Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Week 36

Hey all!
This week has been wonderful! I just got a new companion her name is Sister Hansen! She's from paradise Utah and she has 2 trasnfers left on the mission! My last companion and I were together for 4 1/2 months, so a fourth of my mission! haha fun! All is going well here in Odense! We had a way fun week! First off, the elders in my district decided to try teaching like they used to do at the beginning of the church, so they went "soap box" preaching. They stood on a fountain in the area where there is tons of people and they preached repentance to people and taught them about the Book of Mormon! It was sweet sounding aha. I personally don't have the guts to do it, but it was way fun!

This week we taught a woman named Rikke and she belives in something called the third testament, a guy who was named Martinus wrote it. But one thing she believes in is reincarnation. And we were talking about eternal families about how we can be together with those we love for eternity, and I paused, and I felt like I should ask her a question so I  asked her "if it possible with her beliefs to have both , with reincarnation and eternal families how would it work? She answered, and basically she beliefs its only ever about us growing and what not and even though it's her children here and her husband here, that in the next life she won't need them and its just for when shes here so they can help each other grow... I felt So much sadness for this woman who believed that our families now are here only to help us grow because we need to learn something that they mean nothing in the future.  We know that family is so important and they mean everything! I was heartbroken with how sad it made me just to think that she didn't know the things we know and how she thought family would never matter more than just a lifetime. It hit me very hard just how lucky we are to have our families and have the knowledge that we can be together and enjoy our families for eternity because we love them.

 I hope you all have a  wonderful week and remember how blessed you all are to have the connections with family and how they mean so much to us in our lives.

Sister Kemiella Quinton
Denmark Copenhagen Mission

                                                            Working out/ running

                                                          Saying Goodbye to Sister Whitlock

                                                           Hello Sister HANSEN!!

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