Friday, March 3, 2017

Week 32

Feb 6, 2017

Hey all! This week has been wonderful! I've had a busy week with zone conference and all and finding out our new mission schedules! The new mission schedule is a lot more flexible, and in my specific mission the goal is to be out of the apartment by 10am. But for our winter schedule, we have to be in by 8pm and in the summer we have to be in by 9pm but if we have a lesson I believe it can be 10 or 10 :30. SO thats crazy! We have had an interesting time trying to figure everything out! Its definitely been interesting as missionaries!

 We had a lesson with an investigator we had to transfer over to elders because he wasn't in our area, and it was way sad because he was so positive, but we know the Elders will do great! Our investigators are doing awesome right now, so that's wonderful! We're trying to focus even more on helping them get to church because in Denmark its very hard to get people to church. But were working on it! 
All is well here in Denmark! 
Its a little cold, but its worth it! Its a solid 0 degrees Celsius here but with wind chill its abou -1 or so so its about like 25 ish degrees probably. still not as cold as it could be, but its still way cold lol. 
Ive also resigned myself to the fact that most people think I'm swedish, literally everyone asks me if I'm Swedish. I cant tell if its my attempt at a danish accent, or if its just my american accent, or an american mixed with a danish and russian accent ahah. Either way I get a little frustrated because I really want to sound danish... I'll keep working at it! 
Anywhoo, hope you all have a wonderful week i miss you all! Jeg holder meget af jer! 

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                          matchy matchy shirts
                                              Sister Whitlock and I
Near our apartment


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