Friday, March 3, 2017

Week 28

Jan 9th 2017

Kære familie og venner( Dear Family and Friends),

 I hope you all have had a wonderful week! Denmark is still beautiful and full of amazing opportunities, despite it being quite cold outside... We had a lot of excitement throughout the week! To start off, we went out somewhere in our area which is aout 50 minutes on a bike to it. We knocked there and had several really good people who we talked with adn they said we could come back on Tuesday and teach them more! We are so excited! As we went to leave, my companion found out she had gotten a flat tire, so we had to walk back to our apartment. We started walking, and then my back bike tire seized up and I couldn't pedal it, so we walked for 2 hours and 15 minutes back to our apartment and all I could do was drag my bike with a frozen tire. It was an adventure! we fixed my companions tire, and then the next morning the Elders Came over to try and fix my bike, but it was unstuck. SO we went to an appointment we had, and as we got back on our bikes, my tire locked up again. SO the elders helped me take the tire off, then they took the tire home because one elder loves working on cars and he knew he could fix it. They called later that night, and we found out I needed to buy some Wheel bearings because they were destroyed in my bike tire. SO I bought those, and the wonderful elders helped me again because I don't know anything about bikes haa. So now my bike runs quite wonderfully! 

We also had so many miracles this week! We met a guy named Kåre, and he does music therapy for people when they need help for children, and we talked about the Plan of Salvation and he loved it so much so we made an appointment with him, and we go teach him this week! it was so amazing! We also met a guy named Nick on a street, and when we first tried talking to him he said yeah you can talk to me but can we do it in english? and he was like I don't speak danish I'm from America! And we were like no way! We were like, we are too! And his eyes lit up and he goes are you mormons? and we said yes we are! Turns out he speaks norwegian because he studied there for a while, and he met missionaries there a few months ago. He said he knew we were mormons because we could speak the language fluently, but we were americans aha. I forgot just how friendly americans were, until I talked to one again.. Oh my goodness he was cool . We invited him to play soccer with us because he said he loved soccer, so hopefully he will come! 

Something funny, is yesterday when we were talking to a guy, he was a little high, and so he was like I loved talking to you both, thank you so much! So he goes to hug us both at the same time, and me and my compnaion are like ahhh noooo!! but he grabs us and does an awkard 3 person hug.. me and my companion both tried getting away but he was way too crafty and gave us a hug... It was way funny though,  afterward,   since we had tried so hard to run away and he still managed to give us a hug. We gave him a pamphlet though before we left haha. I've decided Danish people are very huggy people... Which is funny ahha. 

Last funny thing, is my companion was trying to write down where we had knocked, and she licks her gloves on accident because she couldnt turn a page, and then all she says , " i just licked my handske(glove), that's not how this is supposed to work..." it was way funny hahaha. 

Ive been thinking a lot about Light the past few days. There was a talk by President Uchtdorf, and he talked about how we sometimes are in darkness and its hard to find a way out.. But we can choose whether or not we reside in the darkness, or decide to walk into the light, even though darkness surrounds us. We should constantly be aware of not residing in the dark, but residing in the light, even if we are surrounded by darkness. Light is a wonderful thing we can give to others if we just continue to be ourselves, and become more like God. All is well, when we put our trust in him. 

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission
                                                    soccer saturday

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