Hans Christian Andersen and his time in Denmark, walking signals have his silhouette.

                                             my awesome bun!!
                                                     on the train to stake conference
                                                   the knock off brand does NOT taste like the good stuff
                                        Sister Landeens great hair
         Everyone in Denmark seems to have more than 1 door, this house had 3 front doors, 2 back doors and 1 on the side.....How do we know which one to knock on???

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